Album 2024
October 2023
Heart Transplants
Heart Transplants
10.10.2023 ----11th and 12th Heart Transplants – KLES Dr. PK H & MRCChairman and Team of Doctors addressed the Press meet
Heart Transplants
Heart Transplants
10.10.2023 ----11th and 12th Heart Transplants – KLES Dr. PK H & MRCChairman and Team of Doctors addressed the Press meet
Heart Transplants
Heart Transplants
10.10.2023 ----11th and 12th Heart Transplants – KLES Dr. PK H & MRCChairman and Team of Doctors addressed the Press meet
Heart Transplants
Heart Transplants
10.10.2023 ----11th and 12th Heart Transplants – KLES Dr. PK H & MRCChairman and Team of Doctors addressed the Press meet
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day
10.10.2023 World Mental Health Day Dr. Prashant Kadkol, Neuro Surgeon
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day
10.10.2023 World Mental Health Day Dr. Prashant Kadkol, Neuro Surgeon
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day
10.10.2023 World Mental Health Day Dr. Prashant Kadkol, Neuro Surgeon
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day
10.10.2023 World Mental Health Day Dr. Prashant Kadkol, Neuro Surgeon
22.11.2019 11th National Conference on Health Professions Education 2019
Theme : CBME : Transformative Learning : from Theory to Practice – org. by DOME KLECCC
15 to 21.11.2019 National New Born week and on 17th Nov. 2019 Celebration of World Prematurity Day
Org. by Dept. of Peadiatrics in Anubhav Mantap – KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC.
June 2021
11.01.2020 KNACON-10th Annual Conference of Karnataka Neurosciences Academy-Dept of Neuro – Sciences
Chief Guest : Dr. V. A. Kothiwale, Registrar, KAHER.
18.03.2019 & 19.03.2019 Workshop at DOME