June 2021
22.02.2020 APPI & KAHER “Workshop on Exam Pe Charcha”
06 to 07.12.2019-Department of ENT & HNS conducted CME on “Advanced Vestibular Disorders and Basic Hands On Training Using V-Eng”
JNMC ALUMNUS, visiting professor DR. SRINIVAS D.R. was Guest Faculty
17.03.2019 11th Annual CME Department of Psychiatry
Album 2021
07.01.2020 Guest Lecture - Dr. Elliot R., Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre for Medicine and Safety, Munash University, Melbourne, Australia
Topic : “Geriatric medicine practice IN AUSTRALIA – PHARMACIST PERSPECTIVE”.
21.08.2019-ECG Workshop – Dept. of Medicine, JNMC
Venue :Anubhav Mantap – KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belagavi