(infrastructure and learning resources including no of beds in the hospital) |
The Department of Pulmonary Medicine was started in 1986 at J.N. Medical College. It has been catering to the needs of Under – graduate and post – graduate.
Facilities available in the Department:
- Pulmonary function testing unit with facilities for lung volumes estimation.
- Diffusing Lung Capacity.
- Video Assisted Bronchoscopy Unit.
- Level- I Polysomnography.
- Medical Thoracoscopy.
- Mini-microspirometer.
- Interncoastal tube drainage.
- Pleural Biopsy.
- Lung Biopsy.
- Pleurodesis
- CT Guided biopsy of the mediastinal mass and lung lesions.
- Ultrasonography guided biopsy of mediastinal and lung lesions.
The Department being a basic specialty has got 40 beds at KLES Hospital and Medical Research Center, Belgaum. The ward has got side laboratory where in all bedside investigations can be done. Ward side rooms also available for teaching and for demonstration purpose. The respiratory medicine department has got 4 spacious consultation rooms. Minor procedures like insertion of intercostals tubes, biopsy etc are carried out in the procedure rooms available in the OPD Section. Systematic case recording is maintained according to accepted standards both at OPD and ward level. Cross reference to respective departments are easily available. The department in the college, houses, individual staff rooms for Prof and HOD Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. The museum displays information charts and specimens. The seminar hall is well equipped and has got screening arrangements so that the audiovisual aid can be used.
The department is well staffed and carry out routine clinicals and lectures on Tuberculosis and Respiratory diseases for the Under – graduate students.The post graduate programme (M.D) in respiratory Medicine was started in the year 2002 with One PG student per year, this has been increased gradually over the years and at present the intake is Five PG student per year. The department conducts regular PG teaching and training programmes including journal club, seminar presentation, case discussion, mortality meeting, theory classes and bedside clinical works regularly And also monthly clinic-pathological case discussion take place with other departments. The staff also conducts theory classes for physiotherapy student regularly and also attends PG teaching programme in Internal Medicine department and Respiratory cases are discussed and procedures are regularly demonstrated. The department has also imparts training to the rotating internees. The department has been quit active in the research work and the staff members regularly attends the National Conference and presents Scientific papers. Also several papers have been published in the national medical Journals.
The specialized investigations like fiberoptic bronchoscopy, arterial blood gas analysis, lung function testing, CT guided biopsy, bronchoalveolar lavage, diffusion study etc., are done at K L E S Hospital and the post – graduate are explained about the procedures and inferences. The patients are also maintained on the ventilator for the management of Acute respiratory failure as and when required. The monitoring of such patients are done by post – graduate students and they are supervised by the staff members.
The follow up of OPD patients as well as discharge patients is also maintained regularly and scrutinized by the members. The department is also active in other academic work of the clinical cases that are presented at the fortnightly conducted by the J.N. Medical College Scientific society. Clinically interesting and problem oriented cases are presented during this meetings. It is also known for its strict and exacting pattern of work and research oriented clinical presentation.
-Availability of dedicated thoracic surgeon for lung surgeries.
-Availability of mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure cases.