Album 2024
January 2021
13.11.2019 104th Foundation Day Celebration – org. by KLE Society – KLECCC
Chief Guest : Shri J. C. Madhuswamy, Hon’ble Minister of Law, Parliamentary Affairs, Legislation & Minor Irrigation, GoK
22.11.2019 11th National Conference on Health Professions Education 2019
Theme : CBME : Transformative Learning : from Theory to Practice – org. by DOME KLECCC
January 2021
11.01.2020 KNACON-10th Annual Conference of Karnataka Neurosciences Academy-Dept of Neuro – Sciences
Chief Guest : Dr. V. A. Kothiwale, Registrar, KAHER.
26.11.2019 Celebration of “ National Constitution Day ” in Anatomy Lecture Hall,org. by NSS – KAHER.
Chief Guest : Mr. Mittalkod, Rtd. District Judge, Belagavi.