April 2022
Photos of JNMC Students Freshers Day
10.10.2019-KAHER “World Mental Day” – Jointly Organized by: NSS Cell of KAHER & Dept. of Psychology, JNMC, Belagavi-Anatomy Lecture Hall
Jointly Organized by: NSS Cell of KAHER & Dept. of Psychology, JNMC, Belagavi
24.09.2019 CME on Balance Awareness Week-2019 org by Dept. of ENT & HNS
Venue: ENT OPD, KLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi
December 2021
11.01.2020 KNACON-10th Annual Conference of Karnataka Neurosciences Academy-Dept of Neuro – Sciences
Chief Guest : Dr. V. A. Kothiwale, Registrar, KAHER.
23.09.2019-Surgery MCI Inspection