Facilities in the Hospital:

There are seven units having 30 beds each (20 Male + 10 Female) a total of 210 beds. There are Seven unit heads cabins, seven teaching rooms spread out in two floors of the free (charitable) Hospital, on an average 90% to 95% of the beds occupied. The teaching rooms have LCD projectors. A side laboratory in the ward performs most of the routine tests including biochemical & haematological tests. Also an ECG machine is provided to facilitate bedside diagnosis.

Facilities in the College:

The Department has about 400 sq feet in the college, for the office & 250 sq feet for Medicine lecture hall with a seating for 110. There is one PC with Internet connection, a laptop & LCD projector. All Postgraduate seminars, Journal Club & many Undergraduate teaching programs are conducted on the laptop, LCD projector & Over Head Projectors (OHP). The Department has a good collection of pathology Specimens, X-rays & Instruments for Under-graduate & Post-graduate teaching purpose. There is a library in the Department with latest editions textbooks & reference books.

Seminars Clinical Out Reach Programmes


The Department of Medicine conducts various teaching programmes for intensive teaching to Post-graduate students.

  1. Journal Club: Journal Club is held once a week with 3-4 articles read from recent journals and discussed by the staff and P.G. students. A time table with names of the students and the moderator is displayed on the notice board one week in advance. All the PG students attend and actively participate in discussion and they enter the proceedings in Log Book with the relevant details.

  2. Case Discussion: Case Discussion is held once a week and discussed by the staff and P.G. students. The case to be discussed is given to a P.G. student 1-2 days prior to scheduled time. All the PG students attend and actively participate in discussion and enter the relevant details in the Log Book. In the clinical discussion, basic methodology of examination of patient and management strategies is discussed in details. This helps the PG students to do well at university examination as well as patient management.

  3. Subject Seminar: Subject seminar is held once a week and the latest advances in various specialities in medicine is discussed by the staff and P.G. students. A timetable for the subject with names of the students and the Guide to help in preparing the subject seminar is announced well in advance. All the PG students attend and actively participate in discussion and enter in the Log Book the relevant details.

  4. Mortality Meeting: The mortality meeting is conducted in the department every month. The P.G. students prepare the details regarding the cause of death after going through the case records in detail, and present during the mortality meeting. Staff’s verifies the death records during discussion during the meeting.