March 2024
July 2023
29.03.19 Cytokscon 2019 – Karnataka State Cytology Conference org. by Dept. of Pathology in KLECCC
16.02.2019 Paediatrics Advanced Life Support Workshop with Belagavi Assoc. of Paediatrics
Organized by Dept. of Paediatrics in Anubhav Mantap, KLES Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC.
January 2021
07.01.2020 Guest Lecture - Dr. Elliot R., Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre for Medicine and Safety, Munash University, Melbourne, Australia
Topic : “Geriatric medicine practice IN AUSTRALIA – PHARMACIST PERSPECTIVE”.
07.04.2019 JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME – 2019 in KLECCC