Album 2024
April 2023
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
Theme : Women’s Health – Newer Perspectives in Every Day Practice organized by Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
Theme : Women’s Health – Newer Perspectives in Every Day Practice organized by Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
Theme : Women’s Health – Newer Perspectives in Every Day Practice organized by Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
41st JNMC Scientific Society Annual CME
Theme : Women’s Health – Newer Perspectives in Every Day Practice organized by Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
18.10.2019 - 9th MCI Advance Course in Medical Education ( ACME)
Dr.Shama A Bellad has won the 3rd place Best poster award at 9th MCI Advance Course in Medical Education (ACME) held on 18th October 2019 in KAHER’s J.N.Medical College, Belagavi
15 to 21.11.2019 National New Born week and on 17th Nov. 2019 Celebration of World Prematurity Day
Org. by Dept. of Peadiatrics in Anubhav Mantap – KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC.
December 2021
07.01.2020 Guest Lecture - Dr. Elliot R., Adjunct Associate Professor, Centre for Medicine and Safety, Munash University, Melbourne, Australia
Topic : “Geriatric medicine practice IN AUSTRALIA – PHARMACIST PERSPECTIVE”.
13.01.2019 - Prestigious DR KU SHAH Senior Consultant Award