Attented by
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Participant | Date | Venue | Photo | |
1 | Medical Records 2007 | State | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 22.9.2007 | Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi | ||
2 | 52th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 7-9.3.2008 | Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi | ||
3 | Microbicides 2008 | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 24-27.2.2008 | Hotel Ashok, New delhi | ||
4 | 53th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 9-11.1.2009 | Kempegouda Institute of Medical Sciences Bangalore | ||
5 | Silver Jubilee Conference | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 9-10.10.2010 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
6 | HYGIEA – 2010 54th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 22-24.1.2010 | Andra Medical College Visakhapatnum | ||
7 | HYGIEA – 2010 54th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 22-24.1.2010 | Andra Medical College Visakhapatnum | ||
8 | New Frontiers In Diabetes-2010 Annua Scientific Meet | Regional | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 7-8.8.2010 | KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital Belgaum | ||
9 | New Frontiers In Diabetes-2010 Annua Scientific Meet | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 7-8.8.2010 | KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital Belgaum | ||
10 | 55th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 28-30.1.2011 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
11 | 55th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 28-30.1.2011 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
12 | 55th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28-30.1.2011 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
13 | 2nd National Diabetes Conference 2011 | National | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 8-10.7.2011 | Crowne Plaza Mutiara Kuala Lumpur | ||
14 | Role of Skilled Birth Attendant’s in Achiving Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5 | State | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 23-24.11.2011 | Institute of Nursing Sciences | ||
15 | CLINICON 2011 | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 23-25.9.2011 | IMA & Balgandharva Rang Mandir, Pune, | ||
16 | 55th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 28-30.1.2011 | JNMC Belgaum | Click Here | |
17 | Certificate of Presenting A Paper/Chairing A Session/ Being A Panelist | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 26-27.3.2012 | Kashmir International Convention Centre Srinagar | ||
18 | 56th Annual Nationa Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 10-12.2.2012 | IMA House Kochi Kerala | ||
19 | KACHCON-2012 24th Annual Conference | Regional | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | 3-4.11.2012 | S. Nijalingappa Medical College Bagalkot | ||
20 | 12th Symposium of the International Diabetes Epidemiology Group (IDEG) Symposium | International | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 29.11.-2.12 2013 | Melbourne Australia | ||
21 | 25th Annual Conference | State | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | 30.11-2.12. 2013 | Bangalore Medical College | ||
22 | Global Public Health Conference 2014 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 21-23.2.2014 | SRM University Tamil Nadu | ||
23 | 26th Annual State Conference | State | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 10-11.10. 2014 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
24 | 26th Annual State Conference | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 10-11.10. 2014 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
25 | 26th Annual State Conference | State | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | 10-11.10. 2014 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
26 | 65th National Conference of Indian Association of Occupational Health-OCCUCON 2015 | National | Dr. Kumar Sumit | 20th to 23rd January 2015 | Hotel Anand Pondicherry Tamil Nadu | ||
27 | 65th National Conference of Indian Association of Occupational Health-OCCUCON 2015 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20th to 23rd January 2015 | Hotel Anand Pondicherry Tamil Nadu | ||
28 | 14 World Congress on Public Health | International | Dr. Kumar Sumit | 11 to 15 February 2015 | Science City, Kolkata | ||
29 | 14 World Congress on Public Health | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 11 to 15 February 2015 | Science City, Kolkata | ||
30 | Indian Society for Medical Statistics Conference 2015 | National | Dr. Kumar Sumit | 13 to 16 October 2015 | KLE University, Belgaum | ||
31 | Indian Society for Medical Statistics Conference 2015 | National | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 13 to 16 October 2015 | KLE University, Belgaum | ||
32 | Indian Society for Medical Statistics Conference 2015 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 13 to 16 October 2015 | KLE University, Belgaum | ||
33 | Indian Society for Medical Statistics Conference 2015 | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 13 to 16 October 2015 | KLE University, Belgaum | ||
34 | Allied Health Professionals as Team Playears in Health Care | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 13/05/2016 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
35 | Seventeenth Population Health Colloquium | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 27 to 29 March 2017 | Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA | ||
36 | 2nd Kelantan International Health Conference | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 25.7.2017 to 26.7.2017 | Kota Baru Malaysia | ||
37 | 28th National Congress of Parasitology | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 28th – 30th January 2018 | Dr. B.S. Jirge Auditorium Hall | ||
38 | 28th National Congress of Parasitology | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 28th – 30th January 2018 | Dr. B.S. Jirge Auditorium Hall | ||
39 | 28th National Congress of Parasitology | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 28th – 30th January 2018 | Dr. B.S. Jirge Auditorium Hall | ||
40 | 28th National Congress of Parasitology | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28th – 30th January 2018 | Dr. B.S. Jirge Auditorium Hall | ||
41 | 2nd International Conference on Maternal and Newborn Health Translating Research Evidence into Practice | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 26.3.2018 -27.3.2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | ||
42 | IYCNCON & HMBCON 2018 | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 1.9.2018 to 2.9.2018 | JNMC Belagavi | ||
43 | KACHCON-2018 30th Annual Conference | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 29.9.2018 & 30.9.2018 | JJM Medical College, Davanagere | ||
44 | Annual Population Health Colloquium | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 18 to 20 March 2019 | Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA | ||
45 | 1st National Pharm:D Colloquium | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 8th & 9th March 2019 | KLE College of Pharmacy | ||
46 | 3rd International Diabetes Experts Conclave 2019 | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28th – 30th June 2019 | Pune | ||
47 | International Medical Conference 2019 | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 12th – 14th September 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre | ||
48 | 11th National Conference On Health Professions Education | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 21st – 23rd November 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre, Belagavi | ||
49 | 11th National Conference On Health Professions Education | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 21st – 23rd November 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre, Belagavi | ||
50 | 11th National Conference On Health Professions Education | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 21st – 23rd November 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre, Belagavi | ||
51 | 2nd National Pharma.D Conference | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 29th – 30th November 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre, Belagavi | ||
52 | Discoring Healthy Food Though Food Processing & Nutrition | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 6th March 2020 | College of Non Conventional Vocational Courses For Women, Kolhapur | ||
53 | National Allied Health Sciences Conference 2020 | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 1st Feb 2020 | RGUHS Bangaluru | ||
54 | Fasting; Molecular Mechanisms & Its Clinical Applications | International | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 16th August 2020 | Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India | ||
55 | Nutrition in Diabetes | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 27 & 28.10.2020 | Department of Community Medicine, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad | ||
56 | Nutrition in Diabetes | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 27 & 28.10.2020 | Department of Community Medicine, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad | ||
57 | Nutrition in Diabetes | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 27 & 28.10.2020 | Department of Community Medicine, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad | ||
58 | 10th APOCP General Assembly and Conferences | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Nov-20 | Tehran, Iran, | ||
59 | 5th National Conference On Tobacco Or Health | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 25.9.2021 to 27.9.2021 | online | ||
60 | 18th Annual Conference: Ayurveda for Family Health | International | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | 18.4.2022 to 2.5.2022 | USA | ||
61 | 66th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 23.9.2022 to 25.9.2022 | Department of Community Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeet Medical College, Pune | ||
62 | International Conference on 1st International Conference Mental Health Concerns & Management in Diverse Population | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 17.11.2022 | KAHER, Belagavi | ||
63 | International Conference on 5th Amrita International Conference | International | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 2.12.2022 to 3.12.2022 | Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Kochi | ||
64 | National Conference on My Nutricon – 2022 | National | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 9.12.2022 | Department of Community Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mysuru | ||
65 | Nutrition and Counselling in Cleft Care | National | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 16.3.2023 to 18.3.2023 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
66 | 67th Annua National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 7-9.4.2023 | Biswa Bangla Convention Center, Kolkata | ||
67 | 4th National Pharm D Colloquium (NPC) | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 24.3.2023 to 25.3.2023 | College of Pharmacy | ||
68 | One Day National Conference on Millets: A multidisciplinary Approach Towards Food and Nutritional Security | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 6.5.2023 | College of Non Conventional Vocational Courses For Women, Kolhapur | Key Note Speaker | |
69 | 4th Annual Conference EFICON 2023 | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 30.9.2023 & 1.10.2023 | Goa Medical College, Bambolim, Goa | Expert Talk on Health Seeking Behaviour (HSB)-III | |
70 | International Conference on 5th Amrita International Conference | International | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 2.12.2023 to 3.12.2023 | Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Kochi | Promising paper presentation @ Amrita Public Health Conference, Kochi, Kerala | |
71 | 68th Annual National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 15.03.2024 to 17.03.2024 | Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering and Allie Sports, Manali Himachal Pradesh | chairing a scientific research presentation session | |
72 | 68th Annual National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Sushma Meled | 15.03.2024 to 17.03.2024 | Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering and Allie Sports, Manali Himachal Pradesh | ||
73 | Fostering Innovations in Midwifery:Moving forward in maternal & Newborn Care | National | Dr. Rajashree Koppad | 22.03.2024 & 23.03.2024 | KAHER Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | ||
74 | 2nd International Conference on ‘Hardware(Brain Health) and Software (Techniques, Therapies) for Mental Health Management | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 27.03.2024 & 28.03.2024 | KAHER, Belagavi | Judge for Technical Paper Presentation | |
75 | 2nd International Conference on ‘Hardware(Brain Health) and Software (Techniques, Therapies) for Mental Health Management | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 27.03.2024 & 28.03.2025 | KAHER, Belagavi | Moderator for Technical Session | |
76 | State Lever NTEP Conference – STRIVE-2025 Strengthening TB Responses In Villages for achieving End TB 2025 |
State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 14.08.2024 | Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences- Shivamogga | Received Best Concept Paper Award | |
77 | State Lever NTEP Conference – STRIVE-2025 Strengthening TB Responses In Villages for achieving End TB 2026 |
State | Dr. Rajashree Koppad | 14.08.2024 | Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences- Shivamogga |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Participant | Date | Venue | Photo |
1 | Control of Vector Borne Diseases | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28-29.5.2008 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
2 | Principle & Practice of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28-29.5.2009 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
3 | Issues & Changes in Public Health | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 4-5.3.2009 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
4 | Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 5.10.2010 | Dept. of Community Medicine JNMC Belgaum | ||
5 | Geriatrics | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 21.2.2010 | SDM College of Medical Sciences Dharwad | ||
6 | CME on Exercise, Sports & Health | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 21.8.2010 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
7 | Writing Grant Application | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 27.1.2011 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
8 | Writing Grant Application | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 27.1.2011 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | Click Here | |
9 | Health Education for Teachers | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 27.6.2011 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
10 | Diarrhoeal Diseases-Recent Trends & Issues | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 9.7.2011 | Dept. of Microbiology JNMC Belgaum | ||
11 | Diarrhoeal Diseases-Recent Trends & Issues | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 9.7.2011 | Dept. of Microbiology JNMC Belgaum | ||
12 | Annual Biochemistry CME-2014 | Dr. Vijayashree Mathad | 10.9.2012 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
13 | Suvarna JNMC Annual Biochemistry CME-2013 | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | 2.7.2013 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
14 | JNMC Sceientific Society Annual CME-2014 | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | 20.3.2014 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
15 | Bio-Medical Communication | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 9.10.2014 | Dept. of Community Medicine JNMC Belgaum | ||
16 | Bio-Medical Communication | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 9.10.2014 | Dept. of Community Medicine JNMC Belgaum | ||
17 | Bio-Medical Communication | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | 9.10.2014 | Dept. of Community Medicine JNMC Belgaum | ||
18 | Public Health Informatics | Dr. Kumar Sumit | 13.12.2014 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
19 | Public Health Informatics | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 13.12.2014 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
20 | Public Health Informatics | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 13.12.2014 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
21 | Public Health Informatics | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 13.12.2014 | Dept. of Public Health JNMC Belgaum | ||
22 | H1N1 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 28.5.2016 | Dept. of Microbiology, JNMC Belgaum | |
23 | Bioethics in Clinical Practice | Internationa | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 3.11.2016 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
24 | Bioethics in Clinical Practice | International | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 3.11.2016 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
25 | Bioethics in Clinical Practice | Internationa | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 3.11.2016 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
26 | Bioethics in Clinical Practice | Internationa | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 3.11.2016 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
27 | Scientific Manuscript Writing | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 26th to 27th April 2017 | USM KLE International Medical Program | |
28 | 38th Annual CME | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 11th & 12th July 2020 | Online KAHER | |
29 | Statistics in Health Research | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 29.6.2021 | Online | |
30 | 2nd International CME | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 11th & 12th January 2022 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
31 | 2nd International CME | International | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 11th & 12th January 2022 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
32 | CNE on Innovative Approaches in Maternal Health | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 9.5.2023 | KAHER Ibnstitute f Nursing Sciences Belagavi | |
33 | Periodontal treatment stratergies for detal Practical Practioners and Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Dentistry | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 10.09.2023 | Indian Dental Association, Belagavi Branch | |
34 | CME Series on Nutrition- 1 “Frontiers in Nutrition” | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 20.02.2024 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
35 | CME Series on Nutrition- 1 “Frontiers in Nutrition” | National | Dr. Sushma Meled | 20.02.2024 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Participant | Date | Venue | Photo |
1 | Evidence Based Medicine | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 19 to 20.5.2009 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
2 | Evidence Based Medicine | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 19 to 20.5.2009 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
3 | Evidence Based Dentistry | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 4 to 5.4.2009 | VKIDS Belgaum | ||
4 | Qualitative Research and Bioethics | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 6 to 7.11.2009 | DOME Belgaum | ||
5 | Current trends in HIV/TB Care & Management Update | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 10.10.2009 | KLE Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital Belgaum | ||
6 | Qualitative Research and Bioethics | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 10 to 11.5.2010 | DOME Belgaum | ||
7 | Health Education for Teachers | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 27.6.2011 | DOME Belgaum | ||
8 | Training of Teachers | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 3 to 14.1.2011 | College of Pharmacy Belgaum | ||
9 | Research Methodology & Biostatistics | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 17 to 18.10.2011 | Dept. of Community Medicine JNMC Belgaum | ||
10 | Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 12 to 14.5.2011 | Christian Medical College Vellore | ||
11 | Writing Grant Application | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 5 to 6.12.2011 | DOME Belgaum | ||
12 | Management of Traumatic Injuries | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 12.2.2012 | Dept. of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry VKIDS Belgaum | ||
13 | MCQ Writing and Validation | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 1.10.2012 | DOME Belgaum | ||
14 | MCQ Writing and Validation | Dr. Vijayashree Mathad | 1.10.2012 | DOME Belgaum | ||
15 | Medical Education Technology | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 15 to 16.2.2012 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
16 | Medical Education Technology | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 15 to 16.2.2012 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
17 | Case Studies on Innovations in Maternal and Newborn Health for Teaching and Advocacy | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 17 to 18.8.2012 | Hyderabad, Adhra Pradesh | ||
18 | Medical Professional and Leagal Awareness | Dr. Shwetha Patil | 10 to 11.5.2012 | DOME Belgaum | ||
19 | Enhancing Leadership Skills | Dr. Vijaya A Naik | 20 to 21.10.2013 | DOME Belgaum | ||
20 | Research Methodology | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 18 to 20.9.2014 | Institute of Physiotherapy Belgaum | ||
21 | Considering National Service Scheme (NSS) as Elective Subject and Skill Development with Vacation Education Training | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20 to 21.5.2014 | KLE University Belgaum | ||
22 | Multi Disciplinary Approach to Management of Child Abuse | Dr. Vijaya A Naik | 7 to 8.2.2014 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
23 | Multi Disciplinary Approach to Management of Child Abuse | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 7 to 8.2.2014 | JNMC Belgaum | ||
24 | Orientation for Newly Recruited Faculty | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 7 to 8.7.2014 | DOME Belgaum | ||
25 | Exposure assessment methods in air pollution related epidemiological studies | National | Dr. Kumar Sumit | 13 to 14 March 2015 | Sri Ramachandra University Dept. of Environmental Health Engineering | |
26 | Statistical Methods in Health Research in SPSS & Excel | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 11 to 12 May 2015 | University Dept. of Education for Health Profesionals | ||
27 | Complex Sampling and Multivariate Techniques in Health Research with SPSS 22 | Dr. Shruti Murthy | 20 to 24 July 2015 | KLE University Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics | ||
28 | Complex Sampling and Multivariate Techniques in Health Research with SPSS 22 | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20 to 24 July 2015 | KLE University Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics | ||
29 | Nutrition and Chronic Disease Research Methods | International | Dr. Nazia Farooqui | 26th to 29th July 2016 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
30 | Nutrition and Chronic Disease Research Methods | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 26th to 29th July 2016 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
31 | Nutrition and Chronic Disease Research Methods | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 26th to 29th July 2016 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
32 | Biostatistics & Research with SPSS / EXCEL Spreadsheet | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20th to 22nd Feb 2017 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
33 | Scientific Manuscript Writing | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 26th to 27th April 2017 | USM KLE International Medical Program | |
34 | Training Course for NSS Program Officers | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 2 to 8.6.2017 | NCHS Building, Manasagangotri, Mysuru | |
35 | Life skills Training | State | Dr Ashwini N | 31.1.2017 to.4.2.2017 | National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) Bangalore | |
36 | Life skills Training | State | Dr Nagaraj Patil | 12.6.2017 to.17.6.2017 | National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) Bangalore | |
37 | Sample Size and Multivariate Analysis by SPSS / Excell | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 28.8.2014 to 1.9.2017 | DOME Belgaum | |
38 | Orientation for Newly Recruited Faculty | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 8.8.2014 | DOME Belgaum | |
39 | Orientation for Newly Recruited Faculty | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 8.8.2014 | DOME Belgaum | |
40 | Research Methodology | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 22.9.2017 to 23.9.2017 | Institute of Physiotherapy | |
41 | First National Workshop on Enhancement of Quality of Health Sciences Journals | National | Dr Ashwini N | 15.9.2017 | KLE University | |
42 | First National Workshop on Enhancement of Quality of Health Sciences Journals | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 15.9.2017 | KLE University | |
43 | Testing of Hypothesis, Systemetic Review of Literature and Meta-Analysis with SPSS / Excell Spreadsheet | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 20.1.2018 to 22.1.2018 | DOME Belgaum | |
44 | UDEHP Workshop on Life skills Enrichment – Leadership & Skills Training | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 28th & 29th September 2018 | Department of Public Health & UDEHP | |
45 | Workshop on Sample Aize and Multivariate Analysis by SPSS / Excell | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 28.8.2018 to 1.9.2018 | KAHER Belgaum | |
46 | Intensive Course in Epidemiology and Biostatistics | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 6.8.2018 to 24.8.2018 | KAHER Belgaum | |
47 | CME Event Belgaum Chapter | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 9.9.2018 | Belgaum | |
48 | Workshop on Tobacco Cessation | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 4th September 2018 | VKIDS | |
49 | Workshop on Tobacco Cessation | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 4th September 2018 | VKIDS | |
50 | Creative Teaching Methods | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 30.11.2018 | DOME Belgaum | |
51 | Workshop on Qualitative Research | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 20.11.2018 to 22.11.2018 | Department of Public Health | |
52 | Workshop on Qualitative Research | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 20.11.2018 to 22.11.2018 | Department of Public Health | |
53 | Workshop on Qualitative Research | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20.11.2018 to 22.11.2018 | Department of Public Health | |
54 | Workshop on Qualitative Research | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 20.11.2018 to 22.11.2018 | Department of Public Health | |
55 | National workshop on Excellence in Research | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 25.2.2019 to 26.2.2019 | Chhatrapati Shahu Institute of Business Education & Research, Kolhapur | |
56 | Sample Size Calculation and Research Tool Development | Regional | Dr Mubashir A | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
57 | Sample Size Calculation and Research Tool Development | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
58 | Sample Size Calculation and Research Tool Development | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
59 | Sample Size Calculation and Research Tool Development | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
60 | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Regional | Dr Mubashir A | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
61 | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
62 | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
63 | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 6.2.2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
64 | Systemetic Review and Meta-Analysis | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 10th to 11th April 2019 | DOME Belgaum | |
65 | Respondent Validation Workshop | National | Dr Mubashir A | 28th July 2019 | Hotel Crowne Plaza, Okhla Industrial Area (Phase 1), New Delhi | |
66 | Leadership Skills for Health Professionals | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 17th & 18th September 2019 | KLE’s Convention Centre | |
67 | Leadership Skills for Health Professionals | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 17th & 18th September 2019 | KLE’s Convention Centre | |
68 | Study Designs and Statistical Methods using Excel / SPSS | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 16th & 20th September 2019 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
69 | Leadership Skills for Health Professionals | Regional | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | 17th & 18th September 2019 | KLE’s Convention Centre | |
70 | Life Skills | Regional | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | 23rd November 2019 | USM KLE International Medical Program | |
71 | Life Skills | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 23rd November 2019 | USM KLE International Medical Program | |
72 | Life Skills | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 23rd November 2019 | USM KLE International Medical Program | |
74 | 11th National Conference On Health Professions Education | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 21st – 23rd November 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre | |
75 | 11th National Conference On Health Professions Education | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 21st – 23rd November 2019 | KLE Centernary Convention Centre | |
76 | Integrity and Ethics in Clinical Research and Publication | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 9th November 2019 | KAHER, Belgaum | |
77 | Integrity and Ethics in Clinical Research and Publication | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 9th November 2019 | KAHER, Belgaum | |
78 | Intensive Course in Research Methodology and Biostatistics | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 13th August & 12th September 2019 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
79 | Outcome based Education Strategies | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 25th January 2020 | Shri BMK Ayurved College | |
80 | Qualitative Research: Art of Interviewing | International | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 6th February 2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
81 | Qualitative Research: Art of Interviewing | International | Dr. Rajashree Koppad | 6th February 2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
82 | Qualitative Research: Art of Interviewing | International | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 6th February 2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
83 | Qualitative Research: Developing Interview Questions | International | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 6th February 2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
84 | Qualitative Research: Developing Interview Questions | International | Dr. Rajashree Koppad | 6th February 2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
85 | Qualitative Research: Developing Interview Questions | International | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 6th February 2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
85 | Humanities in Health Professions Education | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 12th & 13th March 2020 | UDEHP, DOME | |
86 | Research Methodology In Epidemiology and Biostatistics | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 16th to 20th March 2020 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
87 | Research Methodology In Epidemiology and Biostatistics | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 16th to 20th March 2020 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
88 | Research Methodology In Epidemiology and Biostatistics | Regional | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 16th to 20th March 2020 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
89 | Orientation to Program Evaluation | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 16th March 2019 | UDEHP, DOME | |
90 | Orientation to Program Evaluation | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 16th March 2019 | UDEHP, DOME | |
91 | Research Methodology | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 4th November 2019 | Institute of Physiotherapy Belgaum | |
92 | One Day online Swachhta Action Plan workshop for NSS program officers of Belagavi District | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 08.07.2020 | Online | |
93 | Nursing Research key to enhance Nursing Practi | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 23.1.2020 to 24.1.2020 | Aragonda Apollo College of Nursing | |
94 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Health Projects and programs | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 1st Feb 2020 | RGUHS Bangaluru | |
95 | Five Day hands on Training Programme on Laboratory Procedures | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 17th to 21st December 2019 | BSRC | |
96 | Enabling Self Reliant Economy Through Techno Social Innovation In A Perspective of Post COVID 19 Rural India | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 25th to 27th June 2020 | Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Mumbai | |
97 | Five Days online Faculty Development Program ‘Mentoring and Facilitation skills for Institutional Mentors | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 27-31, May 2020 | Online Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hydarbad | |
98 | Orientation to Program Evaluation | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 16th June 2020 | UDEHP, DOME | |
99 | Impact of Covid-19 on Women: Family, Health, Education and Employment | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 17-21, August 2020 | Online Kuvempu University, Shimogga | |
100 | NEP 2020: A Transformative Education Policy for Apsirational India | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28th August 2020 | Online Lingraj College Belagavi | |
101 | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Regional | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 23rd & 24th December 2019 | Dept. of Public Health, JNMC, KAHER | |
102 | Highlights and Implementation of National Education Policy-2020 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 24th to 28th August 2020 | Bangalore University | |
102 | Highlights and Implementation of National Education Policy-2020 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 24th to 28th August 2020 | Bangalore University | |
103 | Sample Size Estimation, Systemetic Review and Meta Analysis using SPSS / Excell | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 1.11.2020 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
104 | Research Methodology In Epidemiology and Biostatistics | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 16th to 20th March 2020 | Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics | |
105 | Explore the untapped within you | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 16.3.2021 | Institute of Physiotherapy Belgaum | |
106 | 7 Days NSS Training Program | State | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 8th to 14th March 2021 | University of Mysore, Mysuru | |
107 | Mestrual Hygine and Management | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 9.4.2021 | Online | |
108 | Meta analysis of Observational studies & RCTS & Hands-on Using STATA Software | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 10.7.2021 to 11.7.2021 | Online | |
106 | 7 Days NSS Training Program | State | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 8th to 14th March 2021 | University of Mysore, Mysuru | |
107 | Mestrual Hygine and Management | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 7.6.2021 | Online | |
108 | Mestrual Hygine and Management | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 9.6.2021 | Online | |
109 | Meta analysis of Observational studies & RCTS & Hands-on Using STATA Software | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 10.7.2021 to 11.7.2021 | Online | |
109 | Bhoodan Movement & Azadi Ki Amruth Mahothsav | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 20.7.2021 | Online | |
110 | Water Quantity and Quality Conservation | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 28.7.2021 to 30.7.2021 | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | |
111 | Water Quantity and Quality Conservation | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 28.7.2021 to 30.7.2021 | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | |
112 | Qualitative Research Methodology” for Health Professionals | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 22.10.2021 & 23.10.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
113 | Qualitative Research Methodology” for Health Professionals | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 22.10.2021 & 23.10.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
114 | Qualitative Research Methodology” for Health Professionals | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 22.10.2021 & 23.10.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
115 | Qualitative Research Methodology” for Health Professionals | Regional | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 22.10.2021 & 23.10.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
117 | Research Methodologyand Grant Writing | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 25.11.2021 & 26.11.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
118 | Research Methodologyand Grant Writing | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 25.11.2021 & 26.11.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
119 | Research Methodologyand Grant Writing | Regional | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 25.11.2021 & 26.11.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
120 | Multivariate Statistical Method and Diagnostic Evaluation using Excel & SPSS | Regional | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 15.12.2021 to 17.12.2021 | Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics | |
121 | E Content Development | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 13.4.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
122 | Faculty Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 1.6.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
123 | Faculty Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 1.6.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
124 | Faculty Orientation Program | Regional | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 1.6.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
125 | Faculty Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | 1.6.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
126 | Systematic Review and Meta Analysis | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 24.5.2022 | KLE College of Pharmacy Hubli | |
127 | Systematic Review and Meta Analysis | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 24.5.2022 | KLE College of Pharmacy Hubli | |
128 | Research Methodologyand Grant Writing | Regional | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | 25.11.2021 & 26.11.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
129 | Ahara Yojana (Planning of Diet) | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 27.6.2022 & 28.6.2022 | Shri BMK Ayurved College | |
130 | Ahara Yojana (Planning of Diet) | National | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 27.6.2022 & 28.6.2023 | Shri BMK Ayurved College | |
131 | Ahara Yojana (Planning of Diet) | National | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | 27.6.2022 & 28.6.2024 | Shri BMK Ayurved College | |
132 | Life skill | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20.7.2022 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
133 | Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases | Regional | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 26.07.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
134 | Research Methodology and Grant Writing | Regional | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 12.9.2022 to 15.9.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
135 | Research Methodology and Grant Writing | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 12.9.2022 to 15.9.2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
136 | Understanding the Approches to teaching and learning skills in 21st century | Regional | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 28.09.2022 to 29.09.2022 | KLE College of Pharmacy Hubli | |
137 | Pre Conference Workshop on Infant and Young child Feeding | State | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 14.10.2022 | JNMC Belgaum | |
138 | Be an effective presenter presentation skill enhancement | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 20.10.2022 & 21.10.2022 | KAHER Instititute of Physiothery | |
139 | Be an effective presenter presentation skill enhancement | Regional | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 20.10.2022 & 21.10.2022 | KAHER Instititute of Physiothery | |
140 | Research Tool Development | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 17th & 18th October 2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | |
141 | Multivariate Statistical Method and Research Methodology | Regional | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 15.11.2022 to 17.11.2022 | KAHER, Belgaum | |
142 | Online workshop on Economic Evaluation of Public Health Programmes as a part IPHACON2023 Pre Conference Workshop | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28.11. 2022 to 2.12.2022 | Online | |
143 | Nutrition and Counselling in Cleft Care | National | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 16.3.2023 | JNMC Belgaum | |
144 | Sample Size Calculation for Biomedical Research | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 18.3.2023 to 19.3.2023 | online star studio India | |
145 | One Day Workshop 2023 | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 14.6.2023 | Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 2, Belagavi, Cantt | |
146 | Art of Grant Writing: How to write a persuative proposal | Regional | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 8.12.2023 to 9.12.2023 | KAHER | |
147 | Art of Grant Writing: How to write a persuative proposal | Regional | Dr. Sushma Meled | 8.12.2023 to 9.12.2023 | KAHER | |
148 | Innovative Teaching Methodologies for Science Education | Regional | Dr. Sushma Meled | 8.12.2023 to 9.12.2023 | KLE College of Pharmacy Belagavi | |
149 | Girls Health and Hygine | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 7.11.2023 | Jain Pre University College | |
150 | Let Communities Lead | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 1.12.2023 | Dr. Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research center, KAHER | |
151 | Design and Development of Self Learning Materials for Distance, Online and Blended Laerning | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 20 to 25.11.2023 | Indira Gandhi Nationation Open University, New Delhi | |
152 | Al Assisted Scientific Writing & Publishing | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 20.1.2024 | RLS Belagavi | |
153 | Al Assisted Scientific Writing & Publishing | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 20.1.2024 | RLS Belagavi | |
154 | Al Assisted Scientific Writing & Publishing | National | Dr. Sushma Meled | 20.1.2024 | RLS Belagavi | |
155 | Al Assisted Scientific Writing & Publishing | National | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 20.1.2024 | RLS Belagavi | |
156 | 11th International Short Course on ‘Understnading Public Health Nutrition Towards Policy and Action | International | Dr. Sushma Meled | 9.10.2024 to 12.10.2023 | India International Centre, New Delhi India | |
157 | Ahara Yojana (Planning of Diet) | Regional | Dr. Sushma Meled | 21 & 22.10.2023 | Shri BMK Ayurved College | |
158 | AI tools for Smart Teaching, Learning, Evaluation and Reseasrch Convened by ACUMEN Foundation, SEVA ACADEMY | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 23.01.2024 to 24.01.2024 | Online | |
159 | Questionnaire Validation and Development | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 24.02.2024 to 25.02.2024 | E-Workshop | ||
160 | Synopsis Writing | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 11.03.2024 | Shri BMK Ayurved College | ||
161 | 5th National Pharm D Collquium | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 15.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 | KLE College of Pharmcy, Belagavi | |
162 | Intra-oral scanner methods and applications abd Temparomandibular Disorders, Diagnosis & Treatment | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 18.02.2024 | Indian Dental Association, Belagavi Branch | |
163 | Achieve your Goals through Creative Visualization and Primary Teeth Matters-An Update | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 31.03.2024 | Indian Dental Association, Belagavi Branch | |
164 | NSS National State Youth Festival-2024 | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 27.04.2024 to 01.05.2024 | State NSS Cell, Dept of Youth Empowerment & Sports Govt of Karnataka, Bengaluru & NSS Cell KAHER | Organizing Secretary |
165 | NSS National State Youth Festival-2025 | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 30.04.2024 | State NSS Cell, Dept of Youth Empowerment & Sports Govt of Karnataka, Bengaluru & NSS Cell KAHER | Resource Person |
166 | R Workshop | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Every Thursday from 11.04.2024 to 02.05.2024 | Umea University | Organizing Secretary R Workshop |
167 | Life Skill Training | Local | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 6th & 7th June 2024 | Institute of Physiotherapy | Resource Person |
168 | Life Skill Training | Local | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 6th & 7th June 2024 | Institute of Physiotherapy | Resource Person |
169 | Protocol Development for Systematic Review | Local | Dr. Sushma Meled | 03.06.24 04.06.24 07.06.24 |
Department of Evience Based Health Sciences | |
170 | Protocol Development for Systematic Review | Local | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 03.06.24 04.06.24 07.06.24 |
Department of Evience Based Health Sciences | Organising Secretary |
171 | Life Skill Training | Local | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 10.07.24 | Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | Resource Person |
172 | Hands on Workshop-GIS | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 14.08.2024 | Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences- Shivamogga | |
173 | UDEHP Workshop on Monitoring metrics for an effective mentorship program | Local | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 20.08.2024 | KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi | |
174 | National Level Medtech Hackathon Organised by KLE Incubation and Innovation Centre | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 30.08.2024 | KAHER | |
175 | National Level Medtech Hackathon Organised by KLE Incubation and Innovation Centre | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 30.08.2024 | KAHER | |
176 | Coping with stress and emotions | Local | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 09.09.2024 | Institute of Physiotherapy | |
177 | Effective Manuscript Writing | Local | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 08.10.2024 | Institute of Physiotherapy |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Participant | Date (DD/MM/YY) | Venue | |
1 | Health Economics | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 30.1.2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
2 | Health Economics | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 30.1.2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
3 | Health Economics | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 30.1.2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
4 | Health Economics | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 30.1.2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | |
5 | Seminar on Clinical Ethics In Hospital Practice | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 1.12.2018 | KLE Dr. PKH & MRC | |
6 | Seminar on Clinical Ethics In Hospital Practice | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 1.12.2018 | KLE Dr. PKH & MRC | |
7 | Seminar on Clinical Ethics In Hospital Practice | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 1.12.2018 | KLE Dr. PKH & MRC | |
8 | Seminar on Clinical Ethics In Hospital Practice | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 1.12.2018 | KLE Dr. PKH & MRC | |
9 | The UN Sustainable Development Goals, Ba-Bapu and Civil Society | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 30.5.2019 to 1.6.2019 | Karnathaka State Development and Panchayat Raj University, Gadag | |
10 | Yoga as Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 20th June 2020 | Online Angadi Institute of Technology and Management | |
11 | Yoga as Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine | National | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 20th June 2020 | Online Angadi Institute of Technology and Management | |
12 | Yoga as Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 20th June 2020 | Online Angadi Institute of Technology and Management | |
13 | Food Laws and the Requirements of Food Testing in India | International | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 8th July 2020 | Online Dept. of Food Technology AKS University Satna | |
14 | Grains for gut microbiome health-A dietary perspective | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 28th July 2020 | Online Nutrition Society of India, Mumbai | |
15 | Coronavirus: Research Opprtunities and Challenges in the Present and Future Senario | State | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 5th August 2020 | Online Dept. of Life Science, Central University of Karnataka | |
16 | implimenting ban on Tobacco advirtisements promotions and sponsership | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 4th August 2020 | IPH Bangalore | |
17 | Awareness on Drug Abuse | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 26th June 2020 | College of Pharmacy, Belagavi | |
18 | Mental Health Concerns During and Post COVID 19 Senario | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 23rd May 2020 | Dept. of Psychology, JNMC | |
19 | Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life-A Fight Against Depression | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 9th July 2020 | College of Pharmacy, Bengluru | |
20 | NEP 2020: A Transformative Education Policy for Apsirational India | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 28th August 2020 | Online Lingraj College Belagavi | |
21 | Diet and Nutrition for lifestyle disease Management during Covid 19 pandmic | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 25th to 27th August 2020 | Online University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore | |
22 | Horticulture resources and their role in boosting immunity against Covid-19 | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 4th September 2020 | Online University of Horticulture Sciences, Bagalkote | |
23 | Meta Analysis in Nutrition – Need and Process | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 16th August 2020 | Online Nutrition Society of India, Mumbai Chapter | |
24 | Meta Analysis in Nutrition – Need and Process | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 16th August 2020 | Online Nutrition Society of India, Mumbai Chapter | |
25 | Brest Feeding | Regional | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 29th August 2020 | Online Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
26 | Brest Feeding | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 29th August 2020 | Online Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi | |
27 | Addressing the Challenges of Health & Nutrition During Covid-19, A Holistic Approach | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 27th & 28th July 2020 | Institute of Home Sciences, Bengluru | |
28 | Grains for gut microbiome health-A dietary perspective | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 28th July 2020 | Online Nutrition Society of India, Mumbai | |
29 | Orientation on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013) | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 176th & 18th Septermber 2020 | Online National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, NIPCCD, Regional Centre, Benglore | |
30 | One Day State Level Food for Healthy Life | State | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 22nd September 2020 | Govt. of Karnataka, State NSS Cell | |
31 | One Day State Level Food for Healthy Life | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 22nd September 2020 | Govt. of Karnataka, State NSS Cell | |
32 | Second Day webinar placing the Result in perspective | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 28.8.2020 | Indian Association Medical Journal Editors | |
33 | Forth Day webinar the Middle Methods | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 25.8.2020 | Indian Association Medical Journal Editors | |
34 | Diet and Nutrition for lifestyle disease Management during Covid 19 pandmic | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 25th to 27th August 2020 | Online University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore | |
35 | International Professional Enhanceent Series | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 14th August 2020 | Online Raipur Government College, Raipur (CG) | |
36 | International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG-6) | International | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | Sept. 2020 | Medicuality Healthcare Services, Bangaluru | |
37 | Mental Health Yatra IV: 2020MANO UNNATI | state | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 12th & 13th Sept. 2020 | Kateel Ashok Pai Memorial College, Shivamogga | |
38 | Internet Addiction and Career in Psychology | state | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 27th to 29th May 2020 | Kateel Ashok Pai Memorial College, Shivamogga | |
39 | Introductory Course on Research Methodology and Biostatistics | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 24.8.2020 to 25.9.2020 | Institute of Appilied Statistics | |
40 | Fifth Day webinar the Ethics and Etcetera | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 9.10.2020 | Indian Association Medical Journal Editors | |
41 | Food Planet Health | State | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 16th October 2020 | VEGAN OUTREACH | |
42 | Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA) Training Course | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 11.10.2020 | Quality & Accreditation Institute | |
43 | Food Planet Health | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 9th October 2020 | VEGAN OUTREACH | |
44 | Consulatation with Coordinators & Nodewl Officers About Blood Donation by KASAPS | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 23.10.2020 | Govt. of Karnataka, State NSS Cell | |
45 | Consulatation with Coordinators & Nodewl Officers About Blood Donation by KASAPS | State | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 23.10.2020 | Govt. of Karnataka, State NSS Cell | |
46 | Supporting Students | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 10.10.2020 | India’s Largest School Network | |
47 | High-Calorie Diet | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 24.10.2020 | All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur | |
48 | Skill Development & Employability in the YOuth | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 19.10.2020 | Govt. of Karnataka, State NSS Cell | |
49 | Newer Teaching Methodologies | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 6.10.2020 | Webex Online Platform | |
50 | Access to Justice through LegaSewrvices Authorities | State | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 9.11.2020 | Govt. of Karnataka, State NSS Cell | |
51 | Qualitative Research Design | International | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 25.11.2020 | Institute of Nursing Sciences | |
52 | webinar on “Lessons learnt from emerging infectious diseases. What’s next ?” | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 17.12.2020 | Community Medicine, JNMC | |
53 | webinar on “Lessons learnt from emerging infectious diseases. What’s next ?” | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 17.12.2020 | Community Medicine, JNMC | |
54 | webinar on “Lessons learnt from emerging infectious diseases. What’s next ?” | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 17.12.2020 | Community Medicine, JNMC | |
55 | COVID-19 The Pandamic and Persons with Intelectual & Developmental Disabilities | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 18.12.2020 | Composite Regional centre for skill Development, Rehabilitation & empowerment of Persons with Doisabilities, Agartala, Tripura | |
56 | Commemorate Gandhi Jayanti 2020 | State | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 26.9.2020 to 1.10.2020 | Yenepoya University | |
57 | Opportunities and Challenges for 21st-Century Public Health | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 22.1.2021 | Online | |
58 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
59 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
60 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
61 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
62 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Dr. Mubashgir Angolkar | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
63 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
64 | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | International | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 13.2.2021 | Online | |
65 | ‘Pharmacovigilance in Homoepathy’ | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 19.2.2021 | Online | |
66 | Factors To Consider In Planning Environment Friendly, Sustainable Development Projects | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 13.3.2021 | Rajiov Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai | |
67 | Implications of Covid-19 on Geriatric Care | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 13.4.2021 | Online | |
68 | Awareness of Exercise and Proper Diet | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 7.4.2021 | Online | |
69 | 3 days Research and Statistics Webinar 2021 | National | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 18.4.2021 | Online | |
70 | Gender and Labour | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 12th to 16th April 2021 | Online | |
71 | Career Opportunities in Public Health | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 15.5.2021 | Online | |
72 | World Blood Donor Day | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 14.6.2021 | Online | |
73 | Handling Loss and Grief | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 25.6.2021 | Online | |
74 | ‘How to Manage Stress in Life’ | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 21.4.2021 | Online | |
75 | “Covid-19 Vaccines – Concerns and Issues in Indian Scenario” | International | Dr. Annapurna Kari | June 22-23, 2021 | Online | |
76 | Mestrual Hygine and Management | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 23.6.2021 | Online | |
77 | Awareness on Covid-19 Pandamic | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 23.6.2021 | Online | |
78 | Fundamentals Of Biostatistics & Hypothesis Testing And Hands On In Spss Software’ | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 26.6.2021. | Online | |
79 | Mestrual Hygine and Management | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 7.6.2021 | Online | |
80 | Infection Control in the OT for High – Risk patients | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 24.6.2021 | Online | |
81 | Epiphany- virtual UG Summit | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 5.7.2021 to 7.7.2021 | Online | |
82 | Strengthening the Parent – Teen Bond | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 9.7.2021 | Online | |
84 | Plagiarism, Editing, Proofreading and Research Ethics | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 22.8.2021 | Online | ||
85 | Training of Doctors on Management of VOVID-19 in Chindren | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 12.8.2021 | Online | |
86 | Life skill training | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 30.7.2021 | Institite of Nursing Sciences | ||
87 | Clinical Research and Statistical Analysis Using SPSS, SAS & R Software | State | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 15.9.2021 to 21.9.2021 | Department of Epidemiology | |
88 | NRI Marriage | National | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 10.12.2021 | Online | |
89 | NRI Marriage | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 10.12.2021 | Online | |
90 | The Complete Guide to Identify Variables and Construct Hypotheses | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 1.1.2022 | Online | |
91 | Bioethics in Nursing Research | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 11.1.2022 | Online | |
92 | Bioethics in Nursing Research | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 11.1.2022 | Online | |
93 | Intellectual Property Rights Awareness | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 12.2.2022 | Online | |
94 | Intellectual Property Rights Awareness | National | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 12.2.2022 | Online | |
95 | Intellectual Property Rights Awareness | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 12.2.2022 | Online | |
96 | Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 29.4.2022 | Online | |
97 | Know Your Medicines | Regional | Ms. Bhagyashri B.M. | 20.7.2022 | College of Pharmacy, Belgaum | |
98 | Be Smart with your Smartphone – handling Behavior Addiction | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 12.10.2022 | Online | |
99 | 2 Hour Live Training Webinar | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 16.3.2023 | Online | |
100 | National Seminar on Rehabilitation | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 16.6.2017 | JNMC | |
101 | Data analysis made easy with Jamovi Software-Repeated Measures ANOVA | National | Dr. Rajashree S. Koppad | 8.8.2023 | Online | |
102 | Weekly Webinar Series | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 19.7.2023 | Shri BMK Ayurveda College | Delivering a session |
103 | Food & Nutrition | Regional | Mrs. Kashamma Uppin | 19.7.2023 | Shri BMK Ayurveda College | RP |
104 | Swasthyam 2023 | International | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 1.6.2023 & 2.6.2023 | JSS Medical College, School of Public Health, Mysuru | Poster presentation on Discripomcies among Masters of Public Health Program across various Institutes of India: A Desk Review |
105 | Webinar on Hypertension and its determinants among adolescents | National | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | 08.04.2024 | Online | |
106 | Professional Ethics | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 20.05.2024 | Sheikh Homoepathy College, Belagavi | Guest Lecture |
107 | National Seminar-Vishuddha 2024 Ayurveda for Endocrine Disorders | National | Dr. Sushma Meled | 25.05.2024 | Shri BMK Ayurveda College | |
108 | World No Tobacco Day | Local | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 31.05.2024 | Sulebhavi | Chief Guest |
109 | Webinar on Digital and AI Tools in Education | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 23.06.2024 | Online | |
110 | Advanced Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS | National | Dr. Annapurna Kari | 22.06.2024 to 28.06.2024 | Online |
Organized by
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Topic/Theme | Organising Committie | Inaugurated By | Date | Venue | Number of Delegates | Photo | |
Chairman | Secretary | |||||||||
1 | 55th IPHA Annual National Conference | National | Countdown 2015 – Achieving Millennium Development Goals( MDG) focusing on MDG 4 & 5 | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Poonam Khetrapal | 28th – 30th January 2011 | Dr. B.S. Jirge Auditorium Hall | 867 | |
2 | 28th National Congress of Parasitology | National | Challenges and Innovations in Controlling Parasitic Diseases | Dr. S. L. Hoti | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar, Dr. Subarna Roy | Prof. Prayag Dutt Juyal, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, NDVS University | 22nd – 24th February 2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | 170 | Photo |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Topic/Theme | Organising Committie | Inaugurated By | Date | Venue | Number of Delegates | Photo | |
Chairman | Secretary | |||||||||
1 | Issues & Changes in Public Health | International | Issues & Changes in Public Health | Dr. H. B. Rajashekhar Institute of Public Health | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Kenneth Warner Dean & avides donabedian, School of Public Health University of Michigan USA | 04.03.2009 | Anotomy Lecture Hall J. N. Medical College Belgaum | 155 | |
2 | Writing Grant Proposals for Public Health Programs | National | Writing Grant Proposals for Public Health Programs | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Linda Wright Director, Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research, NICHD, NIH | 27.01.2011 | Anotomy Lecture Hall J. N. Medical College Belgaum | 789 | |
3 | Public Health Informatics | National | Public Health Informatics | Dr. H. B. Rajashekhar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashish Joshi, Asst. Dean of student Affairs, CUNY,SPH,USA. | 13.12.2014 | Anotomy Lecture Hall J. N. Medical College Belgaum | 112 | |
4 | Bioethics CME 2016 | International | Bioethics in Clinical Practice | Dr. (Mrs) N, S. Mahantashetti | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. H. B. Rajashekhar Director, USM KLE Internationa Medical Program | 3.11.2016 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | 102 | Photo1 |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Topic/Theme | Organising Committie | Inaugurated By | Date | Venue | Number of Delegates | Photo | |
Chairman | Secretary | |||||||||
1 | Workshop | Regional | Qualitative Research & Bioethics | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. P. F. Kotur | November 6th & 7th 2009 | Department of Public Health | 25 | ||
2 | Workshop | Regional | PG Orientation Programme | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. P. F. Kotur | 8th September 2009 | Conference Hall, Department of Medical Education | 7 | ||
3 | Workshop | Regional | Qualitative Research & Bioethics | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. P. F. Kotur | May 10th & 11th 2010 | Department of Public Health | 25 | ||
4 | Workshop | Regional | Medical Professional and Legal Awareness | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. P. F. Kotur | 20th & 21st January 2012 | Department of Public Health | 25 | ||
5 | Workshop | Regional | PG Orientation Programme | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. P. F. Kotur | 25th September 2012 | Department of Public Health | 45 | ||
6 | Workshop | Regional | Enhancing Leadership Skills | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. V. D. Patil | 20th & 21st September 2013 | Academic Council Hall KLE University | 40 | Click Here | |
7 | Workshop | Regional | PG Orientation Programme | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. A. S. Ghodi | 23rd September 2013 | Department of Public Health | 43 | ||
8 | Workshop | Regional | Organizational and Managerial Skills | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. V. D. Patil | 7th & 8th April 2014 | DOME Conference Hall | 24 | Click Here | |
9 | Workshop | Regional | Soft Skills | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. V. D. Patil | 8th & 9th April 2015 | Demonstration Hall No. 22 JNMC | 16 | ||
10 | Workshop | Regional | PG Orientation Programme | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. N. S. Mahantshetty | 3rd November 2015 | Department of Public Health | 28 | ||
11 | Workshop | International | Nutrition and Chronic Disease Research Methods | 26th to 29th July 2016 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | 25 | ||||
12 | Workshop | Regional | Basic Life Skills for Teachers | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Padmaja Walvekar | 16th & 17th September 2016 | Department of Public Health | 29 | ||
13 | Workshop | Regional | PG Orientation Programme | Dr. N. S. Mahantshetty | 22nd December 2016 | Department of Public Health | 43 | |||
14 | Workshop | Regional | Life Skills for Children | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | 8th July 2017 | Department of Public Health | 10 Children | |||
15 | Workshop | Regional | UDEHP workshop on “MET for AYUSH Faculty” | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Dr. N. S. Mahantshetty | 6th & 7th September 2017 | Department of Public Health | 26 | ||
16 | Workshop | Regional | PG Orientation Programme | Dr. N. S. Mahantshetty | 30.11.2017 | Department of Public Health | 23 | |||
17 | Workshop | Local | Workshop on Life Skills for Intermediate Couse | 3.5.2018 to 5.5.2018 | Dept. of Public Health | 11 | ||||
18 | Workshop | Regional | UDEHP workshop on Life skills Enrichment – Leadership & Skills Training | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Dr. N. S. Mahantshetty | 28th & 29th September 2018 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | 46 | ||
19 | Workshop on Qualitative Research | Regional | Qualitative Research | 20.11.2018 to 22.11.2018 | Department of Public Health | 60 | ||||
20 | Workshop | Local | Workshop on Life Skills for Intermediate Couse | 3.5.2018 to 5.5.2018 | Dept. of Public Health | 11 | ||||
21 | Workshop | Regional | Sample Size Calculation and Research Tool Development | Regional | 6.2.2019 | Department of Public Health | 31 | |||
22 | Workshop | Regional | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Regional | 1.2.2019 | Department of Public Health | 17 | |||
23 | Workshop | Regional | Leadership Skills for Health Professionals | 17th & 18th September 2019 | KLE’s Convention Centre | 40 | ||||
24 | Workshop | Regional | Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) | Dr. Mubashir Angolar | Dr. Nagaraj patil | ____ | 21.11.2019 | Department of Public Health | 37 | |
25 | Workshop | Regional | Sample Size Calculation and Research Tool Development | Dr. Mubashir Angolar | Dr. Nagaraj patil | ____ | 21.12.2019 | Department of Public Health | 37 | |
26 | Workshop | Regional | Qualitative Research Methodology for Health Professionals | Dr. Annaurna Kari | 22.10.2021 to 23.10.2021 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | 30 | |||
27 | Workshop | Regional | Soft Skills focusing on Communication Skills” For Non-Teaching Staff of JNMC | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | 28th March to 1st April 2022 and 4th April to 8th April 2022 | Demo Hall 20, JNMC, 2nd Floor | 35 | |||
28 | Workshop | Regional | Research Tool Development | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. N. S. Mahantshetty | 17th & 18th October 2022 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | 34 | ||
29 | Workshop | Regional | Qualitative Research | Dr. Mubashir Angolar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | – | 15.02.2024 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | 45 | |
30 | Workshop | Regional | “Triathlon- the quest for systematic review” | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | Dr. Vanishri Jabannavar | 02.04.2024 to 03.04.2024 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC. | 34 |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Topic/Theme | Organising Committie | Inaugurated By | Date | Venue | Number of Delegates | Photo | |
Chairman | Secretary | |||||||||
1 | Seminar | National | Health Economics | Dr. (Mrs.) N. S. Mahantashetti, | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prof. Dr Vivek A Saoji | 30.1.2018 | Department of Public Health | 72 | Click Here |
2 | Seminar | National | Know Safety for No Accidents | Dr. (Mrs.) N. S. Mahantashetti | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. (Mrs.) N. S. Mahantashetti | 10.5.2018 | KLE Centenary Convention Centre | 135 | |
3 | Seminar | Regional | Clinical Ethics in Hospital Practice | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar r | Dr (Prof) Manisha Bhandankar | Dr. (Mrs.) N. S. Mahantashetti, | 1.12.2018 | KLE Dr. PKH & MRC | 178 | |
4 | Webinar | International | Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. V. A Kotewale | 13.2.2021 | Online | 389 | |
5 | Webinar | Regional | How to read a scientific paper | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | 23.03.2024 | Online | 50 |
Guest Lecture Delivered By
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Speaker | Topic | Date | Venue | Photo |
1 | 53th National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Types of smokeless tobacco used and reasons for its preference among factory workers | 2009 | KempegoudaInstitute of Medical Sceinces, Banglore | |
2 | 54th National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Understanding Perinatal deaths through Verbal Autopsy | 2010 January | Andhra Medical College Vishshakapatnam | |
3 | 54th National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Causes of Perinatal Deaths Community Based Study | 2010 January | Andhra Medical College Vishshakapatnam | |
4 | National conference on Evidence Based Health | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Public Private Partnership – KLE Experiences | 2011 March | SK Institute of Medical Sciences Srinagar | |
5 | Clinical Research CLINICON | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | How to do a Cross-sectional Study in community Research | 2011 Sept | DY Patil Medical College Pune | |
6 | Clinical Research CLINICON | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Historical Perspectives of Bio Ethics | 2011 Sept | DY Patil Medical College Pune |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Speaker | Topic | Date | Venue | Photo |
1 | Pre conference CME 54th National Conference of IPHA | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Ethical Guidelines for Quarantine, Isolation, Treatment & Prevention | 2010 January | Andhra Medical College Vishshakapatnam | |
2 | CME | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Epidemiology for Nursing Students | 2013 | Institute of Nursing Sciences | |
3 | CME on Public Health Informatics | National | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Ethical Issues in Public Health Informatics | 13.12.2014 | Anatomy Lecture Hall | |
4 | CME on Research Methodology & Communication | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Ethical Issues in Bio Medical Research | 19.11.2016 | USM KLE International Medical Program |
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Speaker | Topic | Date | Venue | Photo |
47 | UDEHP workshop on “MET for AYUSH Faculty” | Regional | Dr. Ashwini N | AV aids and Media for Teaching Learning Process | 7.9.2017 | Department of Public Health | |
46 | UDEHP workshop on “MET for AYUSH Faculty” | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | How to make Journal Club more Effective | 6.9.2017 | Department of Public Health | |
45 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Study Design Part I (Cross-Sectional Study) | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
44 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Ethical Issues in Research, Informed Consent Process | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
43 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Art of Writing Synopsis | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
42 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Formulating a Research Question | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
41 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Developing Data Collection Instrument | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
40 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Nagaraj Paril | Basics of Biostatistics | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
39 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Study Design Part II (Case Control and Cohort Studies) | 22.12.2016 | Department of Public Health | |
38 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | What is Research | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
37 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Study Designs | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
36 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Art of Writing Synopsis | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
35 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Developing Data Collection Instrument | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
34 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr.Shruti Murthy | Literature Review | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
33 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr.Shruti Murthy | Research Hypothesis | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
32 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Kumar Sumit | Biostatistics | 3.11.2015 | Department of Public Health | |
31 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Ethical Issues In Research, IEC, Informed Consent | 16.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
30 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Vijaya A Niak | Introduction to Research and 8 Steps Approach to Research Question | 16.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
29 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Study Designs | 16.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
28 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr.Shruti Murthy | Cross Sectional Study | 16.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
27 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Critical Appraisal of Published Article | 17.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall JNMC | |
26 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Vijaya A Niak | Art of Writing Synopsis | 17.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
25 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Vijaya A Niak | DataCollection Developing Questionnairs | 17.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
24 | P. G Orientation Program | Regional | Dr.Shruti Murthy | Literature Search | 17.9.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
23 | Workshop on Organisational and Managerial Skills | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Concepts and Models of Leadership | 7.4.2014 | DOME Conference Hall, JNMC | |
22 | Workshop on Enhancing Leadership Skills | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Shared Vision | 20.9.2013 | Academic Council Hall KLE University | |
21 | Workshop on ethical committees | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | What ethical committees should look for in Clinical trials | 2013 August | RMRC ICMR | |
20 | Workshop on Research Methodology | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Grant Writing | 2013 August | Institute of Physiotherapy | |
19 | Workshop | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Cost effective quality health care through integrative approach | 2013 May | RMRC ICMR | |
18 | Workshop on Quality improvement program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Pharmacy practice and Clinical Research | 2010 December | College of Pharmacy Belgaum | |
17 | Workshop on Role of Urbanization and Public Health | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Role of Urbanization and Public Health | 2010 April | Institute of Nursing Sciences | |
16 | Workshop on Qualitative Research and Bioethics | Regional | Dr. Vijaya A Niak | Focus Group Discussions | 6.11.2009 | Academic Council Hall KLE University | |
15 | Workshop on Qualitative Research and Bioethics | Regional | Dr. Vijaya A Niak | Introduction to Qualitative Research and its methods | 6.11.2009 | Academic Council Hall KLE University | |
14 | Workshop on Qualitative Research & Bio-Ethics | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Qualitative Research & Bio-Ethics | 2009 | KLE University Belgaum | |
13 | Global Health India | International | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Bio Ethics in Public Health | 2009 | St Johns Bangalore | |
12 | Workshop on Creating Safer Spaces: A teacher’s role- Learning preventive and intervention strategies to manage child sexual abuse | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Drug abuse in school children | 3rd Jan 2014. | Kumar Gandharva Hall, Belgaum | |
11 | Workshop on Epidemiology for Nursing Students | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Epidemiology for Nursing Students | 25th April 2013 | Institute of Physiotherapy | |
10 | Workshop on Transitioning to total patient care: Emerging trend in clinical Practice | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Transitioning to total patient care: Emerging trend in clinical Practice | 9th to 10th November 2012 | Institute of Nursing Sciences | |
9 | Workshop on Career pathways for MPH graduates in India | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Career pathways for MPH graduates in India | |||
8 | Workshop on Training of teachers | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Training of teachers | 3 to 14 January 2011 | KLE University’s College of Pharmacy Belgaum | |
7 | World Health Day | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Urbanization a Public Health Challenge | |||
6 | Workshop on Quality improvement program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Pharmacy practice and Clinical Research | 16/10/ 2012 | College of Pharmacy Belgaum | |
5 | Ph D Orientation | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Qualitative Research Methods | KLE University Belgaum | ||
4 | Interns Orientation Program | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Discover a carier in public health | 20 to 21 April 2009 | JNMC Belgaum | |
3 | Ph D Orientation | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Qualitative Research Methods | KLE University Belgaum | ||
2 | Workshop on Evidence Based Dentistry | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Steps to Evidence Based Dentistry | IDS, KLE University Belgaum | ||
1 | Ph D Orientation | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | ICH GCP | KLE University Belgaum |
Guest Lecture
Sl No. | Name of the Event | Level | Name of the Speaker | Topic | Date | Venue | Photo |
1 | Regional | Dr. Ashwini N | Tobacco Awareness | 17.01.2019 | KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy | ||
2 | Regional | Dr. Ashwini N | Tobacco Cessation and Screening | 02.02.2019 | KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy | ||
3 | International Women Day | Regional | Dr. Ashwini N | Communication Skills | 15.03.2019 | Ravadi Farm House, Hukkeri | |
4 | International Women Day | Regional | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Balance for Better – Press for progress | 15.03.2019 | Prerana PU College, Belagavi |