June 2021
04.02.2020 NSS State Level Training Programme
04 to 06.04.2019 - Three Days Program on occasion of UGADI 40th Anniversary Celebration of Shiva Temple
Inauguration by Dr. VD Patil, Registrar, KAHER, Belagavi. Special Invitee : Shri Shrikant Shanwad, Lecturer, Beynon Smith PU College, Belagavi.
October 2021
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
Inaugurated by: Prof.(Dr.) B. Shivashankar,
President, Indian Orthopaedic Association
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
Felicitation: Prof.(Dr.) B.Shivashankar,
Album 2020
10.09.2019 Teachers Day Celebrations by Kannada Balaga Kritadhi– The Learned
Chief Guest : Dr. Shivanand M. Kubasad – Gen. Surgeon and Author