June 2021
Album 2023
29.03.19 Cytokscon 2019 – Karnataka State Cytology Conference org. by Dept. of Pathology in KLECCC
October 2021
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
Inaugurated by: Prof.(Dr.) B. Shivashankar,
President, Indian Orthopaedic Association
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
12.10.2021 Inauguration of Ortho Saw Bone Skill Lab
Felicitation: Prof.(Dr.) B.Shivashankar,
Album 2020
08.01.2019 Research Award Ceremony to distribute various Award Certificates to the eligible candidates.
Principal and Faculty members receiving the Research awards