Ms.Shilpa Dodamani, B.A, M.P.S.W

Psychiatric Social Worker


Date of Birth:

Age: 2024Year

Contact Info

Landline Number: 0831- 2471350

Ext: 4040

Mobile Number: N/A

E-Mail :

Contact Address : D/O Basappa N Dodamani H/N 101# Hooli, Tq savadatti Dis Belagavi pin 591126

Educational Qualification :


Basic Year Completed Name of the College Name of the University
B.A 2018 G F G College savadatti Rani chanamma university belagavi
Master Degree (Specialisation) Year Completed Name of the College Name of the University
M S W 2022 Rani Chanamma University belagavi Rani chanamma university belagavi

Additional Qualification :

Specialization in Year Completed Name of the College Name of the University
M P S W 2022 Rani chanamma University Belagavi Rani chanamma University Belagavi

Registration Number :

UG Date Name of the State Medical Council
A1516041 1/9/2018 N/A
PG Date Name of the State Medical Council
MS201041 1/11/2022 N/A

Appointments :

Designation Name of the Institution From To Total Experience
1. Junior Resident J.N.Medical College, Belgaum 03.05.2019 Till date 2 years, 8 months

Teaching Experience :

Experience in UG N/A
Experience in PG N/A

Area of Interest :


Date of Joining the Dept :


Number of Publications as a FIRST AUTHOR :

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