Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
75 Dr. Manoj Tolage International Evaluarion of acure pancreatitis and its correlation with the clinical outcome using MCTSI Journal of Namibian Studies 2023
74 Dr. Manoj Togale International Acomparision of cosmitic out come of periumblica; versus intraumbilcal incision in laparoscopic aapendectomy and cholecystectomy a one year randomized controlled trial Medical Research Archives ESMED 2023
73 Dr. Manoj Togale International A Study on Prevalence and Histological Aspect of Human Adult Cadaveric Accessory Spleen European Chemical Bulletin 2023
72 Dr. Prashant Hombal Dr. Anupama Gudadappanavar , Shival Ingappa Javali International Efficacy and safety of Bupivacaine infiltration at the wound siter for post operative pain relief in cases of elective abdominal surgery  randomised controlled trial Pain Medicine Journal 1 to 10 2023
71 Dr. Anupama M. Gudadappanavar Dr.Prashant Hombal             Dr.Jyoti M.Benni Sachin Patel and Basavaraj R Tubarki International Evaliation of Vritural Reclity High Fidelity Adult Mannequin Base Simulation of Real Life Clinical Scenarios in Teaching Clinical Pharmacology to Medical Student Journal of Phamacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2023 1 to 10 2023
70 Dr. Ramesh Ko Dr. Amol Agarwal Internation Use of Trocars and Dipped 10% Povidone Loding Solution vs Conventional Techinique to Pravent Port Infection In Laparoscopic Surgeries A Hospital based Randomized Controlled Trial Study World Jpurnal of Laparoscopic Surgery Volume X issue X 1 to 5 2023
69 Dr. Manoj D Togale Dr. M.Sravya Keerthi,     Dr. S.Shimikore International A comparison of cosmetic of periumbilical versus intraumbilical incision in laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy-a one year randomised controlled trail Medical Research Archives. Issn:2375-1924,PG. No.1-19 1 to 19 30th June 2023
68 Dr. Manoj D Togale Dr. B.G. Hubballi Dr. Kaushika Hubbali International Are we negiecting port site complication in laparoscopic surgeies a single centre study Medical Science, PISSN 2321-7359.EISSN-2321 7367 1to10 11 th Feb 2023
67 Dr. Anil Kumar Harugop Dr. Abhijit S. Gogate International 3D Anatomage TM as a supplement in learning tracheostomy amongh otorhinolargyngology and Head-Neck residents RFP Journal of ENT and Allied sciences Vol-7 No.1 9 to 12 Jan to June 2022
66 Dr. Priyanka Hegde Dr. Seema V. Kamaraddi, Dr. Basavaraj M. Kajagar International Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Jba1c) Level and Wound Healing in Diabetic Foot Ulcers- An Observational Study- Original Research Article Internal Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022, E-ISSN-0975-1556, P-ISSN: 2820-2643 14 (6) 241-249 1/6/2022
65 Ramesh S. Koujalagi,  Vinod Karagi, Abhijit S. Gogate, Athira C.* International Prevalence of undiagnosed hypothyroidism in patients with
gall bladder stones in Belagavi- Original Research Article
International Surgery Journal
Vol 9 |  Issue 1, Pg. No 124-128 22-Jan
64 Dr. Manoj D. Togale  Dr. Pulkit Gupta International Study to determine wells criteria as a reliable clinical tool in diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis: a one year cross- sectional single centric hospital based study- Original Research Article International Surgery Journal (Index Copernicus) Vol.8, Issue-12, – Page 3634 to 3638 21-Dec
63 Tirumal Rao Patwari* International A comparative study of Desarda’s mesh free inguinal hernia repair with modified Bassini’s repair Journal of Clinical and Investigative Surgery – (Index Copernicus) 6(2): doi: 10.25083/2559.5555/6.2.4

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104-115 15-Nov-21
62  Dr. R. S. Koujalagi Dr. Dron Sharma, International Original Research Article: A comparative study to assess efficacy of Tzanakis score and Alvarado score for effective diagnosis of patients with acute appendicitis as a tertiary care centre in North Karnataka: a one-year prospective analytical study International Surgery Journal Vol -7,  Issue 6, 1742-1745 June 2020
I.F. 6.071
61 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar, Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. Barkha Kukerja International Minimal access surgery in carcinoma oesophagus- a case report (EJMR) Eras Journal of Medical research, (Index Copernicus) Vol-8, Issue-I, P-ISSN: 2348-9839, E-ISSN: 2394-5222 1 to 3 Jan to June 2021
60 Dr.  Ramesh S. Koujalagi Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Abhijit S. Gogate,  Dr. Nikhil M.* International A comparative study of mesh fixation with polypropylene sutures (prolene) versus polyglactin sutures (vicryl) sutures in assessing inguinodynia in open inguinal hernia repair International Surgery Journal , Int Surg J. Vol 8 | Issue 3, pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902 904-909 2021 Mar
59 Dr. Aarushi Mishra, Dr. Anilkumar P, Bellad, Dr. M. I. Uppin International Assessment of severity of diabetic foot ulcers using diabetic ulcer severity score International journal Global journal for research analysis Vol. 9, Issue-10, Print ISSN No 2277-8160 Journal DOI: 10.36106/ghra 19-21 October 2020, Impact Factor 5.956 UGC Sr,. No 49177
58 Dr. Abhijit Medikeri1, Dr. Praveeen Kamatagi* International Comparison between the composite heavy weight prolene mesh versus the prolene soft mesh for the reduction in post-operative pain in patients undergoing lichensteins mesh repair for inguinal hernias International Surgery Journal pISSN2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902  Vol 7  Issue 9 2999-3003 Sep-20
57 Dr. Ramesh S. Koujalagi, Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. Soham Shah, Dr. Dron Sharma* International One year randomized controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of honey dressing versus povidone iodine dressing for diabetic foot ulcer at Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Belagavi International Surgery Journal Vol -7,  Issue 2, 506-513 Feb-20
56 Dr. Praveen Kamatagi Dr. Abhijit Medikeri International  Management of salivary gland tumours at a tertiary care hospital International Journal of Surgery Science E-ISSN: 2616-3470, P-ISSN: 2616-3462 4(1) 94-97 Accepted: 28-12-2019 &2020
55 Dr. Manoj Togale  Dr. Manisha More, Dr, S. S. Shimikore, Dr. Amit Ammanagi International A study of incidental gynecological anomalies found during laparoscopic surgery MedPulse International Journal of Surgery, Print ISSN: 2550-7591, Original/ Research Article, Online + Print Version, Volume 3, Issue 3 91-94 September 2017,IF:3.15
54 Dr. Anil Bellad Dr. Amar A. Murgod International Role of diagnostic laparoscopy in chronic abdominal pain with uncertain diagnosis – A 1-year cross-sectional study’’ World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery- SCOPUS Volume-12, Issue-1 January-April 2019
53 Dr. Manoj Togale Dr. Manisha More, Dr. Tanmay Patravale, Dr. S. S. Shimikore International Surgical outcomes of fascio-cutaneous rhomboid transposition flap surgery for pilonidal sinus- a case series, published in MedPluse International Journal of Surgery MedPulse International Journal of Surgery, Print ISSN: 2550-7591, Volume 6, Issue 1 25-28 April 2018,       IF: 3.15
52 Dr. Veeranki Naresh Dr. Manoj Togale International Validation of a scoring system to predict difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a one year cross sectional study, Journal of the West African college of surgeons  vol. 8, No.1, PubMed 23-29 Jan-Mar 2018
51 Dr. Manoj Togale Dr. Manisha More, Dr, S. S. Shimikore, Dr. Amit Ammanagi International A study of incidental gynecological anomalies found during laparoscopic surgery MedPulse International Journal of Surgery, Print ISSN: 2550-7591, Original/ Research Article, Online + Print Version, Volume 3, Issue 3 91-94 September 2017,      IF:3.15
50 Dr. M. I. Uppin5 International Systemic Enzyme Therapy With Trypsin-Bromelain-Rutoside Combination To Counter Post-Operative Wound Inflammation – A Randomised Active-Controlled Multicentre Trial European journal of pharmaceutical And medical research 6(8), SJIF Impact Factor 4.897 493-500 2019
49 Sushmitha Kothapalli Rahul Kenawadekar*, Abhijeet Gogate, Shrishail Metgud, Vishwanath Pattanshetti International Efficacy Of Powder-Free Surgical Glove Bag Versus No Glove Bag For Retrieval Of The Gallbladder During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A One Year Randomized Controlled Study ERA’S JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH VOL.6 NO.1 1-7 Accepted on : 14-05-2019
48 Dr. Amit Shivshankar Ammanagi1 International A comparative study of sclerotherapy and rubber band ligation versus open hemorrhoidectomy in second degree hemorrhoids International Surgery Journal Vol 6 | Issue 5 , pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902 May-19
47 Dr. Amit Shivshankar Ammanagi2* International Clinicopathological evaluation of acute appendicitis and the role of ultrasound in diagnosis: a prospective study International Surgery Journal , Vol 6 | Issue 5 ,  pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902 1471-1476 May-19
46 Dr. Anilkumar Bellad, Dr. Kartik Sahu International An observational study on effect of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum on liver function test in laparoscopic cholecystectomy International Surgery Journal ,  Int Surg J. 2019 Aug;6(8):xxx-xxx , Vol 6 | Issue 8 pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902 Aug-19
45 Dr. Mrutyunjay I. Uppin, Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar International Study on patient satisfaction among patients with trauma admitted to trauma centre and emergency medical services ward International Surgery  Journal, (Index Copernicus  ) Vol.6, Issue 4 1219-1225 Apr-19
44 Dr. Santosh Kurbet, Dr.  Ramesh S. Koujlagi, Dr. V. Geethika International A 1- year randomized controlled trial to compare the outcome of primary repair of hypospadias with vascular cover using tunica vaginalis flap with tose using preputial dartos fascia- original article  African Journal of Paediatric Surgery Vol 15. Issue-1, Index on PubMed/ Medline Page no 42-47 Jan-March 2019
43 Dr. A. P. Bellad Dr. Katkar Akash Pratap International Original Research Article, Effectiveness of tissue adhesive versus conventional sutures in the closure of inguinal hernia skin incisions: a prospective randomized controlled trial International Surgery Journal. Int Surg J. 2018 May;5(5):1797-1801 Vol 5| Issue 5 Page 1797- 1801 May 2018, Impact Factor 2.221
41 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Dr Vishwanath M Pattanshetti, Dr. Manoj Togale National Original article : Outcome of Pancreaticoduodenectomy at Low-Volume Centre in Tier-II City of India Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, First published: 06 April 2018
41 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Dr Vishwanath M Pattanshetti, Dr. Manoj Togale National Original article : Outcome of Pancreaticoduodenectomy at Low-Volume Centre in Tier-II City of India Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, First published: 06 April 2018
40 Dr. Aditya N. Patil Dr. V. M. Uppin International Intra-incisional versus intravenous route of antibiotic administration in preventing surgical site infections: a randomized controlled trial  International Surgery Journal Patil AN et al. Int Surg J. 2018 Apr;5(4):1438-1442 (Index Copernicus)  pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902  Vol 5  Issue 4, Pg-1438-1442 Apr-18
39 Dr. Mrutyunjay I. Uppin Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar International Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with peptic ulcer disease International Surgery  Journal  (Index Copernicus) Vol.5, Issue 4 1315-1318 Apr-18
38 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Rampurwala Jakiyuddin International A randomized control trial to determine the need for postoperative antibiotics after laparoscopic appendicectomy in nonperforated appendicitis International surgery journal Vol-5, Issue-2 548-549 Feb-18
37 Dr. Vishwanath M. Pattanshetti,  Dr. Kanyadhara Lohita Krishna International Conventional laparoscopic appendectomy versus double- incision, three-port laparoscopic appendectomy: A 1 year randomized controlled trial Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery Vol-11, No-4, ISSN 1758-5902 366-372 Jan-18
36 Dr. Prashant Hombal Dr. Anupama G International Association between serum linezolid concentration and haematological toxic effects: a longitudinal study International Surgery  Journal Vol.4, Issue 11 3746-3752 Sep-17
35 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Kunal Joshi International Efficacy of vacuum – Assisted closure therapy versus conventional povidone iodine dressing in the management of diabetic foot ulcers: a randomized control trial IJHSR- International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, Vol.7, Issue:5 47-51 May-17
34 Dr. Gogate A. S. Dr. Abhijit S. Medikeri International Comparison of Heavy- and Light-Weight Composite Mesh in Pain Reduction Among Patients with Inguinal Hernia: A 1-Year Randomized Control Trial International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 6(5) 135-138 2017
33 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Laparoscopic management of pancreatic pseudocysts a novel technique using titanium clips: our experience ERA’S Journal of Medical Research VOL.4 NO.1 Jan – Jun 2017
32 Dr. Ramesh S. Koujalagi1, S. S. K. Kanth Kavipurapu2 International One year randomised controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of triclosan-coated pds plus versus uncoated pds sutures in prevention of surgical site infections after monolayer closure in open abdominal surgeries J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci., EISSN-2278-4802, Research Article, Print Version,   Index Copernicus, DOAJ Vol. 6     Issue 44, Pg. No. 3432-3438 June 1st 2017
31 Dr. Godhi  A. S. Dr. Ram Prasanna, Dr. Rajesh Powar International Efficacy of topical sucralfate versus silver sulfadiazine in the management of burns: a 1 year randomized controlled trail.              Efficcacite de sucralfate topique contre sulfadiazine D’ argent dans la gestion des brulures: un essai randomise et controle pendant un ans Journal of the west african college of surgeons Vol. 7, No.1 57-70 Jan to March 2017
30 Dr. Amit Ammanagi2 International  A Case of Increasing Pneumoperitoneum due to Intra-Abdominal Drain International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery., Vol-5(3): SI01-SI02 2016 Jul
29 Dr. Prashant Hombal Dr. Anupama G,            Dr. Avinash Kavi International Randomized clinical trial comparing the effect of paracetamol with diclofenac in combination with on request rescue analgesic tramadol: analgesic efficacy, safety and tolerability after abdominal surgery International surgery journal vol 3(2) 557-561 Jun-16
28 Dr. Vishwanath M Pattanshetti *2, International A study of incidental findings of median arcuate Ligament syndrome detected on emergency computed Tomography of abdomen International Journal of Anatomy and Research,Int J Anat Res, Vol 4(2): ISSN 2321-4287 DOI: 2222-26. 30th Apr 2016
27 Dr. Ramesh S. Koujalagi1, Dr. Koli Pushpa2,             Dr. Togale Manoj3 International A randomized single blind controlled trial to assess postoperative analgesia after intraperitoneal instillation of lornoxicam in laparoscopic appendectomy J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748 Vol. 4/      Issue 59 Page 10301-10308 23-Jul-15
26 Dr. Anupama M. G. Dr. Prashant Hombal International Association between HMG GoA reductase inhibitors and anxiety an experimental study using elevated plus maze and light dark arena behavioural models International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vol. 3,   Issue-6 1 to 7 Jun-15
25 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Robotic Transthoracic Esophagectomy BMC Surgery 15:47 23rd April 2015
24 Dr. Sunil D. Shenvi International Inguinoscrotal region as an unusual site of extra-pancreatic collections in infected pancreatic necrosis Gastroenterology Report Advance Access (Oxford) doi: 10.1093/gastro/gou090 1 to 5 2nd Feb 2015
23 Dr. R. S. Koujalagi Dr. S. M. Uppin,           Dr. Manoj D. Togale International Primary Tuberculous Appendicitis: A rare case report International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Vol. 4,      Issue-1 139-141 Jan-15
22 Dr. Sunil D. Shenvi International Streptokinase may play role in expanding non-operative management of infected walled off pancreatic necrosis: Preliminary results Pancreatology: Contents lists available at ScienceDirect (Available online 8th Aug 2014) 14 415-418 2014
21 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Robotic Transthoracic Esophagectomy Video Journal of Endoscopic Surgery and Interventional Techniques Accepted for Publication
20 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Laparoscopic Supracolic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: a Novel Technique for Complete Uncinate Process Resection Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology Acceptted for Publication
19 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Understanding the Pelvic Anatomy The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology Invasive Gynecology (2013), doi:10.1016/J.jmig,2013.09.013 Accepted 24th Sept 2013
18 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Laparoscopic Transvesical Approach for Vessicovaginal fistula repair The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology Accepted Feb 13, 2013
17 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Robotic Total Pelvic Exenteration Journal of Robotic Surgery DOI 10.1007/s11701-013-0404-5 ISSN 1863-2483, Vol.7, No-2 ,1-6 5th May 2013
16 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Nerve-Sparing Robotic Radical Hysterectomy: our technique Journal of Robotic Surgery. DOI 10.1007/s11701-013-0422-3 ISSN 1863-2483. Vol.7, No-2 ,1-7 Jun-13
15 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International More with LESS: A Novel Report of Nerve Sparing Radical Hysterectomy Performed Using LESS The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology- JMIG Vol.20 No-6 886-890 Nov/Dec 2013
14 Dr. Manoj D. Togale International Surgical and radiational outcome in a giant retroperitoneal liposarcoma International Journal of Scientific and research publication ISSN 2250-3153, Vo.3 Issue 10 Oct-13
13 Dr. Manoj D. Togale International Ambulatory Proctological Surgery as a Nove Method of Practice International  Journal of Recent Trends in Science and technology ISSN 2277-2812, E-ISSN 2249-8109 Vol.8 Issue 3 216-218 2013
12 Dr. Manoj D. Togale International Soft Tissue angiomatosis of Index Finger International  Journal of Recent Trends in Science and technology ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109 Vol. 8 Issue 3 212-213 2013
11 Dr. Manoj D. Togale International Tuberculosis of Breast- Delays in Diagnosis International  Journal of Recent Trends in Science and technology ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109 Vol. 8 Issue 3 214-215 2013
10 Dr. Prashant Hombal International Clinical Study of Scrotal Swellings In adults- A prospective study in Surgery Department of A tertiary care Hospital Novel Science International Journal of Medical Science 1(11-12): Online ISSN: 2278–0025 294-299 Accepted 25th April 2013
9 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar International Robot-assisted low anterior resection in fifty-three consecutive patients: an Indian experience Journal of Robotic Surgery. DOI 10.1007/s11701-012-0383-y ISSN 1863-2483. Vol.1, No. 1 8-Jan 6th Oct 2012
8 Dr. Shirol S. S. Dr. Kiran N. G. International Dumbbell shaped neurilemmoma of hand. Int. J. Pharm. Med.& Biological Sciences. ISSN;2278-5221 Vol. I, No.2, 49-54 Oct-12
7 Dr. Ashok Pangi International The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: an exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial Lancet DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(11) 60396-6 24th Match 2011
6 Dr. Patil Shivagouda Dr. A. S. Godhi              Dr. S. C. Metgud International Prospective randomized control trial comparing the efficacy of diathermy incision versus scalpel incision over skin in patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair Recent research in science and techonology ISSN 2076-506 44-47 2010
5 Dr. U. D. Manoranjan Dr. M. S. Sangolli                Dr. A. S. Gogate International Role of ultrasonography in diagnosis of palpable breast lumps: one year cross sectional study Recent research in science and technology ISSN 2076-5061 2 (8)   18-29 2010
4 Dr. Ajay Kumar Guntak Dr. M. S. Sangolli                Dr. A. S. Gogate International Comparision of properitoneal Non Tension Sutured mesh repair versus conventional mesh repair for reducing postoperative pain in direct inguinal hernia- a randomized control trial Recent research in science and technology ISSN 2076-5061 57-60 2010
3 Dr. Vishwanath M. Pattanshetti International Laparoscopic surgery on cadavers: a novel teaching tool for surgical residents ANZ Journal of Surgery 80 676-680 Oct-10
2 Dr. A. C. Pangi International Effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in trauma patients with
significant haemorrhage (CRASH-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial
Lancet DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(10) 60835-5 Jun-10
1 Dr. V. M. Uppin7 International Acquired recto-urethral fistula in children: Long-term follow-up Journal of Pediatric Urology xx 1-5 Mar-09


Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
28 Manoj Togale National Are we neglecting port complications in laparoscopic surgeries A single centre study Medical Science 2023
27 Dr. Pronoti Patil1 Dr. Abhijit S. Gogate1 National A Prospective Study Comparing Appendiceal Stump Closure, Techniques with Liga Clips v/s Hem-o-Lok in Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Our Experience at a Single Institute Indian Journal of Surgery, ISSN 0972-2068, UGC Care List2, SCOPUS Published online Oct-21
26 Dr. Manoj D Togale6 National New Modalities and Challenges in Diabetic Foot Management Journal of the Indian Medical Association Vol 119, No 5, (Index Copernicus) , IF: 0.01 64-69 May-21
25 Dr. Pronoti Patil1  Dr. Abhijit S. Gogate1 National A Prospective Study Comparing Appendiceal Stump Closure, Techniques with Liga Clips v/s Hem-o-Lok in Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Our Experience at a Single Institute Indian Journal of Surgery, ISSN 0972-2068 Published online Nov-20
24 Dr. Mahapure Kiran Sunil1* Dr.  Metgud Shrishail Chandrakant1 National An Interesting Case of Broken Needle Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery Vol. 4, Issue- 2, PubMed 13-Sep May-20
23 Dr. Sreenivasa Reddy Guddety Dr. Basavaraj M. Kajagar National Comparison of octenidine wound gel versus povidone-iodine dressing in healing of chronic diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled trial for period of 1 year Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Research KLEU, (Print ISSN – 2542-6214, E-ISSN – 2542-6222) Vol.13, Issue-3 240-243 Sept-Dec 2020
22 Dr. Kumar M. Vinchurkar Dr. Preeti Maste, Dr. Manoj D. Togale & Dr. Vishwanath M. Pattanshetti National Chemoport-associated Complications and Its Management, Indian Journal of Surgical, Oncology  (2020)- SCOPUS DOI Online, IF 0.75* Received 27 January 2020 Accepted 01 April 2020 Published03 May 2020
21 Dr. Rahul Pradhan, Dr. Ashok Pangi National Use of Mosquito Net Mesh Versus Polypropylene Mesh in Tension-Free Repair of Inguinal Hernia: a 1-Year Randomized Controlled Trial Indian Journal of Surgery Published online Published online 2nd May 2020, IF 0.55,  Scopus
20 Dr. Kumar M. Vinchurkar Dr. Rashmi S. Patil, Dr. Manoj Togale & Dr. Vishwanath Pattanshetti National Assessment of Masticatory Function in Oral Cancer Patients with Mandibulectomy Followed by Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap Reconstruction Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology  SCOPUS volume 10, pages620–623(2019) Received 14 March 2019 Accepted 23 July 2019 Published11 August 2019
19 Dr. Anil Kumar Parappa Bellad1 Dr. Manish Chandrashekar Asha2 National Role of pre-operative upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy in symptomatic patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gall bladder stone disease J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 8/ Issue 20/ 1598-1601 20-May-19
18 Dr. Ramesh S. Koujalagi1, Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr, Abhijit S. Gogate, Dr. Tadwalkar Nikhil S National A-1 year Randomized Controlled study to compare laparoscopic repair vs. open repair for the treatment of hollow viscus perforation Indian Journal of Surgery 0.509 Jul-18
17 Dr. Mahadev M. Abhishek,  Dr. Vishwanath M. Pattanshetti National Intraoperative inguinal measurement to estimate a single optimal mesh size for Lichtenstein inguinal hernioplasty: an observational study Indian Journal of Surgery Vol.80 363-368 8th March 2017
16 Dr. Satyajit Godhi Dr. Ashok Godhi National Colorectal Cancer: Postoperative follow-up and surveillance Indian Journal of Surgery Vol. 79, No-3 234-237 Jun-17
15 Dr. Vivek Pratap1, Dr. Anilkumar Parappa Bellad2 National  Analgesic efficacy of intraperitoneal tramadol vs. Placebo for postoperative pain relief following laparoscopic appendicectomy: a double blinded one year randomized control trial: single centric, hospital based study  J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 5/ Issue 39/ 2490-2497 16-May-16
14 Dr. Ananda K Dr. Sandeep Patil National Lymphangioma of axillary tail Of breast- Case report J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci Vol.5, Issue-30 1596-1597 14th Apr 2016
13 Dr. Nikhil Dixit, Dr. A. S. Gogate National A comparison of titanium clips versus roeder’s knot tying suture in laparoscopic appendiceal stump closure: a 1-year randomized controlled trial study in KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital, Belgaum Indian Journal of Health Sciences Vol-9,      Issue-1, 49-55 Jan- Apr 2016
12 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar National Robotic transthoracic esophagectomy BMC Surgery DOI 10.1186/s12893-015-0024-2 1 to 7 23rd April 2015
11 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar National Indian Experience of Robotics in Gynecology Journal of Minimal Access Surgery Issue 2 Vol 10 80-83 April-June 2014
10 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Dr. Sheetal V. Pattanshetti National Solid Pseudo papillary tumor of pancreas: presenting as acute abdomen in a female child Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology Issue 2 Vo, 35 184-186 April-June 2014
9 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar National Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy in the Elderly Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology ISSN 0975-7651 DOI 10.1007/s13193-013-0263-6 8-Jan 24th Aug 2013 (online)
8 Dr. B. M. Kajagar National Efficacy of Low Level Laser Therapy on wound healing in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers- a randomized control trial Indian Journal of Surgery 74 (5) 359-363 Sept-Oct 2012
7 Dr. A. C. Pangi National A retrospective study of 75 cases of Splenic Abscess Indian Journal of Surgery 73 (6) 398-402 Nov-Dec 2011
6 Dr. K. S. Savita National Laparoscopic CBD exploration Indian Journal of Surgery 73 (5) 395-399 Nov-10
5 Dr. K. S. Savita National combined procedures with laparoscopic cholecystectomy Indian Journal of Surgery Vol.72, (5) 377-380 Nov-10
4 Dr. Gautam Kamat Dr. S. C. Metgud              Dr. Ashok Godhi              Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti National A cross sectional study to detect the prevalence of hyperhomoocysteinemia in cases of deep vein thrombosis Indian Journal of Surgery 72 (4) DOI10.1007/s12262-0101-0194-1 323-326 July -Aug 2010
3 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Ashok Godhi               Dr. S. C. Metgud National Gaint Hydronephrosis Indian Journal of Surgery 72 (4) DOI10.1007/s12262-0100110-8 259-260 Jan-10
2 Dr. K. S. Savita National Laparoscopic Repair of a right para duodenal hernia Jouanla of Minimal Access Surgery Vol.5 Issue-4 121-123 Oct-Dec 2009
1 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Ashok Godhi               Dr. S. C. Metgud National Origional Article: Enteral glutamine supplementaion reducing infectious morbidity in burns patients: a randomized controlled trial Indian Journal of Surgery (Springer) 41 193-197 July-August 2009



Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
2 Dr. Manoj Togale  Prospective study to evaluate use of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR)as a prognostic marker for severe acute cholecystitis Journal of Scientific Society 2023 to 2024
1 Dr. R. S. Koujalagi Dr. S. M. Uppin ,Dr. Manoj D. Togale, Dr. Chethan J. V. State Sarcopmatoid Carcinoma of Penis: a rare penile neoplasm Journal of Evidence Based Med & Hlthcare eISSN 2349-2570 Vol. 17 1374-1377 2014



Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
190 Dr. Rahul  Kenawadekar, Dr. S.C Metgud Dr. Akshay Gokak Dr. Ravikiran Andra, Regional Laparoscopic Management of Rare Diaphragmatic Hernia with Gastric Volvulus and Obstruction Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV January 13 to 14 Jan-24
190 Dr. Rahul  Kenawadekar, Dr. Akshay Gokak Dr. Ravikiran Andra, Dr. Pravallika Kolli Regional Isolated Splenic Hydatid Cyst: A Rare Case Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV January 08 to 05 Jan-24
189 Dr. V.M Pattanshetti          Dr. Basavaraj Teli Dr. Rachit Jain         Dr. Shivagi Shingh Regional Young Hypertensive: When Surgery Came to the Rescue Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 33 to 34 Aug-23
188 Dr. A.S Gogae                        Dr. Prashant Hombal         Dr. Vinod Karage Dr. Rhythm Uppal        Dr. Ayush Bansal                              Dr. Safath Ali Regional Unusual Presentation of Bakers Cyst Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 29 to 30 Aug-23
187 Dr. A.S Gogae                        Dr. Prashant Hombal         Dr. Vinod Karage Dr. Rhythm Uppal Regional Case Report: Posterior Inguinal Wall Deficiency in a Patient with Renal Agenesis Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 27 to 28 Aug-23
186 Dr. B.M.Kajagar                   Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar    Dr. Govid Nair Dr. Rachit Jain Regional Chronic Granulomatous Mastitis : A Rare Case Report Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 11 to 12 Aug-23
185 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. Manoj Tolage,           Dr. Akshy Gokak, Dr. Rohit Gulgulia Regional Desmoid Tumor Surgery: A Multidisciplinary Approach Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 9 to 10 Aug-23
184 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. Manoj Tolage,           Dr. Akshy Gokak, Dr. Amol Agarwal  Dr. Kranti Kiran Regional  Laparoscopic AdrenalectomyFor Pheochromocytoma Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 7 to 8 Aug-23
183 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. S.C.Metgud, Dr. Manoj Tolage, Dr. Akshy Gokak, Dr. Amol Agarwal Regional Laparoscopic Management of Gangrenous Meckel’s Diverticulitis Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV August 5 to 6 Aug-23
182 Dr. Ramesh Koujalagi Dr. Praveen Kamatagi Dr. Amol Agarwal Dr Arjun  Dr. Rohan Chavan Regional Isolated Sigmoid Colon Injury Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Acase Report Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV  January 40-41 Jan-23
181 Dr. A.S Gogate                 Dr. Vinod Karage               Dr. Usharani Devan Dr. Rhea Sarkari                 Dr. Siddharth Reddy        Dr. Y.Genesh Kumar Reddy                               Dr.  Kartik Chaudhary Regional Splenic Epidermoid Cyst: A Rare Entity Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV  January 26-27 Jan-23
180  Dr. Kapildev H          Dr.M.B Kajagar Dr. Shubham Dr. Sushanth B. Dr. Rachit Jain                 Dr. Arpita                               Dr Shivangi Regional Repid Healing of Ulcer with The Help of Mateix Rhythm Therapy Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV  January 24-25  Jan2023
179 Dr. A.S. Gogate                      Dr. Vinod Karagi              Dr. Usharani Devan Dr. Rhea Sarkari                 Dr. Siddharth Reddy        Dr. Y.Genesh Kumar Reddy                               Dr. Safath Ali                       Dr. Juan Jacob Regional How A Woman Suffering Hirschsprung Disease Creatted A Happy Family: A Rare Case Report Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV  January 20 -21  Jan-2023
178 Dr.Kapildev H.B.                    Dr. B.M. Kajagar Dr. Sushanath B                    Dr. Shubham Y                          Dr. Rachit J                                   Dr. Anirodh. C. Karti Regional An Interesting Case of Pseudocyst of Pancreas Presenting as Intractable Ascites: A Case report Lifeline  Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XLIV  January Dec-13 Jan-23
177 Dr. M. C. Metgud,  Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar2 Regional Placenta Increata Manifesting as unusual Cervical mass after first trimester dilatation and curettage, managed by laparoscopy Journal of Scientific Society Issue 2, Vol. 49 2010-2012 May-Aug 2022
176 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Kaushika H, Dr. Shubham Yadav Regional Solitary Hydatid Cyst of Spleen: a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLIII 29-30 Aug-22
175 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. Akshay Gokak,  Dr. Stalin, Dr. Salil, Dr. Ravikiran Andra, Dr. Kranthi Kiran Regional Laparoscopic Assisted Excision of Choledochal Cyst with Roux En Y Hepaticojejunostomy for Type 1 Choledochal Cyst KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLIII 22-23 Aug-22
173 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar Dr. Akshay Gokak, Dr. Ravikiran Andra, Dr. Siddharth Reddy, Dr. Kedar Rithwik Regional Tenacious Ordeal- Recurrent Fistula in Ano: a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLIII 19-20 Aug-22
173 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar Dr. Akshay Gokak, Dr. Ravikiran Andra, Dr. Siddharth Reddy, Dr. Kedar Rithwik Regional Tenacious Ordeal- Recurrent Fistula in Ano: a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLIII 19-20 Aug-22
172 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Basavaraj Teli, Dr. manjunath Lokapur, Dr. Urbee Gupta, Dr. Praveen Krishnan, Dr. Ekta B. Regional The Gain Gist- A case of Sub-acute Intestinal Obstruction Secondary to Gastro-intestinal Stromal Tumour KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLIII 5 to 7 Aug-22
171 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Prashant H, Dr. Vinod K, Dr. Ritika Dr, B. Sushant, Dr. Amol A Regional Young female with gall bladder torsion presenting as chronic cholecystitis KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 53-55 Jan-22
170 Dr. Shrishail Metgud, Dr. Amit Ammanagr, Dr. Prem Ghei, Dr. Erbin J. E Regional Subacute intestinal obstruction due to femoral hernia KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 47-49 Jan-22
169 Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Shrishail Metgud, Dr. Ebrin, Dr. Prem Regional Perforative peritonitis and small bowel obstruction secondary to multiple giant fecoliths due to multiple jejunal strictures KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 44-46 Jan-22
168 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar, Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. Akshay Gokak, Dr. Padmaraj Stalin, Dr. Salil, Dr. Rohit G Regional Desmoid Tumor Surgery: a Multidisciplinary approach KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 36-37 Jan-22
167 Dr. Santosh Mathapti, Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. Salil Dr. Shubham Dr. Rohit Regional Laparoscopic management of thymoma KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 28-29 Jan-22
166 Dr. Ramesh S. Koujalagi, Dr. Praveen Kamatagi, Dr. Ritika, Dr. Amil Agarwal Regional When protector becomes the perpetrator KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 26-27 Jan-22
165 Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar, Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. Ameya M, Dr. Nishi Gupta Regional Giant ovarian cyst masquerading as mesenteric cyst: a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 24-25 Jan-22
164 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. Akshay Gokak, Dr. Padmaraj Stalin, dr. Slili, Dr. Amol Regional Laparoscopic management of gangrenous meckle’s diverticulitis KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 17-18 Jan-22
163 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Basavaraj Teli, Dr. Tirumal Patwari, Dr. Shubhashree M Regional Splenic abscess: Laparoscopic splenectomy a surgical challenge KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLII 5 to 7 Jan-22
162 Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar, Dr. B. M. Kajgar, Dr. Rehan Khan, Dr. Tanvi Prabhu, Dr. Kranthi K K Regional Leucocytoclastic Vasculitis- a rare case KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5482 Issue XLI 60-62 Aug-21
161 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Kartikeya A, Dr. R. Bharatsena Regional An interesting Case of Anterior Abdominal Wall in a Non Covid-19 patient- a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5481 Issue XLI 56-57 Aug-21
160 Dr. Abhijit Gogate Dr. R. S. Koujalagi
Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Kaivalya S, Dr. Aishwarya P, Dr. Ritika
Regional Total Thyroidectomy: a life-saving gush of air KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5480 Issue XLI 53-55 Aug-21
159 Dr. Rahul K , Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. Sravya M, Dr. Y Ganesh Kumar R Regional What lies beneath: Amyand’s Hernia Perforated Appendix in an incarcerated inguinal hernia KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5479 Issue XLI 44-45 Aug-21
158 Dr. Abhijit Gogate,  Dr. Santosh H, Dr. Vandana G, Dr. R. S. Kouajalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Aishwarya P, Dr. Rhea Sarkari Regional A telescoping lateral pancreatico-jejunostomy laparoscopic reduction of adult intussusceptionv KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5478 Issue XLI 40-41 Aug-21
157 Dr. Mahesh Kalloli , Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Salil Aggarwal, Dr. Kranthi Kiran, Dr. Amol Agarwal Regional Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5477 Issue XLI 38-39 Aug-21
156 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Basavaraj Teli, Dr. Tirumal Patwari, Dr. Shubhashree M Regional A distinctive case of cutaneous verrucous carcinoma of the lower extremities KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5476 Issue XLI 27-28 Aug-21
155 Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar  Dr. Rahul K, Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. Ameya M, Dr. Pravallika Kolli Regional An Interesting Case of Laparoscopic Management of Hydatid Cyst of Liver KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLI 24-26 Aug-21
154 Dr. Abhijit Gogate Dr. R. S. Koujalagi,Dr. Prashant Hombal, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Praveenkumar Sangolli, Dr. Praveen Kamatagi, Dr. Kaivalya S, Dr. Aishwarya P, Dr. Ritika B, Dr. Tanvi P, Dr. B Sushanth Kumar, Regional A Battle against scars- laparoscopic assisted extracorporeal primary repair of enteric perforation KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XLI 8-9, Aug-21
153 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Dr. Rahul Kenwadekar, Dr. Barkha Kukreja,          Dr. Ravikiran Andra,       Dr. Siddharth Reddy Regional Thoracoscopic Assisted Excision with Mini Thoracotomy in a Young nonsmoking Patient with Primary Pulmonary Spindle Cell Neoplasm: A Case Report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5482 Issue XL 68-70 Jan-21
152 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Dr. Rahul Kenwadekar, Dr. Chaitanya A. Kamat, Dr. Adarsh Sanikop,            Dr. Barkha Kukreja,          Dr. Ravikiran Andra,       Dr. Siddharth Reddy Regional Minimal Access Surgery in Carcinoma Oesophagus: A Case Report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5481 Issue XL 65-67 Jan-21
151 Dr. A.S.Gogate, Dr. Santosh Hazare,         Dr. Vandana Gogate,        Dr. R.S.Koujalagi,       Dr. Vinod Karagi,        Dr. Pranoti Patil,              Dr. Naren Mandalapu, Dr. Ritika Regional “Two Swords in one Scabbard’’: A rare case of two biliary stents in-situ KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5480 Issue XL 33-35 Jan-21
150 Dr. Kalloli M Dr. Kenawadekar R., Dr. Kerur R., Dr. Sanikop A.C., Dr. Aggarwal S., Dr. Kukreja B.,                    Dr. Hubballi K.,                 Dr. Ravikiran A.,             Dr. Reddy S. Regional Uniport Video assisted Thoracoscopy resection in Lung Carinoma KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5479 Issue XL 23-24 Jan-21
149 Dr. A.S. Gogate Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R>S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Naren, Dr. Rhea, Dr. Ravikiran Regional Panabdominal; Pancreatic Pseduocyst – A Pandemic Presentation KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5478 Issue XL 13-15 Jan-21
148 Dr. Abhijit Gogate Dr. R .S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Nikhil M., Dr. Athira C.,               Dr. Amol A. Regional A  Scarry Camouflage KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5477 Issue XL 11 to 12 Jan-21
147 Dr. Kapildev H Dr. Ahana B., Dr. Salil .A., Dr.Sushant B.,                   Dr. Shubham Y.,                Dr. Bharathsena Regional Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma on The Forehead with Rhomboid Flap Reconstruction KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5476 Issue XL 9 to 10 Jan-21
146 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Dron sharma, Dr. Pranoti Patil, Regional Surgical approach for retro peritoneal mass KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XXXIX 34-35 Aug-20
145 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Kaivalya Saoji, Dr. Aishwarya Puntambekar, Dr. Rhea sarkari Regional Papillary carcinoma in a massive thyroid goiter: total thyroidectomy KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XXXIX 31-33 Aug-20
144 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Naren Mandalapu, Dr. Nikhil M Regional Looks can deceive: laparoscopic incisional hernia repair over appendectomy scar KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XXXIX 29-30 Aug-20
143 Dr. A. S. Gogate, , Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Naren Mandalapu, Dr. Nikhil M Regional Traumatic Spigelian hernia- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5476 Issue XXXIX 27-28 Aug-20
142 Dr. B. M. Kajagar , Dr. Santosh Mathapati, Dr. M. I. Uppin, Dr. Sreenivas, Dr. Ameya M Regional An interesting case of soft tissue sarcoma of breast KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue 0974-5475 Issue XXXIX 15-16 Aug-20
141 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Basavaraj Teli, Dr. M. Shashidhar Reddy, Dr. Naren M, Dr. M  Subhashree Regional Unique journey of patient acute pancreatitis to parathyroidectomy KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVIII-2020, 54-55 Jan-20
140 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Basavaraj Teli, Dr. M. Shashidhar Reddy, Dr. Vipin, Reddy, Dr. M  Subhashree Regional Spleen preserving distal pancreatectomy (SPDP) following blunt pancreatic trauma- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVIII-2020, 46-47 Jan-20
139 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar Dr. S. S. Shimikore, Dr. Dron Sharma, Dr. Pranoti Patil, Dr. Dhinesh Ram, Dr. Prem Ghei Regional Why only blame alcohol in all cases of pancreatitis? KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVIII-2020, 39-41 Jan-20
138 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Ramesh Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Shashank Kari, Dr. Shashidhar Reddy, Dr. Nikhil m Regional Looks can deceive: Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair over appendicectomy scar KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVIII-2020, 24-25 Jan-20
137 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar Dr. S. S. Shimikore, Dr. Dron Shrma Dr. Pranoti Patil, Dr.  Dhinesh ram, Dr. Prem Ghei Regional Telescoping is not always Fun: Acute Intestinal Obstruction Secondary to transverse colo-colonic intussusception due to giant intraluminal sessile colonic lipoma KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVIII-2020, 7 to 9 Jan-20
136 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Ramesh Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Dron Sharma, Dr. Pranoti Patil, Dr. Aishwarya P, Dr. Kaivalya Saoji Regional Rare as Hen’s Teeth: L:aparoscopic Management of Primary Pelvic Hydatid Cyst KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVIII-2020, 5—6 Jan-20
135 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Regional Editorial: How to increase quality medical research publications in India? Journal of the Scientific Society Vol.46, Issue-1 1-2, Jan-April 2019
134 Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. A. S. Godhi, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Kiran Urabinahatti, Dr. Aarushi Mishra Regional Intra-abdominal paraganglioma- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVII-2019, 62-63, Aug-19
133 Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar,  Dr. A. P. Bellad, Dr. S. M. Uppin Regional Fracture penis- a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVII-2019, Pg. No.., Aug 2019 Issue XXXVII-2019, 60-61 Aug-19
132 Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar, Dr. S. C. Metgud Regional Ileal Gist-  a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVII-2019, Issue XXXVII-2019, 58-59 Aug-19
131 Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Manoj Togale, Dr. Dron Sharma, Dr. Pulkit Gupta Regional Stomach that cries after having food laparoscopic release of median arcuate ligament KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVII-2019, Issue XXXVII-2019, 54-55 Aug-19
130 Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. M. I. Uppin, Dr. B. G. Hubballi, Dr. Nikhil M, Dr. Ameya M, Regional Apla syndrome with elephantiasis nostra verrucosa: a complication of chronic lymphedema- a rare case report with review KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVII-2019, 37-40 Aug-19
129 Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. Rahul Rai Regional  A cae of supraclavicular fibromyxoid tumor- Case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVII-2019, Aug-19
128 Dr. A.S. Gogate, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Pramod Patil, Dr. Raghavendra, Dr. Naren Mandalapu,Dr. Nikhil Regional Intestinal mal-rotation presenting as sub-acute obstruction in a young adult- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5487 52-53 Jan-19
127 Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. Mahesh Kalloli, Dr. B. G. Hubballi, Dr.  M. I. Uppin, Dr. M. N. Janani, Dr. Priyanka H, Dr. Darshn H. R Regional Carcinoma gall bladder in young female- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5485 41-42 Jan-19
126 Dr. A.S. Gogate, Dr. Kumar VInchurkar, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. R. S. Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Pramod Patil, Dr. Raghavendra, Dr. Pranoti Patil Dr. Ahana Regional Impacted foreign body in the cervical oesophagus: a stubborn denture that did not budge KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5483 31-33 Jan-19
125 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Vandana Ggate, Dr. Ramesh Koujalagi, Dr. Vinod K, Dr. Raghavendra G, Pattar, Dr. Darshan H. R. Dr. Nikhil M. Dr. Athira C Regional Laparoscopic repair of internal hernia with Meckel’s diverticulum in post blunt abdominal trauma in 62 years old patient- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5481 29-30 Jan-19
124 Dr. Mrutyunjay Uppin, Dr. S. S. Shimikore Dr. Kartik Sahu Regional An unusual presentation of perianal sinus- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5479 27-28 Jan-19
123 Dr. Rahul K, Dr. S. S. S. Shimikore, Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. A. C. Pangi, Dr. Akash K, Dr. vivek S. Dr. Tanmay Dr. Vipin B, Dr. Kaushika H, Dr. Surendra Ugale Regional One anastomosis gastric bypass/ mini gastric bypass (Laparoscopic) KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5477 10 & 11 Jan-19
122 Dr. A. P. Bellad, Dr. Rahul K, Dr. S. M. Uppin, Dr. Kapidev H, Dr. C. A Manish Regional Laparoscopic hiatus hernia repair and toupet fundoplication- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5476 7 to 9 Jan-19
121 Dr. A. P. Bellad, Dr. Rahul K, Dr. S. M. Uppin, Dr. Kapidev H, Dr. C. A Manish Regional Laparoscopic CBD exploration with placement of CBD stent for choledocholithiasis with distal CBD stricture- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXVI, ISSN 0974-5475 6 & 7 Jan-19
120 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Nitin O. N, Dr. Prashant , Dr. Azam Ali, Regional Laparoscopic repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia- a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 55-56 Aug-18
119 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Dr. Srinivas, B, Dr. S. N. Suresh, Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Nitin O. N, Dr. Vishranka A, Dr. Azam Ali, Dr. Prashant S Regional A case of chronic resistant ITP managed by Laparoscopic splenectomy KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 54 Aug-18
118 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Vinod K, Dr. Raghavendra G. P, Dr. Vivek Shetty Regional Adult hirschsprung’s  disease: a rare case report of chronic constipation KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 52-53 Aug-18
117 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Vinod K, Dr. Raghavendra G. P, Dr. Vivek Shetty Regional 50 submucosal lipomas in 68 yrs old patient with jejuno-ileal and ileocaecal intussusception- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 50-51 Aug-18
116 Dr. S. C. Metgud, Dr. Vishranka S. Aithal, Dr. A. S. Godhi, Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Nitin, Dr. Prashant, Dr. Azam Regional Recurrent peptic ulcer perforation- a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 43-44 Aug-18
115 Dr. S. C. Metgud, S Dr. A. S. Godhi, Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Nitin O N, Dr. Azam Ali, Dr. Prashant Regional A case of completion cholecystectomy for residual cholelithiasis KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 41-42 Aug-18
114 Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. S. M. Uppin, Dr. Vinod K, Dr. Manish CA Regional Apocrine adenoma of the breast- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 32-34 Aug-18
113 Dr. Ramesh S. Koujalagi, Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. Naveen M, Dr. Praveen K. Dr. Darshan HR Dr. Soham Shah Regional Median Arcuate ligament syndrome- a syndrome of delayed diagnosis? KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 25-27 Aug-18
112 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar, Dr. S. S. himikore, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Vivek Shetty, Dr. Raghavendra P, Dr. Tanmay Patravale, Dr. Barkha Kukreja, Dr. Nikhil M. Dr. Sravya Keerthi Regional Laparoscopic transfascial intracorporeal repair of umbilical hernia- A Case series KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, 19-20 Aug-18
111 Dr. Anilkumar P. Bellad, Dr. Pulkit Gupta, Dr. Kiran Urabinahati, Dr. Nageshwar Rao Regional Mesenteric ischemia secondary to antiphospholipid antibody syndrome- a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXV, Dec-13 Aug-18
110 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. S. M. Uppin, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Tanmay Patravale, Dr. Shashank Kari Regional Carcinoma of small intestine: A report of two cases KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIV, 47-50 Jan-18
109 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Rehan Saif, Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Huballi B. G., Dr. Mihir Shankar, Dr. Rishikesh Hanji, Dr. Dron Sharma, Dr. Ameya Khanolkar Regional Impacted CBD stones: hepaticojejunostomy as the final frontier treatment in geriatric age group KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIV, 36-37 Jan-18
108 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Huballi B. G., Dr. Rishikesh Hanji, Dr. Mihir Shankar, Dr. Dron Sharma, Dr. Ameya Khanolkar Regional Ileo—Ileal intussusception secondary to inflammatory fibroid polyp of the ileum: Laparoscopic approach KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIV, 34-35 Jan-18
107 Dr. Rahul Kenawadekar Dr. Mahesh Kalloli, Dr. Soham Shah Regional VATS Esophagectomy KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIV, 30-31 Jan-18
106 Dr. Anilkumar P Bellad Dr. Kiran Urabinahatti, Dr. K Nageshwar Rao, Dr. Achyuth Shivapur, Dr. V. Geethika, Dr. Pulkit Gupta Regional Laparoscopic appendectomy in second trimester- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIV, 21-22 Jan-18
105 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. Priyanka Hegde, Dr. Kumar V, Dr. Prashant H, Dr. Vindo Karagi Regional Esophagocutaneous fistula secondary to penetrating esophageal injury- A case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIV, 5-Jul Jan-18
104 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Varun G, Dr. Amar Murgod, Dr. Pranoti Patil, Dr. Shashank Kari Regional Malrotation and sabo in an adult patient- Case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 41-42 Aug-17
103 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Varun G, Dr. Amar Murgod, Dr. Pranoti Patil, Dr. Shashank Kari Regional Laparoscopy assisted feeding jejunostomy in corrosive esophageal stricture KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 36-38 Aug-17
102 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Huballi B. G., Dr. Vaibhav Patil, Dr. Achyuth Shivapur Regional Laparoscopic ipoma repair of Post CABG Giant incisional herina KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 32-33 Aug-17
101 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. S. M. Uppin, Dr. Vinod Karagi, Dr. Veerendra Patil, Dr. Sushmitha Regional Malrotation with midgut volvulus In adults- case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 29-31 Aug-17
100 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Santosh Hajare, Dr. Varun G Regional Laparoscopic Management of pancreatic pseudocysts A Novel technique using titanium clips- our experience KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 25-28 Aug-17
99 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Hubbali B. G., Dr. Varun G, Dr. Vaibhav Patil, Dr. Achyuth Shivapur Regional Jehovah’s Witness- A surgeon’s Nightmare KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 23-24 Aug-17
98 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Hubbali B. G., Dr. Varun G, Dr. Amar Murgod, Dr. Pranoti Patil, Dr. Shahsnk Kari Regional Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast Presenting as an ulcer with maggots- A rare Case Report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXIII 15-16 Aug-17
97 Dr. Milka D. Madhale Dr. Ashok S. Godhi Regional A Study of Dynamic Foot Pressure Measurement in Diabetic Patients Journal of the Scientific Society Vol. 44, Issue-2 76-79 May-Aug 2017
96 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Rahul K,Dr. Kapildev H,Dr. Soham Shah,Dr. K Nageswarraor, Dr.Manish C. A.,Dr. Vishaka Kothiwale, Dr. V S Haritha Regional Laparoscopic ladd’s procedure in a 58yr Female with transverse colon tuberculosis mass with malrotation- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 63-64 Jan-17
95 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Rahul K,Dr. Kapildev H,Dr. Raghavendra P,Dr. K Nageswarrao,Dr. Sushmitha K Regional Laparoscopic morgagni’s hernia repair in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta- A rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 60-62 Jan-17
94 Dr. M. I. Uppin, Dr. M. S. Sangolli,Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti,Dr. Nitin Oomen,Dr. Amritpal Singh C, Dr. Himabindu, Dr. Kothapalli Sushmitha Regional Acute abdomen caused by malpositioned perforated appendix- a case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLESDr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 45-48 Jan-17
93 Dr. A. S. Gogate,  Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar, Dr. Manish C. A.,Dr. Raghavendra P,Dr. Darshan H. R., Regional Laparoscopic assisted primary repair of richter’s type femoral hernia- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 31-32 Jan-17
92 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Kapildev Hannurkar, Dr. Manish C. A., Dr. Raghavendra P, Dr. Darshan H. R., Regional Lap  cystogastrostomy in pseudocyst with CBD obstruction KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 28-30 Jan-17
91 Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Tanay Shah, Dr. Jakiyuddin R, Dr. V. Geethika Regional Reduction En masse of inguinal hernia- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 23-25 Jan-17
90 Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. Amit Ammanagi, Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar, Dr. Tanay Shah, Dr. Jakiyuddin R, Dr. V. Geethika Regional A Case of extensive liver injury manages successfully KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 15-17 Jan-17
89 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. A. S. Godhi, Dr. Prashant Hombal,, Dr. Ankur Agarwal, Dr. Shruthi P.,Dr. Tanmay Patravale, Dr. Vivek Shetty Regional Vascular Compression of the duodenum- superior mesenteric artery syndrome- a rare occurrence KLE Life Line Journal of KLES    Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXII 5-Aug Jan-17
88 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Vandana G,          Dr. Rahul K.,                   Dr. Kapildev H,                          Dr. Raghavendra P,  Dr. K. Nageswara Rao, Dr. Nikhil T, Regional Laparoscopic assisted repair of richter’s hernia- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXI 53-54 Aug-16
87 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K.,                   Dr. Kapildev H,                Dr. Vandana G,           Dr. Santosh Hazare,  Dr. Nikhil T, Dr. K. Nageswara Rao,       Dr. Raghavendra P Regional Laparoscopic repair of eventration of diaphragm with gastric volvulus- a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXI 43-45 Aug-16
86 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K.,                   Dr. Kapildev H,                Dr. Vandana G,           Dr. Santosh Hazare, Dr. K. Nageswara Rao, Dr. Nikhil T,       Dr. Raghavendra P Regional Laparoscopic APR KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXI 40-42 Aug-16
85 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K.,                   Dr. Kapildev H,                Dr. Vandana G,           Dr. Santosh Hazare, Dr. K. Nageswara Rao, Dr. Nikhil T,       Dr. Raghavendra P Regional Laparoscopic Ladd’s procedure in a 70 yr Male with Malrotation- A case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXI 37-39 Aug-16
84 Dr. Vishwanath M. Pattanshetti, Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Kanyadhara Lohita Regional Laparoscopic CBD exploration: our experience KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXXI 19-22 Aug-16
83 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Nikhil Dixit, Dr. Shruti G Raikar Regional Melanoma presenting as abdominal wall necrotizing fasciitis KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 48-49 Jan-16
82 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Nikhil Dixit, Dr. Shruti G Raikar, Dr. Bharathkumar R, Dr. Rishikesh H, Dr. Varun G Regional Gaint gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) of Ileum- A case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 45-47 Jan-16
81 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. P.S. Pattanshetti, Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Bharathkumar R, Dr. Rishikesh H Regional Acute appendicitis with submucosal lipoma causing small bowel intussusception: an incidental finding during laproscopic appendicectomy KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 43-44 Jan-16
80 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Nikhil Dixit, Dr. K Nageswararao, Dr. Bharathkumar R, Dr. Rishikesh H, Dr. Varun G Regional Rare presentation of Gastric Volvulus KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 24-26 Jan-16
79 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K,,Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Nikhil Dixit, Dr. Jakiyuddin R, Dr. Sonal Tyagi, Dr. Bharathkumar R, Dr. Rishikesh H, Dr. Varun G Regional Tubular Duplication Cyst of ileum presenting as perforative peritonitis in adults: a rare case report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 22-23 Jan-16
78 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Ankuar A, Dr. Vijaykumar H, Dr. Rushikesh Hanji Regional Basal Cell carcinoma in pre-existing lupus vulgaris KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 11-Sep Jan-16
77 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Vijaykumar H, Dr. Achyuth S, Dr. Jakiyuddin R Regional Left diaphragmatic eventration with acute gastric volvulus in adults: successful management by open plication and gastropexy KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 8-Jul Jan-16
76 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. P. S. Pattanshetti, Dr. Kapildev H, Dr. Basavaraj Y, Dr. Vivek Pratap, Dr. Nikhil Dixit, Dr. G Bharath R, Dr. Rishikesh H, Dr. Varun G Regional Lapaoscopic Hellers Myotomy and toupet Fundoplication Achalasia Cardia- Case Report KLE Life Line Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Issue XXX 6-May Jan-16
75 Dr. Savita K. S. Dr. Shashidhar M. Uppin Regional A rare cause for intestinal obstruction Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Issue3 191-193 Sept-Dec 2015
74 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K Regional Modified subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery for varicose veins using conventional laparoscope KLE Life Line Issue XXIX 25-27 Aug-15
73 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K, Dr. Kumar V Regional Xeroderma Pigmentosum with Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A case series KLE Life Line Issue XXIX 23-24 Aug-15
72 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K Regional Cholecystoduodenal fistula- A rare case report KLE Life Line Issue XXIX 20-22 Aug-15
71 Dr. M. S. Sangolli Dr. A. P. Bellad, Dr. Rahul K, Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Regional Laparoscopic spleen sparing surgery for splenic cyst: a case report KLE Life Line Issue XXIX 14-16 Aug-15
70 Dr. Kumar Vindhurkar Regional Breast Conservation surgery- an analysis of 12 cases KLE Life Line Issue XXIX 8 to 11 Aug-15
69 Dr. Vishwanath M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Sheetal V. Pattanshetti,             Dr. Mahadev Abhishek Regional Spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma with deep venous thrombosis of left lower limb managed conservatively Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Vol 42 / Issue 2 116-119 May-August 2015
68 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Kunal Joshi Regional Primary Breast Tuberculosis Presenting as a Lump- A Disease Not to be forgotten KLE Life Line Issue XXVIII ISSN 0974-5475 9 to 11 Jan-15
67 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Abhilash Surabhi Regional Preventive Foot care in patients with NIDDM- A review Article KLE Life Line Issue XXVIII ISSN 0974-5475 37-38 Jan-15
66 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Dr. Manoj Togale Regional Ulcerative Colitis and restorative proctocolectomy- A case Report KLE Life Line Issue XXVIII ISSN 0974-5475 31-34 Jan-15
65 Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar Regional Adrenocortical Carcinoma – a case report and current concepts of management KLESH Lifeline Issue XXVII 66-68 Aug-14
64 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K. Dr. P. S. Pattanshetti, Dr. Shankar K. Dr. Basavaraj Yenagi Regional Laparoscopic Cystogastrostomy for Pancreatic Pseudocyst- A case report KLESH Lifeline Issue XXVII 50-52 Aug-14
63 Dr. R. S. Koujalagi Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. M. I. Uppin, Dr. Prabhnoor Singh, Dr. Shankar K Regional Interesting Case of Intestinal Obstruction KLESH Lifeline Issue XXVII 44-45 Aug-14
62 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Rahul K. Dr. P. S. Pattanshetti, Dr. Swapnil A. P, Dr. Praveena D. L. Dr. Nageswara Rao, Dr. Nikhil Tadwalkar Regional Inra-Cystic Papillary Carcinoma of Breast in male- A case report KLESH Lifeline Issue XXVII 42-43 Aug-14
61 Dr. Anil Bellad Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Abhijit S. M. Dr, Vivek P, Dr. Basavaraj Y Regional Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of Transverse colon in Young Female Presenting as a Stricture KLESH Lifeline Issue XXVII 33-34 Aug-14
60 Dr. Anil Bellad Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. S. M. Abhijit, Dr. Vivek P, Dr, Basavaraj Y Regional Case of young female with midtransverse colon mucinous adenocarcinoma KLESH Lifeline Issue XXVII 11 to 12 Aug-14
59 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Akshay Metgud, Dr. V. C. Pujar, Dr. Santosh K., Dr. Abhilash S Regional Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis in a Child An Uncommon Entity KLESH Lifeline Issue XXXVII 8 to 10 Aug-14
58 Dr. A. S. Gogate, Dr. Pushpa Kumar, Dr. Kiran N. G., Dr. Utkarsh, Dr. Siddhartha Handa, Dr. Nikhil Dixit Regional Peripheral Vascular Disease of Lower Limb Following Scorpion Sting- A case report KLESH Lifeline Issue XXXVI 49-50 Jan-14
57 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Siddhartha Handa, Abhijit Gouda, Dr. Vivek, Dr, Nikhil Dixit, Dr. Kunal Joshi Regional Laparoscopic Treatment of Hydatid Cyst of the Liver- a novel technique KLESH Lifeline Issue XXXVI 46-48 Jan-14
56 Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti Regional Case Report- Multiple intra cardiac rhabdomyomas in neonate Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Vol 40, Issue 3 183-185 Sept-Dec 2013
55 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Corrosive gastricstricture: A rare indication for total gastrectomy- case report BIMS Medical Journal Vol.2, No.2 75-77 July to Dec 2013
54 Dr. S. N. Halbhavi Dr. B. M. Kajagar, Dr. Krsihna VSC, Dr. Aditya N. Patil Regional An unusual case of gangrene of the fingers following scorpion bite- a case report BIMS Medical Journal Vol.2, No.2 69-71 July to Dec 2013
53 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Vijay Pujar, Dr. Sriharsha, Dr. Sagar Katkar, Dr. S. N. Halbhavi Regional Laparoscopic management of midgut malrotation as a rare cause of chronic abdominal pain in adults 25th Silver Jubilee Issue KLE Life Line Journal Issue XXV 42-44 Aug-13
52 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Vandana Gogate, Dr. Madhav Prabhu, Dr. Aditya N. Patil, Dr. Swapnil P Regional Diaphragmatic Eventration with Gastric Volvulus 25th Silver Jubilee Issue KLE Life Line Journal Issue XXV 40-41 Aug-13
51 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Jayprakash A, Dr. Pushpa S. K., Dr. Abhijit M, Dr. Shankar, Dr. Vivek Pratap Regional Multiple Liver Abscess- a case report 25th Silver Jubilee Issue KLE Life Line Journal Issue XXV 36-37 Aug-13
50 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Siddhartha Handa Regional Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma of stomach- a case report 25th Silver Jubilee Issue KLE Life Line Journal Issue XXV 21-23 Aug-13
49 Dr. Anil Bellad Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Meghna S. B. Regional Diaphragmatic Hernia with ITP- a rare case 25th Silver Jubilee Issue KLE Life Line Journal Issue XXV 10 &11 Aug-13
48 Dr. Prashant Hombal Regional An unusual presentation of pilomatrixoma- case report Suvarna JNMC Journal of the Scientific Society Issue 1, Vol.40 37-38 Jan-April 2013
47 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Fifty Years of J. N. Medical College, Belgaum Suvarna JNMC Journal of the Scientific Society Issue1, Vol.40 1 & 2 Jan-April 2013
46 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr S. N. Halbhavi Regional Tuberculosis of liver in a patient with AIDS- a case report KLE Lifeline Issue XXIV 35-36 Jan-13
45 Dr. Anil Bellad Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Meghna S. B., Dr. Prabhnoor Singh Regional Bowel strangulation- from a single adhesion band- a rare  case KLE Lifeline Issue XXIV 12 to 13 Jan-13
44 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. V. B. Dhaded, Dr. Shawn Thomas Regional True Splenic Cyst- A case Report KLE Lifeline Issue XXIV 8 to 9 Jan-13
43 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. A. S. Godhi, Dr. Aman Mahajan, Dr. Sriharsha B Regional A case of Duodenal GIST- a Case Report KLE Lifeline Issue XXIV 5-Mar Jan-13
42 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. V. B. Dhaded, Dr. Himanshu A Regional Appendiceal Mucocele- A rare presentation (Case Report) Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Issue 3 Vol. 39 149-151 Sept-Dec 2012
41 Dr. A. S. Godhi Dr. Vinchurkar A, Dr. Mahajan Aman, Dr. R. Bhat, Dr. Akshay M, Dr. Meghna B. Regional Gaint Liver Hemangioma- A case report KLE Lifeline Issue XXIII 39-40 Aug-12
40 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Sriharsha B Dr. S. N. Halbhavi, Dr. V. B. Dhaded Regional Non-Kertinising nasopharyngeal carcinoma- A case rpoert KLE Lifeline Issue XXIII 37-38 Aug-12
39 Dr. Ved Bhushan S. T Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. P. S. Pattanshetti Regional Multi Organ Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a single patient- case report BIMS Medical Journal Vol 1, No-02 70-73 Jul-12
38 Dr. S. M. Jali Dr. Santosh Kurbet, Dr. A. S. Gogate Regional Cellulitis and deep venous thrombosis: A rare association Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Issue 1, Vol. 39 26-28 Jan-April 2012
37 Dr. V. M. Uppin Regional A Randomized Controlled trial comparing the efficacy of intralesional 5- fluorouracil versus triamcinolone acetonide in the treatment of keloids Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Issue 1, Vol. 39 19-25 Jan- April 2012
36 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Editorial: Counseling Notes: A Missing Title in the Medical Records Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Issue1, Vol 9 1 Jan-April 2012
35 Dr. A. S. Godhi Dr. Aman Mahajan, Dr. Aditya Patil, Dr. Manohar S. Regional Multiple Gastric Polyps treated by total gastrectomy- A case report KLE Lifeline Issue XXII 32-33 Jan-12
34 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Amit Nagpure Regional Para Duodenal Hernia- A case report KLE Lifeline Issue XXII 30-31 Jan-12
33 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. Himanshu A, Dr. S. N. Halbhavi, Dr. V. B. Dhaded, Dr. Yogesh JK Regional xophytic Growth of Subcutaneous Leiomyosarcoma of the lowe extremity- A case report BIMS Medical Journal Vol 1 79-81 Jul-12
32 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. A. P. Bellad, Dr. Chetan H Regional Retroperitoneal Myxoma- A rare case KLE Lifeline Issue XXII 25-26 Jan-12
31 Dr. S. C. Metgud Dr. Aman Mahajan, Dr. A. S. Godhi, Dr. V. M. Pattanshetti, Dr. Chandrashekar M Regional Carcinoma Caecum-case report KLE Lifeline Issue XXII 8 to 9 Jan-12
30 Dr. Ved Bhushan S. T Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. S. B. Patil, Dr. Bijju Chandran Regional Massive Colonic Dilatation BIMS Medical Journal Vol.1 23-25 Jan-12
29 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Editorial: Quality Assessment of Institute of Higher Eduction Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Vol 38, No.2 50 Huly-Sept 2011
28 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. S. N. Halbhavi, Dr. Vasantkumar V. T., Dr. Shawn Thomas Regional Laparoscopic Mesenteric Cyst Excision KLE Lifeline Issue XXI 41 Aug-11
27 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. S. N. Halbhavi, Dr. Vasantkumar V. T., Dr. Shawn Thomas Regional Ileo-ileal intussusceptions secondary to a submucosal lipoma with meckel’s diverticulum- an unusual case report KLE Lifeline Issue XXI 20-22 Aug-11
26 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Editorial: Simulation in Medical Education Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Issue 1, Vol. 38 1 to 2 Jan-March 2011
25 Dr. B. M. Kajagar Dr. S. Manohar, Dr. I. V. Uppin, Dr. V. B. Dhaded, Dr. Santosh Patil Regional Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Incidental Carcinoma of the Galbladder I a young adult patients presenting as acute cholecystitis – a case report KLE Lifeline Issue XX 38-40 Jan-11
24 Dr. S. M. Uppin Dr. R. S. Koujalagi,   Dr. Manoj D. Togale Regional Isolated Tuberculous Appendicitis- A rare case report with review of literature KLE Univ. Health Science Journal Vol.4, No.1 55-57 Jan-11
23 Dr. S. M. Uppin Dr. R. S. Koujalagi,   Dr. Devendra Jalde,   Dr. Agarwal A. M.,    Dr. Chacko S. P Regional A Case of Urethral Leiomyoma- A rare Presentation KLE Univ. Health Science Journal Vol. 4, No.1 52-54 Jan-11
22 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Amit Katti,          Dr. Sunil Reddy,        Dr. Vasantkumar V. T Regional Laparoscopic Aspiration and excision of cystadenoma of live- A case report KLE Lifeline Issue XIX 5 to 7 Aug-10
21 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr Vasantkumar V. T., Dr, Amit Katti Regional Broad Ligament Fibroid- An unusual presentation KLE Lifeline Issue XIX 3 to 4 Aug-10
20 Dr. R. R. Rao Regional Pilomatrix Carcinoma- A case report KLE Univ. Health Science Journal Vol 3, No (1) 55-59 Jul-10
19 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Editorial: Teaching Doctros in the Making Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Vol 37, No 2 63-64 July-Sept 2010
18 Dr. A. C. Pangi Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. S. B. Patil, Dr. P. V. Hawaldar Regional Recurrent small bowel obstruction due to Jejuno-Jejund intussusceptions with intra luminal leiomyoma Journal of Sci Soc., JNMC Belgaum Vol. 37, No. 1, 33-34 Jan-March 2010
17 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Manoranjan U. D., Dr. Pramod S Regional Adenocarcinoma third part of duodenum- A case report KLESH Lifeline ISSN 0974-5475 Issue XVIII 40-42 Jan-10
16 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Manoranjan U. D., Dr. Pramod S Regional Jejuna Neurilemmoma causing intestinal obstruction KLE Lifeline ISSN 0974-5475 Issue XVIII 38-39 Jan-10
15 Dr. M. S. Sangolli Regional Post-operative delirium after bilateral inguinal hernia operation Journal of the Scinetific Society, JNMC, Belgaum. Vol 37, No1 48-49 Jan-March 2010
14 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Geriatric care- Repayment of our dept. to the elders Journal of the Scientific Society JNMC, Belgaum Vol 37, No1 1 Jan-March 2010
13 Dr. Kamat G Dr. S. C. Metgud Regional Prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia in cases of deep vein thrombosis KLE Univ. Health Science Journal Vol.2 32-35 Jul-09
12 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Editorial : Evaluating Patient care Quality in Teaching Hospitals – the Individual Clinician’s Role Journal of the Scientific Society, JNMC, Belgaum Vol 26, No. 2 July-Sept 2009
11 Dr. A. S. Godhi Dr. Rekesh P,           Dr S. C. Metgud,      Dr. Pattanshetti V. M Regional Epithelioid Leiomyosarcoma of Greater Omentum  case report of a rare tumour KLES Lifeline Vol No 17 58-59 Aug-09
10 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli,    Dr. J. S. Uttur,          Dr. Deepak ,            Dr. Pramod,             Dr. Manoranjan Regional Spontaneous rupture of Hepatic Hydatid Cyst into the Peritoneum KLES Lifeline Vol No 17 35-37 Aug-09
9 Dr. I. V. Uppin D. B. M. Kajagar,      Dr. V. B. Dhaded,     Dr. Gautham Regional GIST of anal canal [A rare presentation] KLES Lifeline Vol No 17 8 to 11 Aug-09
8 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli,    Dr. Uttur J. S.          Dr. Pramod,             Dr. Manoranjan Regional Laparoscopic Anterior Gastropexy for chronic gastric volvulus KLES Lifeline Vol No 16 51-53 Jan-09
7 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. M. S. Sangolli, Dr. Uttur J. S. Dr. Vandana Gogate Regional Eventration in an adult: A diagnostic dilemma KLES Lifeline Vol No 16 46-46 Jan-09
6 Dr. Kajagar B. M. Dr. Dhaded V. B,       Dr. Uppin I. V., Dr. Neeli S. I. Dr, Sandeep N, Dr. Pramod S Regional Extra-adrenal Phaeochromocytoma Presenting as uncontrolled hypertension [A case report] KLES Lifeline Vol No 16 39-41 Jan-09
5 Dr. M. S. Sangolli Dr. A. S. Gogate,       Dr. S. N. halbhavi,      Dr. Ajay G, Dr. Ganesh M. K., Dr. Manoranjan, Dr. Pramod Regional Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma with unknown primary site (A rare presentation of unusual sternal Mass) KLES Lifeline Vol No 16 15-16 Jan-09
4 Dr. B.V.Gogeri Dr. V. .M. Pattanshetti,  Dr. S.C.Metgud,       Dr. A.S.Godhi,           Dr. Prahsnt T Regional Amyand’s Hernia [ A Rare Case] KLES Lifeline Vol No 16 4-Mar Jan-09
3 Dr. S. C. Metgud Regional Original Article: A Cross- sectional Study to detect the prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia in cases of Deep Vein Thrombosis J. Sci. Soc. Belgaum. 36 27-31 Jan to March 2009
2 Dr. A. S. Gogate Case Report : Laproscopic Anterior Gastropexy for Chronic Gastric Volvulus J. Sci. Soc. Belgaum. 36 50-53 Jan to March 2009
1 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Editorial: Errors in Medicine Journal of the Scientific Society 36 1 Jan to March 2009

Contribution of a chapter in a text book

Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Chapter Name of the Book Page No. Year
1 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Surgical problems in geriatric patients Geriatric Update 2009
2 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Nutrition Support to surgical patients Manipal Manual of Surgery 3rd Ed 2010
3 Dr. A. S. Godhi Regional Adult learning- Principles & practice in Medical Education Medical Education Technology 2011
4 Dr. A. S. Godhi State Chapter contributed:            a.       Communication and counselling, b.       Nutrition Manipal Manual of Surgery 5th Edition 2019
5 Dr. Manoj D. Togale State Wound Management Guidelines update AMASI 2019
6 Dr. Manoj D. Togale Dr. Manisha S. More1 and   Dr. S. S. Shimikore1 State Study on Ambulatory Proctological Surgery as a Novel Method of Practice- Chapter -16 Highlights on Medicine and Medical Science Study on Ambulatory Proctological Surgery as a Novel Method of Practice , pg- 163-168., Print ISBN: 978-93-91473-91-4, eBook ISBN: 978-93-91473-96-9 Vol. 16 Jul-21