Dr. Prabhakar B. Kore -Member of Parliament [Rajya Sabha]
Hon'ble Chancellor- KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research & Chairman- K. L. E. Society, Belagavi

The first Chancellor of the University Dr.Prabhakar B.Kore, who has been the chairman of KLES for the past 25 years, is known for his versatile personality and his diverse interests have seen him taking up varied roles in the fields of politics, education, agriculture, co-operative endeavors and community building. Today under his able leadership KLE Society has 204 Institutions, 7000 dedicated and motivated members of the faculty and over 75,000 students enrolled under various courses ranging from Kindergarten to Post-doctoral courses, in traditional, technical & medical educational institutions.
The establishment of an 820 bedded, free (charitable) teaching hospital in addition to the 1000 bedded state-of-the-art super specialty hospital reflects his great virtues of making KLE Society to be socially accountable and responsible. There couldn’t be a better way of honoring this great personality, other than naming the KLE Hospital as KLE Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital and Medical Research Centre. Apart from having nearly 2000 beds under one roof, (making it one of the biggest hospital in the country), the hospital has various satellite centers in the neighboring cities of Gokak, Jamkhandi, Gadhinglaj, Hubli and Ankola, which are linked to the parent hospitals through telemedicine, thereby facilitating and providing optimal patient care even to the peripheral communities.
- April 1990 Elected to Rajya Sabha (1990-96)
- Member, Committee on Railways
- Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Defence
- Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation
- 2001 - 2007 Member, Karnataka Legislative Council
- June 2008 Elected to Rajya Sabha (2008-2014)
- Aug. 2010 onwards Member, Committee on Health and Family Welfare
- Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Human Resource Development
- May 2011 onwards Member, Sub-committee-II to examine the functioning of CGHS of the Committee on Health and Family Welfare
- Official Member of the Delegation of the State visit of Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble President of India, to Belgium and Turkey from 2ndto 8th October, 2013
- Worked on Parliamentary Committees on Education, Railways, Hindi Prasara, Planning, Agriculture and other welfare related aspects
- June 2014 Elected to Rajya Sabha
- Presently, Member of 1) Consultative Committee of Parliament on Health & Family Welfare and 2) Standing Committee of Parliament on Transport, Tourism & Culture
- Responsible for the successful conduct of Karnataka Assembly Session, twice at Belgaum. First in September 2006 & for the second Time in January 2009
- Worked as Chairman of the Reception Committee for the mega event “Vishwa Kannada Sammelana” held at Belgaum, March, 2011 which was inaugurated by Noted Film Star Aishwarya Rai, Industrial Tycoon Shri Narayan Murthy, Infosys, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka –Shri B.S. Yadiyurappa and attended by host of dignitaries from all walks of life and Kannadigas from across the world.
- Worked as President, Reception Committee, All India Veerashaiva Mahasabha’s 21st Convention held at Belgaum, inaugurated by His Excellency, Shri Shankar Dayal Sharma, then Vice-President, India.
- Worked as Chairman, Reception Committee, 70th Kannada Sahitya Sammelana held at Belgaum, Karnataka in March 2003
- Worked as Chairman, 5th Akhil Bharat Sharana Sahitya Parishat, Belgaum, 2003
- Instrumental in the construction of the grand monument, “Karnataka Suvarna Soudha”, Belgaum, wherein the Winter Session of the Karnataka Legislature is conducted every year
- Spearheaded the Co-operative Movement in the Border Region of Karnataka and Maharashtra with the running of Doodha Ganga Krishna Co-operative Sugar Factory, Chikodi, Karnataka, which has emerged as a Model Sugar Factory and has contributed immensely to the well-being of the farmers in the region.
- Worked as Director, All India Co-operative Sugar Factories Ltd., New Delhi
- Established several co-operative banks and won the unshakable faith of both borrowers and depositors
- Instrumental in the establishment of Belgaum District Rani Channamma Mahila Co-operative Bank Ltd., Belgaum, Karnataka.
- As an entrepreneur – has set up Shivashakti Sugars Ltd. at Saundatti in Raibag Taluka of Belgaum District in Karnataka, using the most modern technology
- Director, VRL Logistics, Hubli – one of the leading Companies in Transportation & Travel.
- Founder Director, Rajkumar Forge Ltd., Pune.