June 2021
07.01.2020 Guest Lecture - Dr. Elliot R., Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre for Medicine and Safety, Munash University, Melbourne, Australia
Topic : “Geriatric medicine practice IN AUSTRALIA – PHARMACIST PERSPECTIVE”.
11.01.2019 - 2nd Foundation Course Orientation Program –Anatomy Lecture Hall
25.05.2019 - IDHANT- 55th Annual Day – 2019
Flag Hoisting and Distribution of Prizes at KLECCC – (Morning Hours at 9.30 AM)
March 2021
04.02.2020 NSS State Level Training Programme
14.10.2019 World Arthritis & Osteoporosis Week- Anubhav Mantap- Hospital Premises- Dept. of Orthopedics, JNMC
Chief Guest : Dr. Vivek A. Saoji, Vice-Chancellor, KAHER