Sl. No. | Title of Paper | Authors | Name of the Journal with Vol. No., Ed., Issue, Page Nos. & Year of Publication. | Indexing Agency | Impact Factor |
1. | Clinical Profile of Patients Presenting with Lower Gastrointestinal Bleed in a Tertiary Care Hospital from South India | Dr. Santosh Hajare,
Dr. Varadaraj P Gokak, Dr. Amar Patil, Dr. Ravikant Kantamaneni |
International Journal of Science & Research (IJSR),Volume No. 8, Ed Issue 10, October 2019, Page No 1799 to 1801, in year 2019 | Index Copernicus Indian Citation Index(ICI) | Research Gate Impact Factor- 2018: 0.28
Scientific Journal Imfact Factor -2018: 7.426 |
2. | Clinical Profile of Patients Presenting with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed in a Tertiary Care Hospital from South India | Dr. Santosh Hajare,
Dr. Varadaraj P Gokak, Dr. Amar Patil, Dr. Sharath Tukade, Dr. Santosh Bellari. |
International Journal of Science & Research (IJSR),Volume No. 8, Ed Issue 11, November 2019, Page No 802 to 805, in year 2019 | Index Copernicus Indian Citation Index(ICI) | Research Gate Impact Factor- 2018: 0.28
Scientific Journal Imfact Factor -2018: 7.426 |
3. | A demographic profile of inflammatory bowel disease in uttar karnataka | Dr. Santosh Hajare,
Dr. Amar Patil,
MEDWIN Publishers | Gastroenterology & Hepatology International Journals JSSN:2574-8009 | |
4. | An investigator initiated prospective, single arm observational study to Evaluated the safety and efficacy or Saroglitazar 4 mg in patients with Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis(NASH) | Dr. Santosh Hajare
Dr. Varadaraj P Gokak, Dr. Sandesha Ghorpade Dr. Amar Patil Dr. Arvind Jadhav |
JSSN( Online) 2393-915X, JSSN(print)2454-7379, INDEXED Medicus and INDEX Copernicus | Index Medicus (IMSEAR)Index Copernicus | JSSN( Online) 2393-915X, JSSN(print)2454-7379, INDEXED Medicus and INDEX Copernicus(ICV 2018:98.46) DOI:10.21276/ijcmr |
Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC
Title of paper | Name/s of the author/s | Department | Name of the journal | Year |
Duodenal dieulafoy’s lesion: A Case Report | Dr. Griger C. Williams, Dr. Santosh S. Hajare | Gastroenterology | Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXIX 44 – 46 | 2015 |
Pancreas divisum causing Acute recurrent pancreatitis:, A Case Report | Dr. Griger C., Williams, Dr. Santosh S., Hajare | Gastroenterology | Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXIX 47 – 50 | 2015 |
Hereditary Spherocytosis A rare case report | Dr. Santosh Hajare 2nd | Gastroenterology | KLESH Life line Vol 32 (1), P. No 42-44,Jan 2017 | 2017 |
Enteral Rectal stenting in a case of Ca rectum A case report | Dr. Santosh Hajare 2nd | Gastroenterology | KLESH Life line Vol 32 (1), P. No 39-41, Jan 2017 | 2017 |
Hyperparathyroidism Causing Pancreatitis A rare case report | Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar | Gastroenterology | KLESH Life Line Vol 33 (2), Aug 2017, P. No 34-35 | 2017 |
Portal vein thrombosis in a patient of primary polycythemia vera Case report | Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Rohan Bhise | Gastroenterology | KLESH Life Line Vol 33 (2), Aug 2017, P. No 53-55 | 2017 |
Capsule Endoscopy: 50 cases in KLES Hospital , an Audit | Dr. Aditi Rao, Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Santosh Ballari | Gastroenterology | KLESH Lifeline Vol 35 (2), Aug 2018, P.No 38-40 | 2018 |
Mesenteric thrombosis – A presentation of Polycythemia | Dr. Santosh Hajare | Gastroenterology | KLESH Lifeline P.No 43 to 45, Vol 37, Aug 2019 | 2019 |
Inflammatory Bowel disease-An Audit | Dr. Santosh Hajare | Gastroenterology | KLESH Lifeline P.No 46 to 47, Vol 37, Aug 2019 | 2019 |
Primary Sclerosing cholangitis: A case that diagnostic challenge | Dr. Santosh Hajare | Gastroenterology | KLESH Lifeline P.No 48 to 49, Vol 37, Aug 2019 | 2019 |
A large psudocyst of pancreas extending into the thoracic cavity compressing the Heart | Santosh Hajare, Satish Kumar, Akash C. | Gastroenterology | KLESH Life Line Journal , Issue XXXVIII, Page No.34-35 Jan 2020 | 2020 |
Eruption of a volcano-SLE with acute Pancreatitis | Santosh Hajare,Pravin Jain, Akash jain | Gastroenterology | KLESH Life Line Journal , Issue XXXVIII, Page No.42-45 Jan 2020 | 2020 |