1. GOAL/PURPOSE:


To develop educational practitioners who can lead educational changes in their institution to make medical education responsive to the health needs of the society.




      1. Broad Objectives:
      • To develop educational leaders
      • Build capacity of medical faculty to become effective facilitators of learning
      • Develop ability to take better pedagogic decisions
      • Be able to promote self learning& reflective learning in classroom situations
      • Promote educational networking
      • Developing a community of learners
      • Able to serve as effective resource persons for the basic course at their own institution
      • Empower faculty to implement and sustain educational innovations in their institutions
      • Augmenting use of ICT devices in teaching learning processes


      1. Content
Domains Competencies Topics Learning Objectives
1 Context and Linkage The participants will understand the context and linkages of medical education to health care needs, and apply it for need based medical education Context and linkages of medical education in India ·    demonstrate an understanding of gaps in the health status of Indian population and variations in access to basic health care across the country


·  appreciate the need for aligning medical education towards  provisions of health care needs of the society in a global perspective

2 Curriculum  development The participants will develop, implement and evaluate need & competency based curriculum in their institutions Needs Assessment ·   plan for need assessment with appropriate data collection methods for developing a curriculum



Curriculum Goal/ Purpose ·   formulate goal/purpose of curriculum being developed aligned to the needs assessment
Educational strategies ( Specific learning objectives, content, teaching learning methods and assessment methods)


Curricular alignment

·  formulate competencies aligned to the goal for development of competency based curriculum


·  formulate relevant, specific, measurable educational objectives aligned to the goal of the curriculum


·  select and organize contents aligned to curricular goals and objectives


·  construct educational interventions based on the best possible evidences and resources available to meet the objectives

Curriculum implementation ·   plan for curricular implementation


·  discuss issues and challenges in curricular implementation and evolve solutions

Curriculum / Program evaluation ·   plan curriculum/ programme evaluation


·   evaluate efficacy of educational programme

3 Teaching-Learning The participants will apply appropriate principles of learning and use appropriate models of learning to enhance student learning Models of learning


Applications of principles of learning

·   discuss various models of learning


·   select appropriate T-L methods depending on the group size, domains of learning, resources available


·   demonstrate use of some of the T-L methods e.g. OMP, methods for Interactive learning methods, CBL, Concept maps.


·   plan an e-learning module

4 Assessment The participants will apply principles of assessment to enhance the evidences of validity of classroom assessment and university assessments where applicable Application of principles of assessment ·  plan assessment


tasks keeping alignment with the objectives and the instructional method


·  use valid, reliable and standardized tools to test competencies in cognitive, psychomotor, communication and attitudinal domains


·  develop blue printing


·  set a question paper taking into consideration various factors that can affect validity and reliability

Assessment for learning ·   Use appropriate assessment strategies to promote learning
Workplace based assessment ·  sensitized to the importance and modalities of workplace based assessment

·  use common tools such as Mini CEX and DOPS

Integrated Assessment ·  Sensitized to the concept of integrated assessment
5 Leadership and Organization The participants will develop and demonstrate leadership and management skills to

·   Develop medical education units in their institution which are responsive to the needs of the country

·   bring about need based educational reforms in their institution

Principles of leadership and management


Change management


Conflict management

·   propose strategies to make the medical education units functional


·   discuss, describe and demonstrate the principles of change management


·   discuss, describe and demonstrate the principles of conflict management



6 Research and Scholarship The participants will conduct scientifically rigorous need based educational research Educational Research


Qualitative research

·  demonstrate understanding of challenges and similarities between research in medical science and education


·  use basic principles of qualitative research

Educational scholarship ·   Sensitized to various type of educational scholarship


·   Critique an educational paper


·   send their project for educational scholarship

7 Project Management The participants will develop, implement and evaluate educational projects aligned to the needs of the institution Project planning, implementation and evaluation



·   demonstrate the use of some project planning tools including the Gantt chart


·   start to develop and design an educational innovation project, which is relevant and feasible in their medical college


· receive and provide feedback to peers on the project plan

8 Educational Networking The participants will actively network to develop the field of medical education Mentoring ·   learn from each other’s experiences with implementing and evaluating educational projects


Online discussions ·  Plan and use asynchronous online discussions in their subject
9 Faculty Development The participants will plan and conduct educational workshops including the basic workshops Planning and conducting educational workshops


Faculty evaluation

·  plan and organize a basic course workshop


·  demonstrate facilitation skills in sessions for basic course


·  observe at least 2 workshops and provide standardized feedback on planning and execution




      1. Teaching- Learning Methods
      • Interactive workshop based supported with online discussions and project guidance



      1. Assessment:
      • Self-assessment
      • Assessment on group presentations: a. Peer assessment Faculty assessment
      • Assessment of project work (The project will be scored on project presentation in the initial 6 months and implementation during the second 6 months at an intra-institution level. This will require achieving competencies in Curriculum Development, Assessment and Leadership/Organization and becomes the minimum requirement to Satisfactory qualify for Advanced Workshop Qualification).
      • Assessment of online discussions-based on the content of the discussion and number of contributions (2 academic mails/week)
      • Observership of MCI- Basic Course Workshop.


      • 90% Standard Format
      • 10% as per local needs






      1. Duration of the Course:
      • One year
      • Two onsite sessions of 5 days and 3 days each
      • Overlap of one day on Day 5 between two batches
Session 1: Five days Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Session 2: Three days Overlap Day 5 Day 6 Day 7



      1. Eligibility criteria:
      • Successful completion of the NMC’s Revised Basic course Workshop in MET
      • At least three years of teaching experience
      • Recommendation from the Dean/ Principal
      • Institution specific eligibility of participants: 30% of faculty who have undergone Basic Course Workshop in MET and should spread across specialties and Cadres.


      1. of participants: Maximum 30 candidates /Course.

In case the number of participants are more selection criteria will be considered. Few guidelines for selection criteria:

      • Member of MEU
      • Educational publications
      • Faculty in Basic Course Workshop and other educational workshops
      • Awards in educational related activities


      1. ii. Participant registration fees: Rs 15,000/- participant/course


      1. Criteria for course completion:
      • Hundred percent attendance in onsite session 1 and session 2
      • Active participation in all online discussions
      • Completion of educational project
      • Poster presentation of educational project
      • Observation of basic Course workshop and submission of report
      • Satisfactory performance in the assessment criteria

Course completion certificate (ACME)  will be issued by NMC and the Nodal centre at the end of one year

      1. Plan for Evaluation of ACME

Immediate: To evaluate participant satisfaction and learning

Daily session feedback

Retro pre evaluation

Assessment criteria


Expected outcome: Medical faculty will apply educational principles in bringing about educational reforms

Plan for evaluation has to be made and implemented by an evaluation core team for   intermediate and long term outcomes to evaluate whether transfer of learning has occurred, if it brings beneficial effects to the society and addresses the needs of the country.