
Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
2 Dr. Mehul Modi Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti      Dr. Purvi Gandhi International A Case of spontaeous acute subdural henatoma in Plasmodium falciparum malaria : A systematic review International Hemorrhagic Stroke Association Vol 4, 201-203 2023
3 Dr. Mehul Modi Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti      Dr. Purvi Gandhi                         Dr. Vihang Sali International Clinical Outcome of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Patients With Sickle Cell Disease : A Tertiary Care Experience And Reciew Of Literature International Journal of Seientific Research Vol 12, 2277-8179 Jul-05
4 Dr. Raman Sharma Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti,     Dr. Nupur Pruthi International Fluoroscopic Detection of Ventral Wall Violation during C2 Intralaminar Screw Insertion : A Descriptive Study International Joyurnal Anatomy, Radiology Surgery. Vol 11(1) 31-33 2022
5 Dr. S. Soumya Dr. Praful Maste International A Survey To Know The Cogntition Of TB Related Knowledge, Attitude & Practice Among The Undergraduate Medical Students International Journal of Current Advanced Research Vol 8, 18828-18831 2019
6 Dr. Rajesh Y Shenoy Dr. C S Supreeth,                        Dr. Darshan Rajputh,                Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar International Cutaneous Anaplastic Meningioma : A Rare Case International journal of health Sciences & Research Vol 8, 283-287 2018
7 Dr.Soumya S Dr. Praful Maste And                Dr. Netravgathi Angadi International Knowledge, Awareness & Attitude Towards Hiv/ Aids Among Medical Nursing & Physiotherapy : A Cross- Sectional Study International Journal of Current Advanced Research Vol 7, 11412-11415 2018
8 Dr. C. S. Supreeth Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti,      Dr S.S. Mahantahshetti International Giant Cell Tumor Bone : A Rare Case International Journal  of Helth Sciences & Research Vol 7, 327-330 2017
9 Dr. Praful Maste Dr. Ravi Ichalakaranji International Tibial Nerve Schwannoma Presenting as Lower Limb Radiculopathy- A Case Report International journal of health Sciences & Research Vol 7, 319-321 2017
10 Dr. S. Soumya Dr. Praful Maste And                Dr. Sumati Hogade International In- Vitro Comparison of Antibacterial (Triclosan) Coated Suture material againts Common Bacterial pathogens Causing Surgical Site Infection International Journal of Current microbiology and Applied Sciences Vol 6, 3049-3055 2017
11 Dr. Abhishek  Patil Dr. Teena Desai
Dr. Pradeep S Gouda,              Dr. Abhishek Gautam               Dr. Rajesh Shenoy
International A Prospective Assessment Of Outcomes And Complications
Of Decompressive Craniectomy In Traumatic Brain Injury
African Journal of Biological
Vol 6, 286-289 2024
12 Dr. Abhishek Gautham Dr. Abhishek Patil                      Dr. Teena Desai                          Dr. Pradeep S Gouda. International ISOLATED CERVICAL INTRADURAL ROSAI-DORFMAN’S DISEASE – A VERY
13 Dr. Abhishek Gautam Dr. Prakash S. Mahantshetti International From Trauma to Tension Pneumocephalus : A Case report With Diagnostic Review International Journal of Scientific research Vol 13 2277-8179 2024



Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Arushi Seth Dr. Nirmala Anand,        Dr. Rajesh Sheoy National Alterations in Working memory due to mild traumatic brain injury : evidences from neuropsychiatric tests- A cross sectional study Al Ameen Journal of Medicine Science Vol 14, 26 to 31 2021
2 Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti Dr. Dhantshetti Bhat National 11 Year experience of treatment of olfactory groove meningioma in tertiary care centre IP Indian journal of Nerosciences Vol 5, 20-27 2019
3 Dr.Ravi Ichalakaranji Dr. Praful Maste,             Dr. Navin Mulimani,       Dr. Jagadeesh Ramini,  Dr. Rajesh Shenoy. National Computerized tomoraphy assessmental of calvarial wall thickness in different gender and age in neurosurgical pracitce- A single centre study. IP Indin Journal of Neuroscience  vol 5, 73-77 2019
4 Dr. Rajesh Y Shenoy Dr.Ravi Ichalakaranji,           Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti. National Intracranial dural AV fistula-An unfolding enigma IP Indian journal of Nerosciences Vol 4, 155-159 2018
5 Dr. Rajesh Y Shenoy Dr.Ravi Ichalakaranji, National Intramesullary lipoma without spinal dysraphism in an adult : A case report & review of literature. IP Indian journal of Nerosciences Vol 4, 215-219 2018
6 Dr. Rajesh Y Shenoy Dr.Ravi Ichalakaranji, National Penetrating Orbitocebral Injury in a Yound Patient : A Case Report and Review of Literature. IP Indian journal of Nerosciences Vol 4, 01,06 2018
7 Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti Dr. Ravi Ichalakaranji,              Dr. Suhasini h National Intracebral giant hydatidosis in an adult Woman – A case report IP Indian journal of Nerosciences vol 4, 160,162 2018
8 Dr. Yadhu Lokanathi Dr. Praful Maste,               Dr. S. S. Mahantshetti,  Dr. Nandeesh Bevinahalli. National Cystic Intracranical Schwannomas : A Review With a Case Report on Cystic Olfactory Groove Schwannoma. Indian journal Neurosurgery Vol 5, 176-179 2016



Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Masakaz Nagamatsu Dr. Praful Maste,                    Dr. Masato Tanaka,                Dr. Yoshihiro Fujiwara Regional Usefulness of 3D CT/MRI Fusion Imaging for the Evaluation of Lumbar Disc Herniation and Kambain’s Triangle Diagnosties 2022,12,956 Vol 12, 315-317 2022
2 Dr. Masato Tanaka Dr. Yoshihiro Fujiwara,         Dr. Koji Uotani,                       Dr. Praful Maste,                     Dr. Taro Yamauchi Regional C-Arm-Free Circumferential Minimally Invasive Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity : Technical Note Journal of the Elsevier Vol 143 235-246 2020
3 Dr. Praful Maste Dr. Yadhu Lokanath,     Dr. S. S. Mahantshetti, Dr. S. Soumya Regional Isolated Intramedullary Spinal Cysticercosis : A Case Report With Review of literature of a Rare Presentation Asian Journal of Neurosurgery Vol 13, 154-156 2018
4 Dr. Praful Maste Dr. Yadhu Lokanath,     Dr. S. S. Mahantshetti, Regional Reoperation In Spinal Dysraphism : Does it Help In Recersing the Neurological Deficits ? Journal of Neuroscieneces in Rural Practice Vol 8, 51-56 2017
5 Dr. Rajesh Y Shenoy Dr.Ravi Ichalakaranji,           Dr. Prakash Mahantshetti. Dr.Samanvaya soni Regional Trigeminal Neuralgia-Microvascular Decompression by Teflon Patch jounal of the Scientific Society Vol 45, 102-105 May, Aug-2018



Sl No. Name of the First Author Name of the Co-Author Level Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume Page No. Year
1 Dr. Gyanendra S. Mittal.   Dr. Abhishek Gautam. Dr. Himanshu Bhutani. Dr. Mudit Agarwal. State Clinical outcome and oncological safety of submental flap for reconstruction in head and cancer patients Journal Oral Medicine, oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Radiology 6(3) 132-136 2020