Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Dennas Davis Edakulathur Dr. Anwar Husen Mujawar*2 , Dr. Vijay Basavaraj Kaveri3 , Dr. Ajmera Yogesh4 International CORRELATION OF CLINICAL SEVERITY WITH HRCT THORAX FINDINGS AMONG COVID -19 PATIENTS: A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL BASED STUDY Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, SCOPUS, VOL-15, ISSUE 05, 2024 283-291 May-24
2 Dr. Madhav Prabhu Dr. V. A. Kothiwale, Dr. K S Smitha, Dr. Harpreet Kaur International Original Article: Assessment of Anthropometric Variables in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus among 4,473 Subjects in 10 Wards of Urban Belagavi District, North Karnataka, India: A Community-based Cross-sectional Study Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Index Copernicus, Vol-18(5):  Online : ISSN – 0973-709X , CC01 – CC05 2024 May,
3 Dr. Suketha Kumari1 Dr. Rekha Patil3 International Research Article: Efficacy of Integrated Ayurveda Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus with special reference to Prameha: A Randomised controlled Trial International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, ISSN No: 0976-5921 Vol 15 (1),, IF: 0.2-1.56, Indexed in Clarivate, Web of Science 122-130 Jan- March 2024
4 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar Dr. Saad Siddiqui, Dr. Priyanka Patil International A 50-Year-Old Female with Quadriparesis Secondary to Viral Myositis: Unusual Presentation and Diagnostic Approach, PubMed, Index Copernicus, IF: 7.6 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN No:-2456-2165 309-312 January – 2024
5 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar Dr. Akashdeep Singh*, Dr. Priyanka Patil, International A Diagnostic Challenge ,an Unique Case of a Psychiatric Disorder presenting with Altered Sensorium International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Volume 9,  Issue 1, ISSN No:-2456-2165 1452-1455 January – 2024
6 Dr. Suma D Borra Dr. Dnyanesh N. Moirkar International Original Article : Study of Phospholipase A2 Levels and Its Comparison With Procalcitonin Levels in Patients With Sepsis Admitted in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Karnataka, India Cureus, PubMed, SOCPUS,  Web of Science 15(12): e50890. IF: 1.2 8-Feb  Dec 2023
7 Dr. Arif Maldar International Original Article: Wanning of Antibody Response Among Vaccinees who received two Doses of Covishield Vaccine Journal of Global  Infectious Diseases., Web of Science: Scopus : Volume 15 Issue 1, 2023, 0974-777X / 0974-8245, IF: 1.6 19-22 Feb-23
1 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar International Warfarin-Induced Limb Contusion
and Haematoma
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Apr, Vol-17(4): OD10-OD12 2023 Apr,
2 Dr. Arif Maldar International Diabetes among Patients with Overt Primary Hypothyroidism Visiting
the Outpatient Department of General Medicine of a Tertiary Care
Centre: A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study
JNMA I I ISSUE 261 I  VOL 61 421-423 May-23
3 Prashanth B. Mohan Rekha S. Patil
B. C. Pavan Kumar  and Kabara A. Laxmikant
International An Observational Analytical Study on
Correlation of Serum Uric Acid and
HbA1C in Prediabetic and Diabetic
Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Original Article Volume XXX, Issue XX, Page XX-XX, 20YY; Article no.JAMMR.99264
ISSN: 2456-8899
Asian J Pharm Clin Res,  Issue 4, 2023,
Vol 16, 149-153 2023
1 Dr. Mrutunjaya B. Bellad, Dr. Yeshita V. Pujar Limiting adverse birth outcomes in resource-limited settings (LABOR): protocol of a prospective intrapartum cohort study Gates Open Research 2022, 6:115 Last updated: 19 DEC 2022 2 Pg.1 & 3 2022
1 Dr. Anjali R Metgudmath International A 22 year old female with atonic seizures Submission in publication journal
New England Journal of Medicine
4th June 2022
2 Dr. Madhav Prabhu International Tends in Authorship demographics for Manuscripts published in endocrine journals A-70 Year analysis [Version : 01nPeer review 1approved with reservation F1000 Research 26.7 2022
3 Dr. Madhav Prabhu International Safety and immunogenicity of a single dose, live-attenuated ‘tetravalent
dengue vaccine’ in healthy Indian adults; a randomized, double-blind,placebo controlled phase I/II trial
Vaccine: X 10 (2022) 100142 2022
4 Dr. Vinay Arora Dr. Arathi Darshan International Blood Presure Monitoring in Normotensive Type -2 Diabetics  using 24 hr blood presure monitoring  Device & its relatinship  with  Anthropometric Measurements :A One Year Hospital Based cross sectional Study International Journal of Scientific  Research Vol11 Issue 04, 2277-8179 2022 April
5 Dr. Arif Maldar International Association of Telomere length and serum vitamin D Levels with type 2 Diabetes mellitus and its related complications Genome Intigrity
6 Dr. V A Kothiwale International  Outcome in newly Dignosed Artial  Fibrillatiion and History of History of acute Coronary Syndromes Insights from Garfield AF The American Journal of Medicine Vol 132,No 12 December 2019 2019
7 Dr. Raju Badiger International Epidemiology of  hypothelemia among elderly  patients with louse respiratory  treat infechior Bangladesh journal of Medicine. Accepted in 2019-TO be Published Jan 2020 2019-2020
8 Dr. Raju Badiger National Assesmnent of incident  rate and peognosis  of Metabolic syndrome  among acute  myocardial infaction  longitudinal study Journal of  Advances in Medicine Vol.01, December-19
9 Dr. Archana Uppin Dr. Raju Badiger International Relapsing polychondritis with seronegative sponyloarthritis : a rare case report International journal of current research and review April-19
10 Dr. J ayaprakash Appjajigol International Effect of a Recombinant  Human  Soluble Thrombomodulin  on Mortality  in Patients with  Sepsis Associated Coagulopathy  -The SCARLET  Randomized Clinical trial JAMA  International Impact Factor 47.661 19th  May 2019
11 Dr. V A Kothiwale International Risk profiles and one Year  outcomes  of patients with newly dignosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the Garfield -AF Registry Indian Heart Journal September-18
12 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar Dr. Pooja Mothimath International Inappropriate Use of H2 Receptor Antagonists & PPLS in Geriatric Patients admitted to Tertiary Hospital Saudi Journal of Medicine Issn 2518-3389 January-19
13 Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol International Present Scenario of adult hypertenshion : family Physcian Perspective Journal of the  scientific society Volume : 45    Issue : 2 Page : 51-52 December-18
14 Dr. Arathi Darshan Dr. Naveen Angadi              Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol  Dr.Vijayalakshmi                  Dr. Abhishek T G International Fibrinogen Levels  in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Microvascular Complications International Journal of Advances in Medicine Vol- 05 Issue 06,  Pg.No 1428-1431 November – December 2018
15 Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol International Associtaion  between carotid intima media  thickness and metabolic syndrome Journal of Advances in Medicine Vol,05 Issue,0, Pg.No 1503-1509 Nov -Dec 2018
16 Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol International Assessment of Knowledge ,Attitude and Practices of Medical Officers in Primary Health Centers Regarding Type 2Diabetes Mellitus Journal of Medicine Isnn No. 2249-4863                      Vol. 3 Issue 04 25th  October 2018
17 Dr. Ranjan Modi Dr.  Jayaprakash Appajigol International Important  Coronary anomaly  that may be  missed  by many cadiac interventionists IHJ Cardiovascular Case Reports Vol. Pg.No 18-19 January-18
18 Dr. Mahantesh Kamble Dr. Masdhav Prabhu International Assesment  of Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Groundwater in Urban Setting of A Cross Sectional Study Saudi Journal Of Medicine Vol 3 Issue3 Pg No 101-106 March-18
19 Dr.Prakash Babliche Dr. Pallavi Goswami International ClinicalProfile of Accute Viral Gastroenteritis in Adults 1-Year Cross Sectional Study. Saudi Journal Of Medicine Vol 03,                Issue 03 Pg.No. 107-111 March-18
20 Dr. Vikranth Ghatnatti Dr. Raju Badiger                Dr. Chetana Khavatkopp Dr. Dinesha                        Dr. Shweta Patil                Dr. Vivek Patil                      Dr. Vijayalaxmi                Dr. Soumya International Epidemiology and treatement of brucellosisi in south Karnataka :A Cross Sectional study International Journal of Medicine Research Impact Factor: RJIF 5.42 Vol.No.3 Issue 1 Page.No. 66-68 January-18
21 Dr. Anjali R Metgudmath  Dr. U M Vaishak International The Correlation between serum homocysteine levels and hypothyroidism A I-Year case control study International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research (IJAMSCR) Vol.05              Issue : 05 Pg.No. 611-615 April-June 2017
22 Dr. Raju H Badiger                  Dr. Santosh B esai Dr.Ravindra Kantamaneni Dr. Chetana Kavatkopp Dr. Joel George                     Dr. Sheikh H Basha International Association between hypokalemia and cardiovascular diseases among hospitalized patients in tertiary care teaching hospital in North Karnataka : a retrospective study International Journal of Advances in Medicine Vol.04 Issue 04 Pg.No. 998-1001 August-17
23 Dr. Madhav Prabhu Dr. Mohit Arora                   Dr. Zubin Ruttnoji          Dr.Satish Patil           Dr.Vineeta Dhyani               Dr. Mohd Amin Mir International Determination of Susceptibility Breakpoints of Elores in Extended Spectrum Beta- Lactamases and Metallo Beta- Lactamases Producing Acinetobacter Spices International Journal of Contemporary Medical Sciences Vol 04          Issue : 02 Pg. no. 393- 399 february-17
24 Anand Lokapur Dr. Raju Badiger

Dr.Manjunath Somannavr

International Hypokalemia in hospitalizeed patients in tertiary care teaching hospital Belagavi Karnataka India : retrospective styudy International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Vol.05              Issue : 06 Pg.No 2502-2505 June-17
25 Dr. Yashaswi P Kudachi Dr. Madhav Prabhu            Dr. Mubashir Bashir Angolkar International Impact Of Health Education on Knowledge of Newborn Care among Expectant Women in Urban Area of Belagavi,India International Journal of Contemporary Medical Recearch Volume 04       Issue 02    305-308 17-february
26 Dr. Sajal Kamat Dr.Dnyanesh Morkar          Dr. Siddharth Kamat International Serum Magnesium Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Association with the Microvascular Complations Journal Of Medical Science and Clinical Research Volume 05         Issue 02 february-17
27 Dr. Ganesh B. R.
Dr. V. A. Kothiwale
International “ Reliability of ankle brachial index in patients with neurological deficits on ischemic episode of the limbs following Burgers exercises : open labeled clinical trial”. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences Volume 4
Issue 8
Pg no. 3440 – 3443 August-16
28 Dr. Sandip Chindhi International Metabolic Syndrome in COPD ; A Case Control Study from Himachal Pradesh International Journal of Physiology Volume 4  Number 1 Pg no.      15 – 20 January – June 2016
29 Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol International Prevalance of Type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes and pre Diabetes among a rural community of north Karnataka  in India International Journal Biomedicine Vol.3, -36 2016
30 Dr. A. Hosalli,
Dr. A. R. Metgudmath
Dr. R. Badiger
Dr. V. Munavalli
Dr. S. P. Ashwin
Dr. Abhishek
Dr. R. Morlawar
International Research Article
Risk Factors for Acute coronary Syndrome Patients in Tertiary Care Hospital
International Journal of Current Research Volume 7
Issue 12
pp. 24357-24360, December 2015
31 Dr. Srinivas B Dr. Arif Maldar International Relation of Neutrophilic Lymphocyte Ratio to Microvascular Complications of Diabetes Mellitus International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Volume 7
Issue 10
Page no 21870 – 21872 October-15
32 Dr. Nachiikait S.
Dr. Dnyanesh N.
Dr. Rekha Patil
International Research Article
An unusual case of dengue fever
International Journal of Current Research Volume 7
Issue 10
Page no 21870 – 21872 October-15
33 Dr. Jayaprakash S.
Dr. Srinivas Bellary International Research Article                                                     Knowledge and practices of rural family physicians and obstetricians towards gestational diabetes mellitus International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Volume 2
Issue 2
Pg no. 153 – 155 April – June 2015
34 Prince Agarwal
Madhav Prabhu
International “Stress Induced Changes in Insulin and Thyroid Level in Seriously III Patient in Intensive Care Unit and Their Influence in Final Outcome”. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 4
Issue 7,ISSN (Online) : 2319-7064
Pg no.2303 – 2308 july-15
35 Dr. Badiger, R., Dr. Kulkarni, N.
Dr. Joel George
International Treatment of Immune Thrombocytopenia As An Extra Hepatic Manifestation In An HCV-Carrier Man With Normal Liver Function Test – A Case Report Intenational Journal of Current Research Volume 7,
Issue 07,
pp.xxxx-xxxx, August-15
36 S. R. Bhise,
A Darshan
V. A. Kothiwale
International P0006
Correlation of inter arm systolic blood pressure difference (IASBPD) to ankle brachial index (ABI) in detecting peripheral vascular disease in type two diabetes mellitus patients”
International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Volume 06 November-14
37 Dr. V. A. Kothiwale                       – International ” Evaluation of Cardiovascular Responses to Valsalva Maneuver in Different Body Position – An observational Study International Journal of Health Sciences & Research Volume 4 Issue 9 168 -169 September-14
38 Dr. Hajare S. Dr. Arora Mohit International “Primary Hyperparathyrodism Presenting as recurrent Acute Pancreatitis – A Rare Case International Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences Volume 3  Issue 4 2014
39 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale                       – International “Periodontal Disease as a potential Risk Factor for Low Birth Weight and Reduced Maternal Haemoglobin Levels. Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry Vol  12 No 1 2014
40 Dr. M. V. Jali                       – International “Prevalence of diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors in middleclass urban participants in India”, BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2014
41 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale                       – International “Edoxaban versus Warfarin for the Treatment of Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism”.                                    The Investigators Participating in the Hokusia-VTE Study The New England Journal of Medicine 369;15 1406-1415 10-October-13
42 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale                       – International “Edoxaban versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation The New England Journal of Medicine 369;22 2093-2104 28-November-13
43 Dr. M. V. Jali                       – International Bidirectional Screening of Tuberculosis Patients for Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Patients for Tuberculosis Diabetes & Metabolism Journal Volume 37 291- 295 2013
44 Dr. M. V. Jali                       – International “Normotension, prehypertension, and hypertension in urban middle-class subjects in India: prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control. American Journal of Hypertension Volume 26, Issue 1 83-94 2013
45 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale Dr. Madhav Prabhu International Insulin and Anti inflammation: An effect beyond glycemic control. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Vol. 2 43 2013
46 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale International “Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Disorder of Adults?” Publication in API Medicine Update 2013 Textbook Chapter, API Medicine Update Vol.23 613-618 2013
47 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale International “Effect of Non-Invasive  Periodontal Therapy on  Glycaemic
Control In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients – A  Randomized
Control  Trial
A journal of the american diabetes association Vol. 62 229 2013
48 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale International “Insulin Resistance and
Hypertension in Nondiabetic Asian
Indian Adults
A  Journal of American diabetes association Vol.62 229 2013
49 Dr. Mallikarjuna V. jali International “Association of Educational, Occupational and Socioeconomic Status with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Asian Indians: A Cross Sectional Study” PLOS one Volume 7    Issue 8 10-January August-12
50 Dr.Jayaprakash Appajigol International Qualitative assay of C-reactive proteins in acute coronary syndromes International Multidiscipline Research Journal Vol.11 08-मई 2012
51 Dr. Adarshkumar Bellad International Case Reports Posterior Pharyngeal wall carcinoma presenting as sudden onset bilateral upper limb radiculopathy BMJ Case Reports Vol. 10. 1136/vcr 11.20 11.5269 2012
52 Dr.Jayaprakash Appajigol International Efficacy and tolerability of a B-1 selective  B blocker, bisoprolol, as a first – line antihypertensive in Indian patients diagnosed with essential hypertension [ BRIGHT] an open –label, multicentric observational study. Channaraya V Marya RK Somasundaram M. et. Al BMJ Open  BMJ. Open Vol. 2 doi:10.1136 pen-000683 2012
53 Dr.M.V. Jali International A hospital based study of prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in an urban population of India European Review for Medical and  Pharmacological Sciences Vol.15 1306-1310 2011
54 Dr.Jayaprakash Appajigol International Feasibility of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test as a Diagnostic Tool for Diabetes Prevalence Study in a Rural Community Recent research in Science and Technology 2011 SSr Vol.3[9] 2076-5061 2011
55 Dr.Ritesh Vernekar International Urology Assesment of Rifle Criteria in Acute Renal Failure in Hospitalised Patients. Recent research in Science and Technology 2011 Vol.3[2] 119-122 2011
56 Dr.Ritesh Vernekar International Staged buccal mucosa rethroplasty in reoperative hypospadias Indian Journal of Urology Vol 27 2 2011
57 Dr.Rekha S Patil International Low – molecular weight heparin and mortality in acutely ill Medical patient The New England Journal of Medicine NENGL J MED Vol.26 365 2011
58 Dr. M. V. Jali International “Lipid Abnormalities in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients-Prospective Cross – Sectional Study”. Recent Research in Science and Technology Volume 2   Issue 6 72-75 2010
59 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale International Marine natural products- as a source of cytotoxic  drugs Pharmacology online Newsletter pattan et al Vol.02 943-952 2009
60 Dr.M.V. Jali International Familial early onset of type-2 diabetes mellitus and its complications North American Journal of Medical Scien es Vol.1-7 377-380 2009
61 Dr. Naveen A International Early Referral to Specialist Center for Diabetes is Warranted The Asian Journal of Diabetology Vol.10 4 2008
62 Dr.Naveen A International Glycemic Control after coronary artery bypass grafting: Closure of the audit loop Int.J Diab Dev Ctries Vol.27 369 2007
63 Dr. M.V. Jali International Prevalence of diabetes amongst the family members of know diabetics Onternational Journal Diab Dev  Ctries Vol.26 81-85 2006
64 Dr.Jayaprakash Appajigol International Prevalence of type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes among a rural community of North Karnataka in Inda Manuscript number IJMS_376_12 to be published 2013



Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National Nipah Virus Disease: A Product of Man-wildlife conflicts Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU Vol.16, Issue-3, ISSN 2542-614 331-332 Sept- Dec 2023
2 Dr. Akash Kumar, Dr.Arathi Darshan,Dr. Madhav Prabhu,Dr. Jayaprakash Appajigol National Clinical characteristics and risk factors for COVID‑19‑related adverse outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Journal of Clinical and Scientific Research, ISSN: 2277-5706, Online ISSN: 2277-8357 Volume 12  | Supplement 1 | S5-S10 Sep-23
3 Dr. Aashna Gandhi, Dr. Arathi Darshan National Original Article: Eosinopenia as a Diagnostic Marker of Enteric Fever: A 1‑Year Observational Study, ISSN: 2950-4392, online ISSN: 2950-4406 Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases Society Volume 1,  Issue 3 , 252-254 July-September 2023 (Published 5th Dec 2023)
4 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar, Dr. Priyanka Patil, Dr. Nidhi Mangalwedhe National Case of 50 Years Old Female with Quadriplegia and Acidosis: Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension, 6(2): 1019. Jul 31, 2023:
5 Dr. Dnyanesh N. Morkar, Dr. Akashdeep Singh, Dr. Priyanka Patil National Case Report: 34-year-old female with acute onset quadriparesis and recurrent carpopedal spasm, JCIMCR, Journal of Clinical Images and Medical ISSN 2766-7820, Vol, 4 (6) :2473, PublonIF: 2.6 June 2023,
6 Dr. Arif Maldar National Original Article:: Inflammatory Markers for Prognosis of COVID-19 Mortality in Hospitalized Indian Patients: A Single- Center Retrospective Study University of Science and Technology Online ISSN: 2959-4146, Print ISSN: 2959-4138 2023
1 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National SARS-CoV-2 infection increases risk of acute
kidney injury in a bimodal age distribution
Bjornstad et al. BMC Nephrology Open Access Page No           2 to 14 2022
2 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National Association of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone
System Inhibitors and Outcomes of
Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19
Copyright © 2022 by the Society of
Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
Volume 50 • Number 10  October 2022
1 Shruti Sainath Andola Sainath K Andola, Prianka Patil, Rohit Patil, Histopathological spectrum of Appendicectomy specimens with emphasis on unusual findings Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Vol.15 2022
1 Dr. Arif Maldra Dr. Rani Ghali National Evaluation of Serum Uric Acid among New onset primary hypertension patients. Across sectional study APIK of Internal Medicine 2022
2 Dr. Arif Maldar National Prevalence clinical profile Maternal & Perinatal out comes of Hyperglycemia in pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital in south India Submitted in Journal of the Scientific Society 2022
3 Dr. Arif Maldar National Orginal Article : Impact of Social Media on Young bank employees during COVID-19 Pandemic. A cross sectional study Journal of Scientifics Society 2022
4 Dr. Arathi Darshan National Clinical characteristics and risk factors for COVID-19 related adverse outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus Journal of Clinical and Scientific research Accepted in publication journal 2022
5 Dr. Arathi Darshan2 Dr. Akash Kumar Dr. Madhav Prabhu,Dr. Jayaprakash Appajigol,

Dr. Bhagyashri Patil5,  Dr. Gautam S

6 Dr. Arif Maldar Dr. Rani Ghali National Evaluation of serum  Uric acid among new onset primary  hypertension  patients   a cross  sectional study APIK Journal of internal Medicine
7 Dr. Aarif Maldar National Clinical and  Electrocardiography profile and inferior wall myocardial infraction with right ventricular involvement : One year Hospital Based cross sectional Study  July September 2021 JKIMSU

ISSN No: 2231-4261

Vol.10 No.03 2021
8 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar Dr. Adarshkumar Bellad
Dr. Rahu Badiger
Dr. Pavankumar
Dr. Gayatri
Dr. Rishab Agarwal
Dr.Sreekanth Chowdary
National A 42-year lady with exanthematous fever, meningitis, 8th nerve neuritis
and polyradiculopathy with coagulase negative staphylococcus septicemia:
A case report
International Journal of Recent Research IAR Journal Vol-2, Iss- 4 (July-Aug, 2021): 48-53  Vol-2, Iss- 4 (July-Aug, 2021): 48-53 48-53 2021
9 Dr. Naveen Angadi National Clinical & Laboratory profile of Diabetic Hypertension, Kidney disease Syndrome-A Hospital Based study in south India Journal of evidence based  medicine & Health care 2021
10 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National Resuscitative effect of  Centhaquine ( Lyfaquin) in Hypovolemic shock patients: A Randomized  Metacentric controlled Advances in Therapy 2021
11 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National Original Article : Conventional  Risk  Factors,  Telomere  Length, and  Ischemic  Heart disease : Insights  into  the  Meditation  Analysis 2021 Genome Integrity published by Wolter –Med know Vol: 12 Issue 01 2021
12 Dr.Pooja Sangayya Motimath, Dr.Dnyanesh N. Morkar, Dr.Vivek Veereshkumar Shirol, Dr.Rekha S. Patil National Original Article:
A Retrospective Study of Clinical, Radiological, and Microbial
Profile and Outcome in Patients with Splenic Abscess
2021 APIK Journal of Internal Medicine Volume 9 ¦ Issue 2 ¦  April-June 2021
13 Dr. Raju Badiger International The Association Between neutrophil  Lymphocyte ratio  and clinical   factors related  to stroke  A Prospective  cohort study International Journal  of current research & review 2021
14 Dr. Naveen  Angadi Dr. Adarshkumar Bellad
Dr. Rahu Badiger
Dr. Pavankumar
Dr. Gayatri
Dr. Rishab Agarwal
Dr.Sreekanth Chowdary
National Clinical & Laboratory profile of Diabetic Hypertension, Kidney disease Syndrome-A Hospital Based study in south India Journal of evidence based  medicine & Health care Yet to be Printed January-21
15 Dr. Jayapraksh Appjigol National Sensitivity and Specitificity of Waist  Circumference as a  Screening  tool  for  Assesment of Obesity in rural Population APIK Journal  of Internal  Medicine  Copernicus, Google scholar Vol.08, Issue 01 14-नवम्बर January-20
16 Dr. V A Kothiwale National Effects of the Six Months of Programmed Exercise Theraphy on Cardio-respiratory Endurance  and Neurophysiological Variables in Asymptomatic Young Adults  Diagnosed Newly With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – A Randomized Controlled Trial Indian J Physios Pharmacology 2019 August-19
17 Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar National Serum Nitric Oxide and Plasma  Hb A1c Levels in Type 2 Dabetes Mellitus  Patients Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Vol 13 September-19
18 Dr. Vijayakumar G Somannavar National Association of Anatomical Site nd Clinical Outcome in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients with or without  Intraventricular Extenshion Journal of the Association of Physiciations of India : 68 No 47-49 Feb 2020 Pg.
19 Dnyanesh N Morkar1, Rishabh Agarwal2, Rekha S Patil3 National Coxsackie Myocarditis with Severe Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Sepsis, Multi-organ Dysfunction Syndrome, and Posterior Epidural Spinal Abscess: A Case Report Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine, Volume 24 Issue 1 PG.No 73-76 January-20
20 Dr. Manjunath Goroshi National Drug Update-
Review: Sodium –Glucose Co-Transporter (SGLT) 2 Inhibitors The Answers to Non-Arteriosclerotic Cardio renal Complications of Diabetes  Mellitus
Vidharbha  Journal of Internal Medicine. Vol.27 Impact Factor 81.10 01-07-2019
21 Dr. Vikranth Ghatnatti National Case Report:Travesty of a thyroglossal cyst – A Clinical scenario Thyroid Research and Practice Published by Woolter Kluwer Vol.16,Issue 2 ,  Pg.No 80-83 May August 2019  –
22 Dr. Archana Uppin Dr. Raju Badiger National Assesment of Influence of Metabolic syndrome on Heart Failure JAPI  Vol.6,Issue 33
ISSN 0004-5772
Vol.06 30th  August 2019
23 Dr. Raju H Badiger National A Prospetive Study study of thyroid function test in Geriatric population and it’s clinical correlation JAPI Accpeted
(Pubmed Indexed)
24 Dr. Prakash   Babaliche
Dr. Arif Maldar National Association between estimated glomerular filtration rate and Microvascular complications In typeII Diabetes Mellitus patients A 1-Year cross sectional study Journal of the National Medical Association Vol.111 No.01 February-19
25 Dr. Rekha S Patil National Prospective Hospital Based Clinical & Electrophysiological Evaluation of Acute Organophosphate Poisining Annals of Indian Academyof Neurology Vol.22,, Issue 1, January-19
26 Dr. Rekha S Patil National Biological risk factors for coronary artery disease among adults residing in rural area of north Karnataka  India Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Issnn 2249-4863 Volume 08, Issue 01 January-19
27 Dr. Anish John Kuriakose Dr. Vijay G Somannavar                  Dr. Awar H Mujawar National Identification of Bedside  Clinical  Scoring  Systems in  Classifying  Stroke Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Vol. 06 Pg.No 737-742 August-18
28 Dr. Priyanka  Patil  Dr. Arathi Darshan           Dr. Saroja A O3,                 Dr. V  A  Kothiwale National Association  of Mean Platelet  Volume with Acute Ischeic  Cerebrovascular  Accident  Among  Patients with Type 2Diabetes  Mellitus : A Hosital  Based  study. Journal  of the  Association of Physciatiion of India  . Vol.66 Pg. No 44-47 August-18
29 Dr. Sasnaka Pakalapati Dr. Prakash Babliche National Dr. Silent Brain Infarcts in Patients with Non Specific Neurological Symptoms 1-Year Cross-Sectional Study Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Vol 06, Issue 01 PG.No/ 32233-32237 January-18
30 Dr. Raju H Badiger Dr. Vikranth Ghatnatti      Dr. Chetana Khavatkopp Dr.Dinesha                           Dr. Shweta Patil                  Dr. Vivek Patil                    Dr. Vijayalaxmi                  Dr. Soumya National Assesment of clinical Profile of Brucellosis Across Sectional study Original Research Article Vol. 05 Issue :10 Page.No.918-921 मार्च-18
31 Dr. Naveen Angadi A Case  Control Study  of Serum  Lipid Level Alterations in  Subclinical  Hypothyroid Patients National JMSCR- Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research December 2017- Vol: 05 Issue: 12 5.84
32 Dr. Samarth Sangamesh Dr. Dnyanesh N Morkar National Evalutation of Serum Testosterone Level in with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Vol 05 I Pg.No. 30949 -30954 नवम्बर-17
33 Dr. V A Kothiwale Dr. Rohit Moralwar National A Study of clinical profile in different serogical dignostic parameters of dengue fever Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU Pg. No. 178-182 August-17
34 Dr. Naveen Angadi National The Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and the  Determinants of Underdignosis in Women Exposed  to Biomass Fuel in India –a Cross Sectional Study CMJ- Chonnam Medical Journal 2016 PG.No 117-122 2016
35 Dr. Suhas Murali Dr. Madhav Prabhu, Dr. Smitha Prabhu National Acute Rhinosinusitis Complicated by cortical venous Thrombosis and Multiple Subdural Empyemas Journal of the Association of Physicians of India Vol 64 Pg 81 to 83 Sept. 2016
36 Dr. Ganesh B. R.
Dr. V. A. Kothiwale
National “ Predictive Criteria for Selection of Patients for Physiotherapy and Rehabilition in Patients with Neuropathy / Neurological Deficits Following Acute / Acute on Chronic Ischemic Episode of the Limbs : Open Labelled Clinical Trial”. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Volume 10
No. 2
Pg. No. 103 – 108 April – June 2015
37 Dr. Mohit Arora                      Dr. Rekha S.  Patil National Origional Article                          Cardiac Manifestation in Dengue Fever Journal of the Association of Physicians of India Volume 64 Pg no.      40 – 44 जुलाई-16
38 Dr. Srinivas B. Dr. Rajeev Malipatil
Dr. Arif Maldar
Dr. Adarsh Bellad                 Dr. Prudhvi Krishna C.            Dr. Suhas Murali
National Case Report
‘Wandering Pace Maker in Dengue Fever’.
Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 4
Number 1
Pg no. – 43 -45 Jan – June 2016
39 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National Ocular and Visual Complications of Head Injury – A Cross – Sectional Study. National Journal of Medical and Dental Research Volume 3, Issue 2, Pg no 78 – 82 Jan – March 2015
40 Dr. Darshan Arathi
Dr. Mukhi Naman
National ‘Risk of developing diabetes mellitus among medical students in South India’. J of Evolution of Me and Dent Sci Volume 4
Issue 55
Pg no. -9534 -9544 09-जुलाई-15
41 Dr. Harpreet Kour
Dr. V.A.Kothiwale
Dr. Shivprasad S.
National Review Article
“Exercise and neuron-cognitive functions in patients with diabetes mellitus : A Review”.
Indian Journal of Health Sciences Volume 8, Issue 1, Pg no.          6 – 10 Jan – June 2015
42 Dr. Prakash
Dr. Darshan Doshi National Original Article
“Catching Dengue Early : Clinical Features and Laboratory markers of Dengue Virus Infection”.
Journal of the Association of Physicians of India Volume 63, Pg no.      38 – 41 मई-15
43 Dr. Smita S. Sonoli
Dr. V.A. Kothiwale
Dr. Anil Malleshappa
National “A Cross Sectional Study to assess Oxidiative Stress, Ceruloplasmin and Physical Activity Status in Healthy Obese Young Adults”. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Volume 6, No. 3, Pg no. 214 – 219 July -September 2015
44 Dr. Sandip Chindhi National Subclinical atherosclerotic vascular disease in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : Prospective hospital-based case control study. Lung India Volume 32
Issue 2
Pg no.  137 – 141 March – April 2015
45 Dr. Madhav Prabhu National A study of the socio Demographic and Economic Profile of a Cross Section of Commercial sex workers in Urban India Medical and Dental Science Volume 3   Issue 25 जून-14
46 Dr. Jayaprakash Appajigol National knowledge, Attitudes, and practices of Public Sector Primary Health Care Physicians of Rural North Karnataka Towards Obesity Management. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care Vol. 3   Issue 04 अक्तूबर-14
47 Dr. Arathi Darshan National A Comparative Study of Insulin Resistance in Offsprings of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Non Diabetic Patients, A one year Cross Sectional Hospital Based Study Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Vol. 2: 41 7828 2013
48 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Wilms Tumors : Single Centre Retrospective Study from South India Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology Published Online 15 June 2013
49 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale Dr. Smita Sonoli National Adiponectin, Inflammatory and Lipid Profile in health obese young adults of an Urban Population in South India – A cross sectional study, Biomedicine- Vol. 33 4 2013
50 Dr. M.V. Jali National Nutrition in Health & Sickness 68-78
51 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Variant chromosomal translocations : Results of Treatment with Imatinib Mesylate. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences Vol 11   Issue 4 oct-Dec 2012
52 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Systemic Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer: Changing paradigm Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology Published Online 01 Dec. 2012
53 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Lung Cancer: A wide clinical spectrum Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Volu 13    No. 3 April / June 2012
54 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Borderline Ovarian malignancies: A Single Institute Retrospective Study Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences Vol 11   Issue 5 oct-Dec 2012
55 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Review Article, Psychological Issue and Cancer Delhi Psychiatry Journal Vol 15      No. 1 अप्रैल-12
56 Dr. Rohan Bhise National Case Report                                              An Unusual Presentation of Primary Rib Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Masquerading as male Breast Cancer Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology Vol 3       Issue 4 309 – 310 Dec. 2012
57 Dr. Rohan Bhise National A Case Report                                       Oral Plasmablastic lymphoma in an HIV negative patient Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 3       Issue 2 135 – 136 2012
58 Dr. Anjali R Metgudmath National Variations of the Cervical Internal Coarotid Artery Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 6 2012
59 Dr.Anjali R Metgudmath National Versatility of Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap in Oncosurgery and Its Role in Developing Countries Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Published online 15 15 2012
60 Dr.Anjali R Metgudmath National Surgical Management of Parapharyngeal Space Tumours: Our Experience Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Published online 15 15 2012
61 Dr.Adarshkumar Bellad National Case Report
Rare Coinfection of scrub typhus and Malaria in Immunocompetent Person
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences Vol. 11: 2 2012
62 Dr. M.V. Jali National Geriatric Healthcare IJGC Indian Journal of Geriatric Care Vo. 01 1 2012
63 Dr. M.V. Jali National Review Article
Geriatric Healthcare
RGUHS J Med Sciences Vo.02 2 2012
64 Dr. Rohan Bhise National “Systemic Therapy in soft tissue sarcomas: Past, Present and Future”. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology No. 2   Issue 4 327-331 Oct-Dec 2011
65 Dr. Pournima Patil National Association of Impaired Cognitive Functions with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Elderly Indian Population Journal of Association of Physicians India [API] Vol.59 91-94 2011
66 Dr.Ritesh Vernekar National Staged Buccal Mucosa Urethroplasty in reoperative hypospadias Indian Journal of Urology Vol.27 2 2011
67 D.Pournima Patil National Benign Partial Seizures of Adolescence Indian Pediatrics Vol. 48 17 2011
68 Dr.  Ritesh Vernekar National Medical Sciences
Acute Urinary retention in Pregnancy
Recent Research in Science and Technology 2010 Vol.2[8]5354 7076-5061 2010
69 Dr. M.V. Jali National Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus with Ketoacidosis in Infancy Indian Journal of Pediatrics Vol.76 424-426 2009
70 Dr.M.S. Khanpet National Is carbon dioxide a safe and good alternative for diatrizoate meglumine as a contrast in digital subtraction angiography? Indian Journal of Nephrology Vol.19 15-19 2009
71 Dr. B. Srinivas Dr. S.T. Vedbhushan National Primary Malignant Lymphoma of spleen Journal of Medical Society, IMPHAL Vol.22 151-152 2008
72 Dr.M.V.Jali National Knowledge, attitude and behaviour regarding diabetes amongst family members of diabetes patients Journal of Association Physicians India Vol.55 742-744 2008
73 Dr. Naveen Angadi National Case Report.
Hot nodule- Always toxic?
Journal of the Indian Thyroid Society 2006
74 Dr. V. A. Kothiwale Dr. Smita Sonoli National A Cross Sectional Study to Assess Oxidative Strees, Ceruloplasmin and Physical Activity status in Health Obese Young Adults Indian Journal Public Health Research & Development  New Delhi Accepted to be published



Sl. No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Arathi Darshan National Chapter-75, Subclinical hyperthyroidism: When to Treat? API Medicine Update 2024: Vol. 34 (1);  Section-4, Endocrine, (Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) ltd. 379-383 2024
2 Dr. V. A. Kothiwale National Chapter 102: Adiponectin the molecule of the millennium Section 5: Endocrionology 499-502 2023
3 Dr. Raju H. Badiger National 1. Cardiovascular System,
2. Respiratory System,
3. Gastrointestinal system,
4. Central Nervous system, 5. Must Know
Clinical Manual of Medicine- First Edition 2023
1 Dr. Madhav Prabhu Regional Editorials: Nipah Virus disease: A Product of Man-wildlife conflicts Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research KLEU Vol. 16, Issue-3, , ISSN 2542-6214 331-332 Sept-Dec 2023
1 Romana Khursheed Jayanth, Shivalingappa, Arif Maladar, Anita Dalal. Regional Prevalence, Clinical Profile, and Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes of Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India Journal of Scientific Society Vol.49 Pg No. 02 2022
1 Dr. Madhav Prabhu Dr. Rekha S Patil              Dr.Pooja M                  Dr.Sreekanth                        Dr. Indu Yadav                    Dr. Vivek Patil Regional Amoebic Liver Abscess with Plural Effusion Lifeline Dr. P K Hospital &MRC Issue XXXVIII 58-59 January-20
2 Dr.Rohan Bhise Regional Molecular Genetic Analysis are Mandotory in Diagnosis of Acute Leukaemias Lifeline Dr. P K Hospital &MRC Issue XXXVIII 56-57 January-20
3 Dr. Raju Badiger Dr. Manjunath Goroshi Regional Unique Journey of  a Patients Pancreatitis to Parathyroidectomy Lifeline Dr. P K Hospital &MRC Issue XXXVIII 54-55 January-20
4 Dr.Santosh Hajare Dr. Praveen Jain Regional Eruption of a Volcano-Sle Acute Pancreatisis Lifeline Dr. P K Hospital &MRC Issue XXXVIII 42-45 January-20
5 Dr. Santosh Hazare Dr. Aakash C Regional A Large  Pseudocyst of Pancreas Extending in to the Thoracic Cavity  Compressing  The Heart Lifeline Dr. P K Hospital &MRC Issue XXXVIII 34-35 January-20
6 Dr. Madhav Prabhu Regional Original Article
Asurvey of Pesticides used by  farmers in Belagavi Taluka and Analyses of Pesticide Residues in Commonly Used Vegetables
JKMSU Isnn 2231-4621
April June 2019
7 Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol Regional Prospective Management of Hypertenshion Journal of the scientifc Society Vol 45,Issue 2 Page.No 110 2018
8 Dr. Jayaprakash Appjigol Regional Present scenario of adult hypertenshion Family Physician Perspective Journal of the scientifc Society 2018
9 Dnyanesh Morkar Dr. Santosh Hazaare Regional Specturm of the Causes of Lower Gastrointenstinal Bleeding in Geriatric Patients  in Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of the Scientific Society Vol 44, Issue 3 PG.No 148-151 Sept – Dec 2017
10 Dr. Santosh Hajare Dr. Chetan Khavatkopp Regional Foreign Bodies in the Gastrointestinal Tract Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC Issue XXXI Pg. No. 70 -72 August 2016
11 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Laparoscopic Ladd’s Procedure in a 70 yrs Male with Malrotation – A Case Report Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC Issue XXXI Pg. No. 37 -39 August 2016
12 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Laparoscopic APR Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC Issue XXXI Pg. No. 40 -42 August 2016
13 Dr. A. S. Gogate Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Laparoscopic Repair of Eventration of Diaphragm with Gastric Volvulus – A Rare Case Report Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC Issue XXXI Pg. No. 43-45 August 2016
14 Dr. Santosh Hajare Dr. Joel George Regional Celiac Disease (CD) – A Video Capsule Endoscopy (VCE) Diagnosis A Case Report Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC Issue XXXI Pg No. 65 – 67 August 2016
15 Dr. Rohan Bhise, Dr. Joel George Regional Longerhans Cell Histiocytosis Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC Issue XXXI Pg. No. 16 -18 August-16
16 Dr. Pournima Patil Regional “Rheumatoid Arthritis : What’s New ?”.
Review Article.
Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC
Issue XXX Pg no. 58 – 62 January-16
17 Dr. Griger Cherry Williams Regional “Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Fip 1I1 / Pdgfr Alfa Negative with Response to Imatinib”.
A Rare Case.
Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC
Issue XXX Pg no. 27 – 29 January-16
18 Dr. Nachiikait kulkarni Dr. Soumya Poduval           Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Ulinastatin in Acute Pancreatitis – A case series Lifeline
Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hosptial & MRC
Issue XXVIII January-15
19 Dr. Pournima Patil Dr. Ranjan Modi
Dr. Veerappa A. Kothiwale
Regional Acral erythma as a manifestation of      undifferentiated connective tissue disease Journal of the Scientific Society Volume 42
Issue 1
Jan – April 2015
20 Dr. V.A. Kothiwale Dr. Pournima Patil
Dr. Shekhar R Bhise
Regional A Case of Sodium Cyanide Poisoning in a Young Male. Lifeline- Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXVIII Page 3-5 January-15
21 Dr. Arathi Darshan Dr. Shekhar R Bhise Regional Peripartum cardiomyopathy Lifeline- Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXVIII Page 35-36 February-15
22 Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Ulcerative Colitis and restorative proctocolectomy. KLESH Lifeline
KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital &  MRC
ISSN – 0974-5475
Pg no.            9 – 11 January-15
23 Dr. Jayaprakash Appajigol Regional Original Article:
Performance of Diabetes Risk Scores With or Without point of Care Blood Glucose Estimation.
Journal of the Scientific Society Volume: 42
Issue: 1
Pg no.      24-26 Jan-Apr 2015
24 Dr. Rohan Bhise Dr. Priyanka Patil Regional Hemophagoctic Histiocytosis: A Case Report. Lifeline
Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC
Issue XXIX
Pg no. 12 – 13
August 2015
Pg no.         12 – 13 August 2015
25 Dr. Griger C.
Dr. Santosh S. Hajare Regional Duodenal dieulafoy’s lesion: A Case Report Lifeline
Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC
Issue XXIX Pg no. 44 – 46 August 2015
26 Dr. Griger C.
Dr. Santosh S. Hajare Regional Pancreas divisum causing Acute recurrent pancreatitis: A Case Report Lifeline
Journal of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC
Issue XXIX Pg no. 47 – 50 August 2015
27 Dr. Pournima Patil Dr. V. A. Kothiwale            Dr. Ranjan Modi Regional Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome Journal of Scientific Society Volume 41       Issue 3 August-15 Sept – Dec 2014
28 Dr. B. Srinivas Dr. Arif Maldar                    Dr. Adarshkumar Bellad    Dr. Shekhar Bhise Regional A Case Report                                                      Acute Nitrobenzene Poisoning with severe Methemoglobinemia Lifeline – Journal of KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXVII 18-20 August-14
29 Dr. Rohan Bhise Regional Prevention of infections in neutropenic patients Lifeline – Journal of KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXVII 23-25 August-14
30 Dr. Rohan Bhise Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Rare large Jejunal Cystic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Lifeline – Journal of KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXVII 35 -37 August-14
31 Dr. Santosh Hajare Dr. Sharan R. P. Regional Etiological Profile of Patients presenting with upper Gastro Inestinal Bleeding – One year cross sectional study. Lifeline – Journal of KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Issue XXVII 64 – 65 August-14
32 Dr. Santosh Hajare Dr. Shekhar R Bhise Regional Role of Metal Stents in Broncho Esophageal Fistula. KLES Lifeline Issue 26 [8-9] August-14
33 Dr. Raju Badiger Dr. Arjun Hosalli                Dr. Ashwin S. P. Regional Hs-C reactive protein as an indicator for prognosis in acute myocardial infarction Scientific Society 41 2 2014
34 Dr. Arathi Darshan Regional Mycoplasma Pneumonia Presenting as Sever Autoimmune Hemolytic Aneamia – A Case Report Lifeline 24 974-5745 2013
35 Dr. Madhav Prabhu Regional A Case report. Diaphragmatic Eventration with Gastrci Volvulus Lifeline 25 2013
36 Dr. Raju Badiger Dr. Sriharsha A.S Regional Seondary Haemochromatosis Lifeline 25 2013
37 Dr.Anjali R Metgudmath Regional Dilemma in the Management of central giant cell granuloma of maxilla. Suvarna JNMC Journal of the Scientific Society 40 1 2013
38 Dr.Anjali R Metgudmath Regional Management of  a case of misadventure with lasers Journal of JNMC Scientific Society 40 3 2013
39 Dr.Santosh Hajare Dr. Jayaprakash Regional Case Report.
“ Tuberculosis of liver in a patient with AIDS’
KLES Lifeline 24 35-36 2013
40 Dr. Rajeev Malipatil Regional Histoid Leprosy: Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in the diagnosis Case Report,
Journal of Scientific Society
Vol.39 141-143 2012
41 Dr.Madhv Prabhu Regional Thrifty Genes and the Crisis of Plenty KLE University’s Health Sciences Journal 5 1 2012
42 Dr. Arif D Maldar Dr. B.Srinivas Regional Case Report :                                             Multiple myeloma an unusal presentation BIMS Medical Journal Peer Reviewed Journal 1 1 2012
43 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional Recurrent Hairy Cell Leukemia in Young Requiring Adjuvant Treatment to prolong remission. Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC 23 974-5474 2012
44 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional Rhabdomyosarcoma of soft palate Successful management of a rare tumour Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC 23 974-5475 2012
45 Dr. Malipatil RA Dr. V.G. Somannavar     Dr. Heamath Kumar S.R Regional Postpartum Hypernatremic Encephalopathy with OSMOTIC Extrapontine Myelinolysis and Rhabdomyolysis KLE University’s Health Sciences Journal Vol.04 2 2011
46 Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional IIIeo-ileal Intussusception Secondary to a submucosal Lipoma with Meckel’s diverticulum An unusual case report KLE Lifeline Vol.21 20-22 2011
47 Dr. Santosh Hajare Regional Laparoscopic mesenteric cyst excision A Case report KLE Lifeline Vol .21 41 2011
48 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr.Madhav Prabhu Regional Dengue Fever in Case of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A Treatment Paradox KLE University’s Health Sciences Journal 4 1 2011
49 Dr. Anjali R Metgudmath Regional Capillary hemangioma of tongue KLES  :Lifeline  Journal 20 41-46 2011
50 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional Uncontrolled bleeding gums secondary to waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia responding to rituximab based therapy after first line therapy failure A rare case KLE: Lifeline Journal 20 2011
51 Dr.Rajeev A Malipatil Regional Case Report
Drug Induced Chronic Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia in Adolescent boy
NJIRM 2[3] 2011
52 Dr. A.J.Dhumale Regional Immunosuppressive Treatment For Aplastic Anemia Case report with review of Literature KLES  :Lifeline  Journal 0974-5475 2010
53 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr.Madhav Prabhu Regional Case report An Interesting case of Aortic Aneurysm KLEU: Health Sc.Jr 2 27-58 2010
54 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional Clinical Profile of Brucellosis: A Cross- Sectional Study KLE Health Sc. Jr 2 36-40 2010
55 Dr. Khanpet M.S. Dr. Vivekanand Regional Clinical Biochemical and Histopathological Features of Adult Nephrotic Syndrome KLE Health Sc. Jr 1 39-43 2010
56 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr.Madhav Prabhu Regional Clinical review
Swine Flu “ Insights into the Pandemic “
Journal of JNMC Scientific Society 37 25- 29 2010
57 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr.Madhav Prabhu Regional Tetrology of fallot with patient ductus arteriosus- A rare case report KLE Health Sc. Jr 3 [1] 44-45 2010
58 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional IJHB: A Manuscript number has been assigned to: Clinical and etiological profile of Acute febrile illnesses with Thrombocytopenia – A one Year Hospital Based cross sectional study. Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 2010
59 Dr.B.Srinivas Dr. Rishit A.N. Regional Sleep Apnea Syndromes KLES Lifeline 17 2009
60 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional Primary endobronchial Hodgkin’s disease Lung India 26 4 2009
61 Dr. M.V.Jali Regional Review Article
New Insulins. New Devices. New Approaches
KLES Health Sc. Jr 2.2 [6-13] 2009
62 Dr.Kothiwale V. A Dr. Madhav Prabhu Regional Serum lipoprotein (a) levels: a novel risk factor for the development of vascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients KLE University’s Health Sciences Journal 2 19-26 2009
63 Dr. Somannavar Dr. Badiger RH                    Dr. Malipatil R.A Regional Case Report
Cerebral Malaria Presenting as Acute Leukoencephalitis – A Rare Case report.
KLE Health Sc. Jr 2[2] 64-66 2009
64 Dr. Naveen  Angadi Regional Bardet Biedl Syndrome A rare case report KLESH Lifeline 17 43-44 2009
65 Dr. B. Srinivas Dr.Vikrant Ghatnatti Regional Clinical advances in the management of Gastroparesis KLES H Lifeline 15 62-65 2008
66 Dr. A.J. Dhumale Regional Idiopathic Thrombocytopenicpurpura [ Case reports with Review of Literature] KLE Lifeline Journal 0974-5475 2008
67 Dr.Rekha S Patil Dr. Anjali Metgudmath Regional Unusual case of cervical intradural extramedullary arachnoid cyst- Case Report KLESH Lifeline 14 43-45 2008
68 Dr. A.J. Dhumale Regional Imatinib Mesylate Treatment In Idopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome A Case Report with Review of Literature Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC 0974-5475 2008
69 Dr. Kothiwale V.A Dr. Madhav Prabhu Regional Inflammation: A Novel Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease KLE University’s Health Sciences Journal 1 [12-16] 2008
70 Dr.Srinivas B Dr. I.B.Shettar Regional Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a young boy KLES Lefeline 13 37-38 2007
71 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Regional Somking and Health KLES Lifeline 12 19-20 2007
72 Dr. A.J. Dhumale Regional Breast Cancer Guidelines Evidence Based Management for Breast Cancer Lefeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC 1974-5475 2007
73 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Regional Study of plasma homocysteine levels in acute myocardial infarction- A one year cross sectional study. KLESH Lifeline 22 44-41 2007
74 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Regional Trifluoperazine Induced Pancytopenia KLESH Lifeline 9 73-74 2006
75 Dr.A.J.Dhumale Regional Cancer Diagnosis
Utilising Moleculum Knowledgebase of the Cell
Lifeline Journal of KLES Dr. P.K. Hospital & MRC 0974-5475 2006



Sl  No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Madhav Prabhu State Study to evaluate the effect of covid -19 on the sensory Perception and the nervous system of an individual A Cross Sectional study APIK Journal of Internal Medicine Vol: xx Issue 11,2022 2022
2 Dr. Pooja Mothimath Dr.Dnyanesh N. Morkar,
Dr.Vivek Veereshkumar Shirol,
Dr.Rekha S. Patil
State A Retrospective Study of Clinical, Radiological, and Microbial
Profile and Outcome in Patients with Splenic Abscess
2021 APIK Journal of Internal Medicine 2021
3 Dr. Pournima Patil State Juvenile Morquio syndrome type B: A rare Case Report Karnataka Paediatric Journal Vol.24 3 & 4 2010

III Publication of books/chapter in the book by the faculty

Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level/ Book Chapter Title of the Paper Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. V A Kothiwale Dr. Pooja M National Pulmanary Tuberculosis API Text Book of Medicine Vol 02 12th Edditon 2022
2 Dr. V A Kothiwale Dr. Vivek Shirol National Cardiopulmanary Resuscitation curent guidelines Vol.30
Association of Physicians of India.
3 Dr. Arathi Darshan Progress in Medicine 2020 Utility and Comparison of Different methods in Diagnosis’s of Infection Vol.30
Association of Physicians of India
238-241 6th to 9th Jan  2020
4 Dr. Rekha S Patil Symptomatic Approach in Geriatrics.
Academy of Medical Education, Mumbai
Altered Consciousness Everyone knows what Consciousness is until he attempts to define it Yet to be Printed
Editor by
P. Shankar
5 Dr.  V A Kothiwale Dr. Nikhil Chougale
Dr. Pooja Lokkur
Dr. Deebanshu Gupta
(Cocchin)  25.1.2019
Medicine Update 2019 Role of Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin / Kexin -9 Inhibitors in the Management of Dyslipidemia. 250 Chapter 2019
6 Dr. V A Kothiwale Nchiketh Kulkarni                                     Dr.  Nikhil Chougule API Book Chapter 2018 Journal of Internal Medicine Estimation  of serum  Estrodial  levels & its co-relation  with BISAP (Bedside index for  Severity  in Acute Pancreatitis) Score in severe Acute  Pancredidits –One Year Hospital  Based cross Sectional  Study Vol, 60,Issue, 04, अक्तूबर-18
7 Dr.V A Kothiwale Dr. Deebanshu Gupta                    Dr. R Ravikant Book Chapter        Medicine 2017 Statin Associated New Onset Diabetes Mellitus-Myth or Reality? Vol-27 764-767 2017
8 Dr. Mohit Arora, Dr. Rekha S Patil Book Chapter        Medicine 2017 Cardiac Manifestations in Dengue Fever Vol-27 2017
9 Dr. V. A. Kothiwale Dr. C. Prudhvi Book Chapter API Medicine Update 2016 A New Molecule for Dyslipidemia Vol. 26 595 – 598 2016
10 Dr. V. A. Kothiwale Dr. Varun Kumar B.              Dr. Ravi Pangi Book Chapter          API Medicine Update 2015 “Sepsis : Old Foe, New Trends”. Vol XXIX-2015 306-311 2015
11 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr. Madhav Prabhu Book Chapter Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Disorder of Adults? Vol. 23 613-618 2013
12 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr. Madhav Prabhu Book Chapter Adipnetin the molecule of the millennium Vol. 20 2010
13 Dr.V.A.Kothiwale Dr. Madhav Prabhu Book Chapter Clinical Relevance of High Sensitivity CRP [ HsCRP] Estimation Vol.1 50-56 2009
14 Dr.M.V.Jali Book Chapter “ Predibetes” Early detection and interventions Vol.18 633-644 2008
15 Dr.M.V.Jali Book Chapter Diabetes in the elderly 58-72 2007