Research Projects

Completed :

Sl No Research Scholor  Guide Co_Guide Title of the Thesis Duration( From – To )
1 Mrs.Preeti Gupta Dr.P.B.Desai Evaluation of enzymatic and non enzymatic markers in atheroscerotic coronary heart disease. August -2008 March 2013
2 Dr.Smita S.Sonoli Dr.Kothiwale Adiponection , inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in obese healthy adolescents and young adults of Belgaum urban population A- Crosss sectional study. Aug – 2009 to June – 2017
3 Dr. Jayaraj G.Gudi Dr.Anil Malleshappa Estimation of Ischemia modified albumin in acute stroke with & without Diabetes mellitus. A one Year cross sectional study.
4 Mr. Aman Jain Dr.Smita S.Sonoli Estimation of sodium intake in spot urine samples of normal, overweight & obese individuals of a urban population in south India- A cross sectional study. 2015
5 Mr. Shobit Piplani Dr.M.S.Somannavar Salivary telomere length in obese & non obese young adults of south Indian Urban city – A cross sectional study. 2015
6 Mr. Suyash Wadhwa’s Dr.M.S.Somannavar “Glycosylated hemoglobin levels in diabetic patients with and without anemia in a tertiary care teaching hospital – a cross sectional study”* (2016-2017)
7 Sambuddha Dinda Dr. Anuradha B Patil Development of a low cost antimicrobial starch-based polymer film embedded with silver nanoparticles via green synthesis from tea extract -2019