The Department of Pulmonary Medicine was started at J. N. Medical College in 1986. Dr. Rama Rao was the first Professor & Head of the Department. Earlier it was catering to the Under-graduate students only as there was no Post-graduate course in the department. Also the department use to cater to all the patients with the respiratory complaints in the KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belgaum.
Dr. A. S. Bagga, Professor and Dr. G. S. Gaude, Assistant Professor joined the department in 1993 and under their able leadership and guidance, the department attained great heights and many equipments were purchased including Fibreoptic Bronchoscopes and Computerized Pulmonary function testing unit. Lung surgeries were being performed for difficult cases with the help of condiothoracic surgeon. The department underwent three MCI inspections during this period for starting of the Post-graduation degree course. Finally, due to the hard work of Dr. A. S. Bagga and Dr. G. S. Gaude, the department got the permission for starting the Post-graduate course (M.D.Degree). So the M.D. degree course was started in the department in the year 2002, and at present the department is having 5 M.D. seats per year. J. N. Medical College, Belgaum was the first Medical College in the Karnataka State to have started Post-graduate (M.D) degree in Pulmonary Medicine.
The department is well equipped with Two Professor, one Associate Professor, Three Assistant Professor and One Senior Resident. The department has been catering to the needs of the undergraduate and Post-graduate students. Patient care has been maintained well with the availability of separate respiratory ward for the department, which is always occupied fully. The department has been equipped with newer equipments like Video Bronchoscopy system, Pulmonary function testing system with facilities for lung volumes estimation and Diffusion capacity, Level I Polysomnography system, spirometer for bronchial provocation system, allergen testing kit, mini spirometer thoracoscope. The department is well supported by Cardio Thoracic Surgeons for performing lung surgeries routinely for the required cases. Respiratory failure cases are also well managed by post-graduate students on mechanical ventilation routinely.
The department has been actively involved in the implementation of NTEP which is a WHO sponsored programme and the department has been recognized as a Nodal Centre for NTEP Programme. Recently DOT’s – Pros programme under NTEP has been started in the department for the management of drug resistant tuberculosis patients recently.