Sl No | Name of the PG Student | Guide | Co_Guide | Title of the Dissertation | Duration (From-To) |
10 | Dr.Deepa Kulkarni | Dr.Ashok Kumar | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of oral Health education regarding Knowledge attitute and practice among high school students of semiurban area of Belagum District | November 2008-March 2010 |
11 | Dr.Jagannath P. | Dr.Anil Ankola | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | Oral hygiene practices among 12-14 year old rural school children of Kinaye village – A cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 |
21 | Dr.Ravi Kumar A. Joshi | Dr.(Mrs.)Vijaya A.Naik | Pattern of tobacco consumption among adolescent boys residing at khasbag, Belgaum. A community based cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
24 | Dr.Prashant P.Savadi | Dr.A.S.Wantamutte | Pattern of tobacco use among primary school teachers in Belgaum city : A Cross-sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
34 | Dr. Mahesh Kadammanavar | Dr Mubashir A | “Knowledge Attitude And Practices Towards Oral Cancer Among Rural Adult Population: A Cross Sectional Study.” | November 2009-March 2011 | |
59 | Pravinkumar V. Talakeri | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of diet among tobacco chewers with or without oral lesions in rural field practice area under J. N. medical College a cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
77 | Arun Kumar Yadav | Dr. Girija Astagi | Knowledge, attitude practice of tobacco use among rural adolescents | December 2011-April 2013 | |
85 | Mustefe Abdikarin A | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Assessing readiness and motivation to quit tobacco use among the field practice rural area under Jawaharlal Nehru medical college, Belgaum-a cross sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
93 | Dr. Deepak Bhati | Dr. Punnya Angadi | Attitude and practice towards oral cancer prevention held by Dentists in Belgaum city; a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
98 | Gyanendra Jha | Dr. Naina K Hashilkar | Prevalence of tobacco use among adolescents in urban slum of ramnagar of Belgaum city – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
115 | Rajendra Ruchal | Dr. Shushma Wale | Impact of health education on knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding use of tobacco among students of pre university college in Belgaum | December 2012-April 2014 | |
138 | Jays Anna John | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of Oral Precancerous lesions and Conditions in Tobacco Consumers in A Rural Community _ A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
161 | Angika Nidhi | Dr. Ashwini N | A study on Impact of Transtheoretical Model in Reducing Dependency Ratio Among Tobacco Consumers in Urban Slum Area of Belagavi – A Randomized Control Trial | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
182 | Sandeep Kumar Rai | Dr. Ranjit Kangle | Pattern of Oral Mucosal Lesion Among Tobacco User Attending Dental OPD at VKIDS. KLE University, Belagavi, – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
188 | Trilok Kumar Mandal | Dr. Yogesh Kumar S. | Prevelence of Tobacco Use among School Going Adolescent Males aged 13-15 years in Rural Area Of Belgaum-A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
202 | Naval Kishor Ray | Dr. Rajendra Awate | Dr. Ashwini | A Cross Sectional Study on Pattern of Tobacco Consumption and effects on Health among Auto Rickshaw Drivers in Nehrunagar, Belagavi city | February 2016 to March 2017 |
207 | Sudheer Shivalingappa Mang | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Hazards of Tobacco use among Police Personnel in Belagavi city – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 |
239 | Afifa Nadaf | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Assessment of Economic Burden due to Tobacco Consumption among Residents of Ashok Nagar, Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
244 | Gururaj Ajagol | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Counseling Cessation of Tobacco use among Tobacco Consumers in Resindents of Ashok nagar, Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
280 | Amitraj Shah | Dr. Ashwini N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Perception regarding Household Economic Burden and Health Risks among Smokeless Tobacco Users: A Qualitative Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
299 | Saroj Kumar Yadav | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Awareness About Cigarette and Tobacco Related Legislation among College Students of Belgaum city | February 2020 to March 2021 | |
307 | Dalvi Mansi Sanjay | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Namratha Patil | Effect of Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy and chemoradiotherapy on Nutritional status of Newly Registered Oral Cancer Patients – A Longitudinal study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
325 | Archana Yadav | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Awareness and Implementation status of Tobacco Policy at Educational Institutions in India: A Cross-sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
332 | Dr. Priyanka S R | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Oral health status among pregnant women by ANM’s using simplified oral Health assessment tool | February 2021 to March 2022 |
344 | Paresh Sanjay Salokhe | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | A study to determine the perceptions of tobacco cultivators and distributors towards tobacco cultivation and substitution with other crops – A Qualitative study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
348 | Anushree M Nadiger | Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dietary behaviour and nutritional profile of oral cancer patients in KCTRI Dharwad and KLE Cancer Hospital Belagavi | February 2021 to March 2022 |
4 | Josna Johnson | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Oral health status Among Godhihal Tribal Population in Belagavi District A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
5 | M Sudha | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Tobacco Habits Among Godhihal Tribal Population in Belagavi District A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
14 | Nadeem Khan Nagad | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Qality of Life Among Oral Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatement at KLE Society’s Belgaum Cancer Hospital | February 2022 to March 2023 |
Sl No | Name of the PG Student | Guide | Co_Guide | Title of the Dissertation | Duration (From-To) |
1 | AKASH NAIK | Dr. Sandeep Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | February 2022 to March 2023 | |
2 | BIRAJDAR ARTI SHIVAJI | Dr. Ganesh B.R | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Percived Stress in Medical Students: A Cross Sectional Study to Determine Personality Traits and Coping Strategies | February 2022 to March 2023 |
3 | BIRARI YASHRAJ ABHIJIT | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevelence of Tuberculosis among Transgenders and Men who have Sex with Men in Belgaum | February 2022 to March 2023 |
4 | JOSNA JOHNSON | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Oral health status Among Godhihal Tribal Population in Belagavi District A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
5 | M SUDHA | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Tobacco Habits Among Godhihal Tribal Population in Belagavi District A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
6 | MUSKAN A GHORI | Dr. C. S. Sanikop | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Vs. Lecture with Hands on Training Vs. Both Methods in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Skill Acquisition among Police Officers | February 2022 to March 2023 |
7 | PEDNEKAR ANUSHREE RAJENDRA | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Vinayak Khoparde | Iodine Nutritional Status and Cognitive Performance among School Children of Belagavi, city Karnataka, A cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
8 | PREETI LALASANGI | Ashok Kamat | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Sanitation and Hygiene Practices as Risk Factors of Diarrhea among 6-13 months Children in Belagavi, Karnatak – A Community Based Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
9 | RAVI KUMAR D K | Dr. Divya Khare, Assistant Professor, Dravyaguna | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | assessment of Quality of Life of Tuberculosis Patients under Ayurvedic Vasavaleha Treatment as an Adjunct to DOTS | February 2022 to March 2023 |
10 | SWATHI V | Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Associated Factors Among Cancer Patients. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
11 | DESAI HEMALI SUBHASH | Rajesh Mane | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge of EMS Technique for Provideing Basic Care and Safe Transfer of RTA Victims in Traffic Police Personal of Belagavicity A pre and Post Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
12 | DILIP KC | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Prevention of Nosocominal Infection among Nurse of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belagavi | February 2022 to March 2023 | |
13 | MELKEY STEPHEN BUNYAN | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Tuberculosis Patients. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
14 | NADEEM KHAN NAGAD | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Qality of Life Among Oral Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatement at KLE Society’s Belgaum Cancer Hospital | February 2022 to March 2023 |
15 | PERSARA LYNE GATPHOH | Ashok Kamat | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | assessment of Knowledge regarding Risk Factors and Warning Signs of Stroke in hypertensive patients in Balagavi A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
16 | POONAM KHOLIYA | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Mental Health Status among District Court Lawyers Belagavi district A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
17 | SHRUTIKA MUNNYAL | Dr. Niranjana Mahathshetty | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Suresh Badamath | Compliance of Mothers in Implementation of Kangaroo Mother CareUsing Kanga Sling and Traditionaql Cloth Wrap A Mixed Method Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
18 | SUHANA KOLAKAR | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Behavioural Risk Factor Assessment of Diabetes Mellitus and Hyoertension amoung Lawyers in Belagavi A Mixed Method Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
19 | SURESH SOMALY CHAVAN | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Respiratory Tract Infections among tribal population in Belagavi | February 2022 to March 2023 |
20 | USHA UMESH NAIK | Dr. Shivswamy M.S. | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Prevalence of Hypertension and Diebetes among practicing Advocates in Belagavi District | February 2022 to March 2023 |
MSc Nutriution and Dietetics | |||||
1 | Aakangsha Jitendra Shirgaonkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Assessment of Knowledge and Practices Health Care Workers regarding Diet and Nutritional Status of Tuberculosis Patients | February 2022 to March 2023 |
2 | Aishwarya U Patil | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Impact of social media influence on eating behavior in mid and late adolescent children A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
3 | Ajmal T P | Dr. Ganesh B.R | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about DASH diet among Hypertensive patients attending tertiary care Hospital in Belagavi | February 2022 to March 2023 |
4 | Damala Percys | Dr. Jayasheela Bagi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Assessment of nutritional status and associated behaviors in children under five in RBVK creche facility/ Anganwadis: A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
5 | Jamandlamudi Yoshitha | Dr. M S Karishetti (Khanpet) | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Mrs Kashamma | Assessment of Nutritional Status in Chronic Kidney Disease Stage V (CKD) Patients on Haemodialysis using Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS) | February 2022 to March 2023 |
6 | Keerti Jadhav A | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Impact of Nutrition Education on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards exclusive breastfeeding and Complementary feeding in mothers with children 6-30 months: A pre post study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
7 | Masurkar Purva Yashwant | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Depressive Symptoms and Type of Diet Quality among Female Hostelite students of Kaher, Belagavi A cross Sectional study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
8 | Patil Anushri Amar | Dr Rajesh Powar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Mrs Kashamma | Effect of Masticatory performance on nutritional status in cleft lip palate children (6-12 Years) A Comparative Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
9 | Shifas Asharaf | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Behaviour towards eating Disorders among Adolscents between age 15 to 18 years: A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
10 | Snehal Majukar | Dr. Harpreet Kour | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Ms. Bhagyashri B M | A cross sectional study to Assess the nutritional Profile of Hypertensive Patients attending OPD at Tertiary Care Centre | February 2022 to March 2023 |
11 | Vishnu M G | Dr Rajesh Powar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Mrs Kashamma | Nutritional Status of Children between 1-6 years with CleftLip Palate and the Knowledge about Nutrition among Mothers. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
Sl No | Name of the PG Student | Guide | Co_Guide | Title of the Dissertation | Duration (From-To) |
1 | Dr Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr H B Rajashekhar | Prevalence of Non communicable diseases among the elderly population in rural and semi urban area. A Cross Sectional Study | December 2007-April 2009 | |
2 | Dr Vishal Desai | Dr A S Wantamutte | Accessibility and availability of health care services for migrants and factors affecting utilization of these services in Darbhandora in Goa. | December 2007-April 2009 | |
3 | Dr V N Hiremath | Dr H B Rajashekhar | Dr. Roopa Bellad | Validation of Verbal Autopsy Questionnaire in perinatal deaths – a longitudinal study. | December 2007-April 2009 |
4 | Dr Shweta Patil | Dr Vijaya Naik | Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes mellits in an urban population. A Community based cross sectional study. | December 2007-April 2009 | |
5 | Dr Seema Huddar | Dr S M Katti | Acceptance and Non acceptance of contraceptives among married women of reproductive age group in rural area – Cross sectional study | December 2007-April 2009 | |
6 | Dr Suresh Paschapur | Dr S M Katti | An Epidemiological study of Hypertension in rural population, above the age group of thirty years : A Cross sectional study | December 2007-April 2009 | |
7 | Dr.Baburaddi Kengalagutti | Dr.H.N.Sangolli | Knowledge of infant feeding and weaning practices among mothers of kakati – a subcenter belonging to Vantamuri primary health centre, Belgaum – A Cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
8 | Dr.Avirat A Bhatt | Dr.Shivaswamy M.S. | Prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders among 6-12 years school children – A Cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
9 | Dr.Bhimagouda H.Patil | Dr.Shoba Karikatti | A cross sectional study of perceptions & practices of rural men towards family planning | November 2008-March 2010 | |
10 | Dr.Deepa Kulkarni | Dr.Ashok Kumar | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of oral Health education regarding Knowledge attitute and practice among high school students of semiurban area of Belagum District | November 2008-March 2010 |
11 | Dr.Jagannath P. | Dr.Anil Ankola | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | Oral hygiene practices among 12-14 year old rural school children of Kinaye village – A cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 |
12 | Dr.Kavita Pawar | Dr.Roopa M.Bellad | To study the mental health status of adolescents in the orphanages of Belgaum city – A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
13 | Dr.Mahantesh Pujar | Dr.(Mrs.)Chandra S.Metgud | Prevalence of accidents among Under fives in Vantamuri village of PHC Vantamuri – A Cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
14 | Dr.Manjunath R.Bardur | Dr.S.M.Katti | Knowledge and attitude regarding HIV/AIDS among young adults between 15-24 years of age group at kakati – A Community based cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
15 | Dr.Mylarappa Y.Basapur | Dr.Girija S.Astagi | Impact of health education on knowledge and attitude of HIV/AIDS among high school students of Santibastiwad – A one shot experimental study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
16 | Nitendra Kumar Chaurasia | Dr.Shobha Karikatti | Awareness of diabetes, self-care, treatment and complications of diabetes amongst diabetic patients in urban area- A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
17 | Dr.Priyadarshini Kencharaddi | Dr.(Mrs.)Chandra S.Metgud | Prevlence of reproductive tract infections among married women of reproductive age group in rural area – A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
18 | Dr.Rajashree S. Koppad | Dr.Padmaja Walvekar | Utilization of antenatal care by pregnant women residing in kakati sub center – A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
19 | Dr.Rajeshwari S.Neginhal | Dr.Shivaswamy M.S. | A cross sectional study about male participation in reproductive & child health in Vantmuri phc of Belgaum district | November 2008-March 2010 | |
20 | Dr. Ravi M.Kadagavi | Dr.S.M.Katti | Evaluation of immunization coverage in under five children belonging to Vantamuri village – A community based cross – sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
21 | Dr.Ravi Kumar A. Joshi | Dr.(Mrs.)Vijaya A.Naik | Pattern of tobacco consumption among adolescent boys residing at khasbag, Belgaum. A community based cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
22 | Dr.Rudresh Revannavar | Dr.Roopa M.Bellad | Influence of maternal factors on prevalance of the low birth weight babies in rural set up, Belgaum – A longitudinal study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
23 | Dr.Sagar G.Khandekar | Dr.Padmaja Walvekar | Knowledge and attitute about hiv/aids among married men in a rural community – A Cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
24 | Dr.Prashant P.Savadi | Dr.A.S.Wantamutte | Pattern of tobacco use among primary school teachers in Belgaum city : A Cross-sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
25 | Dr. Sharath Chandra B. | Dr.Ashok Kumar & | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | Domestic combustion of biomass fuels and respiratory symptoms among women of kakati village, Belgaum – A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 |
26 | Dr.Shridevi C.Wali | Dr.Girija S.Astagi | morbidity pattern in under five children in – kakati sub center of PHC Vantamuri A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
27 | Mr.Tika Ram Gurung | Dr.H.B.Rajashekhar | Dr Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of overweight among the adolescent school students (age 11 to 19) A Cross sectional study. | November 2008-March 2010 |
28 | Dr.Vijayalaxmi S.Neginhal | Dr.A.S.Wantamutte | knowledge, attitude and practices regarding menstruation in secondary school girls of semi urban area belgaum district. | November 2008-March 2010 | |
29 | Dr.Vinaykumar S.Koparde | Dr.H.N.Sangolli | A cross sectional study of morbidity profile in geriatric population of rural belgaum | Nov 2008-March 2010 | |
30 | Dr.Santosh M Tavashi | Dr.(Mrs.)Vijaya A Naik | Utilisation of health care services in a rural population of vantamuri phc – A cross sectional study | November 2008-March 2010 | |
31 | Dr. Anil M. H | Dr. Padamaja Walvekar | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Diarrhea and Its Management Among Mothers of Under Five Children At Vantamuri Sub Centre In Belgaum District – A Cross Sectional Study. | November 2009-March 2011 | |
32 | Dr. Dhananjay V. Pathak | Dr. (Mrs.) Vijaya A. Naik | Gender Disparity In Health And Nutritional Status In Children Under Five Years Age In A Rural Community: A Cross Sectional Study. | November 2009-March 2011 | |
33 | Dr. Ganesh Mane | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr Kamal Patil | Perinatal Care Practices At Vantamuri Primary Health Centre : A Cross Sectional Sectional Study. | November 2009-March 2011 |
34 | Dr. Mahesh Kadammanavar | Dr Mubashir A | “Knowledge Attitude And Practices Towards Oral Cancer Among Rural Adult Population: A Cross Sectional Study.” | November 2009-March 2011 | |
35 | Dr. Mamta Patil | Dr.Shivaswamy M. S | Socio-Demographic and Clinical Profile of Tuberculosis Patients Seeking Treatment Under RNTCP – A Longitudinal Study. | November 2009-March 2011 | |
36 | Dr. Prakash Chavan | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Acceptability and Feasibility of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) Among Mothers of Low Birth Weight Babies. | November 2009-March 2011 | |
37 | Dr. Vijayashree Mathad | Dr. Chandra Metgud | Assessment of Nutritional Status of Under Fives in Kakati – A Sub Centre of Vantamuri PHC: A Cross Sectional Study. | November 2009-March 2011 | |
38 | Miss. Arora Khusboo | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of dietary advice on overweight children randomized control trail | December 2010-April 2012 | |
39 | Dr. Azad Asmabanu Maksudbhai | Dr. A.S.Wantamute | Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding food Handling and food Taboos and Misconceptions among Rural women-cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
40 | Dr. Gohil Harshil Narendrasinh | Dr. Deepti Kadeangadi | A community based cross sectional study to know knowledge and practice about water, sanitation and hygiene in rural area | December 2010-April 2012 | |
41 | Dr. Jayashree M.H. | Dr Mubashir A | Dr. B. R. Ashok Kumar | Assessment of factors causing diagnostic & treatment delay among newly diagnosed smear positive pulmonary TB patients seeking care from RNTCP- A cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 |
42 | Dr. Mohammed Manzoor A. | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr M. D. Dixit | Prevalence of Risk Factors of Ischemic Heart Disease among Students of a Medical College in Belgaum. | December 2010-April 2012 |
43 | Dr. Naziya Farooqui | Dr.Girija Astagi | A Cross sectional study to assess the knowledge of HIV/AIDS among married women in a rural area | December 2010-April 2012 | |
44 | Mr. Odhiambo Victor Calvine | Dr. Shivaswamy. M. S | Economic costs of Diabetic care in urban area A community based study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
45 | Dr. Patil Santosh Gopal | Dr.Vijaya A. Naik | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about HIV/AIDS amongst Men who have sex with men in Belgaum- a cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
46 | Dr. Patel Hardik Tukaram | Dr. S.M. Katti | A study of Knowledge and utilization of health insurance in rural population of Kakati A cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
47 | Dr. Patel Hinal | Dr. Shivaswamy. M. S | Awareness and Utilization of janani surksha yohana in rural areas; a cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
48 | Dr.Poornima Dharvadkar | Dr. B.R.Ashok kumar | Dr Mubashir A | Knowledge attitude & practice towards & TB Care services of Smear Positive Patients- a cross Sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 |
49 | Dr. Prashant Pareet | Dr. S.M. Katti | A study on Knowledge & attitude of male adolescents regarding sexually transmitted desease in Belgaum City – A Cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
50 | Ms.Priyadarshini Chigari | Dr. B.R.Ashok kumar | Dr Mubashir A | Determinants of Reasons for School Drop-out in Urban areas of Belgaum | December 2010-April 2012 |
51 | Dr. Rani Sheenannavar | Dr. A.S.Wantamute | Profile of breast cancer patients attending cancer Hospital in north Karnataka-A cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
52 | Mr Sanjeev Sidaraddi | Dr. Girija Astagi | Assessment of Knowledge attitude and practice of mothers of under five children in a rural area regarding ARI – cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
53 | Mr.Shashi Verma | Dr.C.S.Metgud | Knowledge attitude and practices regarding blood donation among rural population – a Cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
54 | Dr. Shruti Murthy | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. B S Kodkany | Pregnancy preriodontitis and Low birth weight of newborn: A cohort study in rural Belgaum. | December 2010-April 2012 |
55 | Dr. Sudhirgouda Patil | Dr.Padmaja Walvekar | Health status of primary school children residing in rural area: A cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
56 | Dr. Tejashwini A. Patil | Dr. A.S.Wantamute | The functioning of anganwadis and utilization of ICDS services by the beneficiaries in Vantamuri village- A cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
57 | Dr. Vinayak Parushetti | Dr. B.R.Ashok kumar | Perceptions of organ Donation among people of Kakati Village – A cross sectional study | December 2010-April 2012 | |
58 | Mohamad Asif Shaikh | Dr. A.S. Wantamute | “Pregnancy outcome in gestational diabetes” a hospital based study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
59 | Pravinkumar V. Talakeri | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of diet among tobacco chewers with or without oral lesions in rural field practice area under J. N. medical College a cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
60 | Ninganagouda R. Biradar | Dr. S.M. Katti | “Knowledge attitude & treatment seeking behavior among adults with pulmonary tuberculosis” | December 2011-April 2013 | |
61 | Sunil Kumar Singh | Dr. Ashwini N | A study of knowledge attitude And Practice about biomedical waste management among health personels in field practice area under J. N. Medical College | December 2011-April 2013 | |
62 | Nazia J Shekhaji | Dr. A.S. Wantamute | The study of factors associated with oral lession in periurban and rural population around belgaum | December 2011-April 2013 | |
63 | Prashant Pokhrel | Dr. S.M. Katti | Utilization of antenatal care services among pregnant women in machhe village of kinaye PHC | December 2011-April 2013 | |
64 | Maginsh Dahal | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | MCH & factors affecting the service utilization in Kinaye PHC | December 2011-April 2013 | |
65 | Ashvini Kulkarni | Dr. Tenagi | Prevalence of cataract among elderly population in a Vantamuri village A cross sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
66 | Jasmine S. Dange | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of health Education on Knowledge & attitude of HIV/AIDS among PUC students | December 2012-April 2014 | |
67 | Dugani Vidyavati S | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Awareness of Menstrual abnormalities, amongst college students Belgaum urban area Karnataka, India cross sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
68 | Annapurna Hawaldarmath | Dr. Kamal Patil | A study of Maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancies with Eclasmpia at tertiary care Hospital | December 2011-April 2013 | |
69 | Sagar R. Mali | Dr. A.C. Alatgi | RNTCP performance in selected urban and rural tuberculosis centers – A Comparative record based retrospective study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
70 | Pravinkumar M Aivalli | Dr. M. K. Swamy | Biosocial determinants of birth weight at deshnure PHC a cross sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
71 | Praddeep Choudhary | Dr. Shivaswamy. M. S | Knowledge skill and practice of anganawadi workers about ICDS | December 2011-April 2013 | |
72 | Bimlesh Kumar Sah | Dr. Ashwini N | Morbidity and Mortality pattern of RTA cases admitted at KLE Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital Belgaum-A retrospective record based study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
73 | Bimal Subedi | Dr. A.S. Wantamute | Knowledge, attitude & Practice of dog bite & its management | December 2011-April 2013 | |
74 | Sanjay Yadav | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Causes of Infant mortality in last five years 2007-11 in Belgaum City | December 2011-April 2013 | |
75 | D.M. Manjuanth | Dr. Chandra S. Metgud | Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding gender preference among pregnant women residing in a rural area – a cross sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
76 | Nishchal Devkota | Dr. B. S. Kodkany | Dr Mubashir A | Exposure to indoor air pollution and birth weight of a prospective study | December 2011-April 2013 |
77 | Arun Kumar Yadav | Dr. Girija Astagi | Knowledge, attitude practice of tobacco use among rural adolescents | December 2011-April 2013 | |
78 | Prakash Deuba | Dr. Girija Astagi | Impact of Health Education regarding personal hygiene among primary school children in rural area | December 2011-April 2013 | |
79 | Sabita Pokhrel | Dr. Niranjana Mahathshetty | Dr Mubashir A | Impact of Health education on Knowledge attitude & practice of menstrual hygiene among 2 PUC college of Belgaum | December 2011-April 2013 |
80 | Haron K Mogusu | Dr Mubashir A | Assessing The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Child Care Among The Fathers of Under Five Children in Ramngar Area, Belgaum | December 2011-April 2013 | |
81 | Brijmohan Kumar Yadav | Dr. Deepti Kadeangadi | Knowledge attitude & practice of globel warming among PG students in | December 2011-April 2013 | |
82 | Ashok Kumar Sahu | Dr. Sunita Y Patil | Prevalence of anemia among the adolescent girls in the rural area at vantamuri village in Belgaum vantamuri PHC | December 2011-April 2013 | |
83 | Odede Fredrick Ochieng | Dr. Shwetha Patil | Knowledge and attitude regarding foot care and foot problems among diabetic patients attending tertiary hospital – a cross – sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
84 | Annapurna S. Kari | Dr. Yashita Pujar | Maternal perinantal out come in cases of preeclampsia | December 2011-April 2013 | |
85 | Mustefe Abdikarin A | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Assessing readiness and motivation to quit tobacco use among the field practice rural area under Jawaharlal Nehru medical college, Belgaum-a cross sectional study | December 2011-April 2013 | |
86 | Sunita Ninnekar | Dr. Shwetha Patil | Prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Belgaum vantamuri PHC | December 2011-April 2013 | |
87 | V. Devika Rani | Dr. Jaysheela Bagi | Coverage evaluation survey of measules vaccine and resons of its dropout in kinaye PHC area Belgaum District | December 2011-April 2013 | |
88 | Adiveppagouda Hadimani | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding sexually transmitted infections and HIV amongst commercial sex workers in Belgaum – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
89 | Ashutosh Shrestha | Dr. Mubashir A | Impact of Health education on the Knowledge and Practice regarding personal hygiene among primary school children in urban area | December 2012-April 2014 | |
90 | Bal Mukund | Dr. Rajendra Awate | Socio-psychological profile of inmates in oldage home in Belgaum. a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
91 | Bijendra Banjade | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of obesity among pre-university adolescents in Belgaum city, Karnataka | December 2012-April 2014 |
92 | Bishal Pokhrel | Dr. Rajendra Awate | Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding food hygine among of food handlers working in food establishment in Nehru nagar Belgaum. a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
93 | Dr. Deepak Bhati | Dr. Punnya Angadi | Attitude and practice towards oral cancer prevention held by Dentists in Belgaum city; a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
94 | Daraksha Shilledar | Dr. P.S Jirli | An Epidemiological profile of burns in KLE’s Dr. prabhakar Kore Hospital a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
95 | Gangubai Pujeri | Dr. Smita Sonnoli | Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding obesity among nursing students of KLE University Institute of nursing sciences Belgaum– A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
96 | Ghanshyam Das | Dr. Mubashir A | Assessment of nutritional status of pre-school children (3-5yrs) residing in the catchment area of ramnagar urban health center – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
97 | K. D. Gundabawadi | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | Utilization of Demand Generation Scheme for Maternal Health in Ganibail PHC of Belgaum Dist – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
98 | Gyanendra Jha | Dr. Naina K Hashilkar | Prevalence of tobacco use among adolescents in urban slum of ramnagar of Belgaum city – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
99 | Dr. Balaram M. Jadav | Dr. Rekha Kotrappa Bellulli | Maternal and foetal outcome in teenage pregnancy in rural community area of Vantamuri. – A longitudinal study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
100 | Kalifa F Mohammed | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | Impact of health education on knowledge and Attitude regarding HIV/AIDS in selected poly technique students of Belgaum – Interventional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
101 | Kemunto M. Francisca | Dr. Sushma Wale | Health problems among administrative staff using computers in medical college of KLE University– A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
102 | Kiran V Angadi | Dr. Chandra Metgud | Knowledge and Practice regarding rabies among general practitioners of Belgaum city a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
103 | Laxman KC | Dr.Shashikant. Shankreppa. Torgal | Knowledge and Practice regarding tuberculosis among people living with HIV/AIDS | December 2012-April 2014 | |
104 | Mallappa Kallappagoudar | Dr. Dashkha Dixit | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of infant feeding among nursing mothers in ramnagar urban area Belgaum city – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
105 | Nagappa Heggannavar | Dr. Deepti Kadengadi | Assessment of job responsibilities of Asha workers under NRHM | December 2012-April 2014 | |
106 | Nagarajgouda B. Patil | Dr. Padmaja Valwekar | Assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding diabetes mellitus among school teachers of Belgaum city a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
107 | Nidhu Ram Dangal | Dr. Mubashir A | Morbidity pattern among malnourished children under ramnagar urban health center – A longitudinal study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
108 | Siddharam Ningadalli | Dr. Mubashir A | Impact of facility based diatory management on severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in children aged 6 to 60 months admitted in nutrition rehabilitation centre(NRC) of KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital of Belgaum A Longitudanatal Study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
109 | Niramal Kushwaha | Dr. Madhumati J. Patil | Prevalence of Group A Streptococcal Infection among the Government Higher primary School Children of an Urban Community | December 2012-April 2014 | |
110 | Om Prakash Das | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of Hypertension among adults in urban slum of ramnagar of Belgaum city – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 |
111 | Kevalkumar Pandya | Dr. A.S. Wantamutte | Dr. Mahantesh Nagmoti | Prevalence of Bacterial and parasitic diarrhooea in under 5 children ramnagar urban health center | December 2012-April 2014 |
112 | Suresh Parmar | Dr. Asha Bellad | The Knowledge and Attitude of married women towards HIV?AIDS in an urban community of Belgaum City – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
113 | Rajan prasad Sah | Dr. M. S. Ganachari | Epidemiological profile of tuberculosis patients visiting DOTS Centre in Dr. prabhakar Kore Hospital and Research Centre, Belgaum city, Karnataka | December 2012-April 2014 | |
114 | Rajeev kumar Yadav | Dr. M.K. Swamy | Assessment of knowledge and Practice of anemia among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics in Dr. prabhakar Kore Hospital a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
115 | Rajendra Ruchal | Dr. Shushma Wale | Impact of health education on knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding use of tobacco among students of pre university college in Belgaum | December 2012-April 2014 | |
116 | Ramkumar sah | Dr. Rajesh Powar | Epidemiological profile of cleft lip and palate patients attending KLE’s Dr. prabhakar Kore Hospital and Research Centre, Belgaum city, Karnataka– A retrospective study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
117 | Ravi Ranjan K.N | Dr. A.S. Wantamutte | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of pesticides use among the farmers of Kangrali village in Belgaum city a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
118 | Rudrappa Angadi | Dr. S.M. Katti | Patterns of heart Diseases among patients admitted in Cardiology units at Heart Foundation of KLE’s Dr. P. K. Hospital and MRC Belgaum | December 2012-April 2014 | |
119 | Santosh Madikar | Dr. Girija Astagi | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of contraceptive usage among married women of reproductive age group in an urban area | December 2012-April 2014 | |
120 | Sasmita Poudel | Dr. Mubashir A | Impact of child to child program on knowledge Attitude and Practice of regarding anemia among students of standard VII- a controlled trial | December 2012-April 2014 | |
121 | Shobha Ram Bhandari | Dr. Vijaya A. Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Immunization coverage among 12-23 months Children in an urban area of Belgaum city a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 |
122 | Santosh | Dr. Vijaya Dodannavar | A cross sectional study to assess Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding smoking hazards among school going adolescents boys in selected urban schools of Belgaum city | December 2012-April 2014 | |
123 | Smriti Thapa | Dr. Mubashir A | Prevalence of risk factors of coronary heart Diseases among Government school teachers in urban areas of Belgaum a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
124 | Dr. Swetha Maggada | Dr. Niranjana Mahantshetti | Impact of training on knowledge regarding home based newborn care, among ASHAS workers at Vantamuri Primary Health Center, Belgaum | December 2012-April 2014 | |
125 | Veerash Biradar | Dr.Arvind L. Tenagi | Dr. Mubashir A | Prevalence of Refractive errors among school children aged between 6-13 years in urban Government schools of Belgaum city – A cross sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 |
126 | Vinayak Chougala | Dr. Manjulabai KH | Knowledge and Practice of personal hygiene among primary school children in Belgaum city a cross – sectional study | December 2012-April 2014 | |
127 | Abdirahaman I Hassan | Dr. Vijaya.A.Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Diabetes mellitus among the bank employees of Belgaum city – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
128 | Agre Deepchand | Dr. S. M. Katti | Prevalence of Hypertension and It’s Associated risk Factors among secondary school Teachers of Belgaum City-A cross-sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
129 | Ajit Jha | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of risk factors of Coronary Heart Disease among Factory workers in Belgaum-A cross-sectional study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
130 | Anand Kumar | Dr. Ranjit Kangle | Prevalence of Hypertension among Industrial Workers in Belgaum City – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
131 | Basavaraj Kochcharagi | Dr. Sanjay Kambar | Knowledge, Attitude and Self Care Practices among Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients Attending Urban Health Centers of Belgaum – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
132 | Bharat Kumar Chaudhary | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Knowledge, attitude and Practice regarding family planning methods among married men in slum Urban area Gangwadi Ramnagar UHC, Belgaum City-A cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
133 | Birendra Yadav | Dr. M.S. Shivaswamy | Prevalence of Type – 2 Diabetes mellitus among non Teaching Staffs of J. N. Medical College, Belgaum – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
134 | Chauhan Mihirkumar | Dr. M.S. Shivaswamy | Prevalence of Hypertension among Non-Teaching staff of J.N. Medical College, Belgaum-A Cross sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
135 | Deepa Yadav | Dr. Yashita V. Pujar | Prevalence of Anemia Among Pregnant Women Attending KLE Hospital – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
136 | Durganand Jha | Dr. Yogesh Kumar S. | Prevalence of Hypertension in geriatric Population in an Urban Slum of Belgaum, A community Based Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
137 | Gamit Dipti | Dr. Girija Astagi, | Prevalence of Anemia Among Adolescent Girls in An Urban Area – A cross Sectional; Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
138 | Jays Anna John | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of Oral Precancerous lesions and Conditions in Tobacco Consumers in A Rural Community _ A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
139 | Jitendra Kumar Sah | Dr. Asha Bellad, | Knowledge and Attitude of Global Warming among High School Students of Ramnagar, Belgaum City : A cross –Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
140 | Kiran Chaudhary | Dr. N. S. Mahanshetty, | Impact of Health Education On Complementary Feeding Practices in Ramnagar Urban Health Centre, Belgaum, India: Interventional study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
141 | Kumar Kanakaraddi | Dr. Deepti Kadengadi, | Impact of Health Education about Knowledge Attitude and practice of dengue fever among High School students in rural Belgaum- control and trial method | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
142 | Lokhande Pritish Kisan | Dr. Smita Sunnoli | Assessment of Metabolic Status and life style behaviors of students attending pre University college – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
143 | Mutisya faith M | Dr. G.S. Pilli Pathology | Dr. Ashwini N | Impact of Health Education on Knowledge< Attitude and Practice regarding Blood Donation among Undergraduate Students of Belgaum City – An Interventional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
144 | Navneet Sohani | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | Epidemiological Study of Urinary Disturbance among geriatric Population Attending KLE’s Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belgaum – Across Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
145 | Oza Mrunal | Dr. Shobana Patted, | Prevalence of Infertility among school teachers of Belgaum City, Karnataka, India – Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
146 | Parashuram | Dr. A. S. Tanagi | Knowledge and Attitude about Refractive erros among bank employs, Who uses computer for a long time | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
147 | Patel Jay | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of smoking and It’s Contributing Factor among Medical students of J. N. Medical College Belgaum City – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
148 | Purushottam Niraulla | Dr. Vijaya.A.Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding risk factors of coronary heart disease among students pursuing Technical Education in Belgaum city | January 2014 to March 2015 |
149 | Pushpa Butali | Dr. Chandra Metgud | Knowledge, attitude and Practice of Sonography among Pregnant women in an Urban Area | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
150 | Santosh Kumar Shah | Dr. Vijaya.A.Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of Risk Factors of Cardio Vascular Disease Among Bank Employees of Belgaum City. A Cross –Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
151 | Satish Kalahal | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini N | Impact of Health Education Regarding diet among Pregnant women in Rural area of Belgaum : A Interventional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
152 | Sawan Kumar Yadav | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Malnutrition among under five years Children in Rukamininagar – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
153 | Shabeer Nadaf | Dr. Deepti Kadengadi, | Awareness and Utilization of Vajpayee Arogya Shree scheme by the beneficiaries in KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore hospital and MRC Belgaum, A Cross sectional study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
154 | Sharma Mrinal Kumar | Dr. Mubashir | Dr. Ashwini N | The Functioning of Anganwadis and Utilization of ICDS Services by The Beneficiaries of An Urban area of Belgaum City – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
155 | Shivanand Savatagi | Dr. Padmaja Walvekar, | Physical Growth Amongst Physically Challenged and Normal Children-A comparative Cross Sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
156 | Sidharaj | Dr. Yogesh Kumar S. | Assessment of The Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Importance of Sanitary Toilets in A Selected Rural Community in North Karnataka | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
157 | Subhodh Kumar Yadav | Dr. S.B.Patil. | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge and attitude regarding eye donation among undergraduate nursing students of Belgaum City | January 2014 to March 2015 |
158 | Umesh Gautam | Dr. Jayasheela G. Bagi | Prevalence of Depression Among Elderly in Ramnagar, Belgaum, Karnataka; A Community based Cross-sectional Study | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
159 | Umesh Kumar Yadav | Dr. Rajendra Awate | A study of Awareness and Practice Regarding Bio-Medical Waste management among Health Personnel in Health Care Facilities in Nehrunagar, Belgaum | January 2014 to March 2015 | |
160 | Waita faith watho | Dr. Vijaya.A.Naik | Dr. Ashwini N | Pattern of under – five mortality at Prabhakar KOre Charitable Hospital, Belgaum – a five year (2008-2012) retrospective record based study | January 2014 to March 2015 |
161 | Angika Nidhi | Dr. Ashwini N | A study on Impact of Transtheoretical Model in Reducing Dependency Ratio Among Tobacco Consumers in Urban Slum Area of Belagavi – A Randomized Control Trial | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
162 | Dr. Baraiya Bhavesh | Dr. S. M. Katti | Congenital Anomalies in Newborn, Deected At KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
163 | H R. Baramasali | Dr. Yogesh Kumar S. | Prevealence of Alcohol Consumption Among Young Adult Males in the Age Group of 18-30 Years in A Rural Area of Belagavi District | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
164 | Hannah Ratnakumar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Dietary Intervention and Reinforcement of Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Adolescent School Girls in Belagavi, India | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
165 | Jay Kishor Mahato | Dr. Deepti Kadengadi, | Indian Diabetic Risk Scores among adults in an Urban Area; A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
166 | Kheyriya M Mohamud | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge, Additute and Practice regarding Breast Cancer Among School Teachers, Belagavi | January 2015 to March 2016 |
167 | Kiti Mwaka Emmily | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Knowledge and Practice Regarding Prevention of road traffic accidents among medical students in Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
168 | Misiani Stephen Nyaega | Dr. Ashwini N | Pattern, Severity and Circumstances of Injuries sustained in Road Trafic Accidents: A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
169 | Dr. Moitri Mujumdar | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | Survey On Pesticides Used by Farmers In Belagavi Taluka and Analysis of Pesticide Residues on Commonly Used Vegetables | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
170 | Dr. Mousumi Mujumdar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | To Assess the Impact of Nutritional Education Program In Improving the Nutrional Status of Expectant Mothers and Their Pregnancy Outcomes, A Pre Post Study At JNMC field area, Belagavi City, Karnataka | January 2015 to March 2016 |
171 | Narayan Prasad Dhital | Dr. Ramesh Chavan | Assessment of Knowledge and Practice on Malaria Regarding Preventive Measures among the Out Door Patient Visiting Urban Health Centre, Ramnagar Belagavi City, Karnataka India – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
172 | Noronha Tyron Rocky, | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Risk factors for Non Communicable Diseases among School Giong Adolescents of 6 to 10 Grade in Belagavi, Karnataka | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
173 | Parivesh Masih, | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. N.S. Mahantashetti | Acceptability & Feasibility To Continue Kangaroo Mother Care(Kmc) Practice After Attending The Kmc Unit In Belgavi. | January 2015 to March 2016 |
174 | Jignesh S, Parmar | Dr. Girija Astagi, | Awareness and Misconceptions regarding HIV/AIDS among PregnantWomen attending Antenatal Clinic at Urban Health Centre in Ramnagar of Belagavi City-A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
175 | Nagaraj B. Patil | Dr. Chandra Metgud | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Needle Stick Injuri among Health Care Workers In TERTIARY Hospital- A cross Sectional study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
176 | Prakash Kumar Yadav | Dr. Shivaswamy M. S | Neonatal Care Expenditure in Rural Belagavi – A Community based Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
177 | Dr. Lagmanna P Pujari | Dr. Ashwini N | Lecture versus Role Play on Knowledge, Attitude & Practice regarding Anemia among School Going Children in Rural Area Around Belagavi-A Comparative Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
178 | Rajani Gupta, | Dr. Deepti Kadengadi, | Reproductive Health Awareness among Urban School Going Adolescent Girls: A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
179 | Rajesh Kumar Thakur | Dr. Jayasheela G. Bagi | Knowledge Attitude and Drug Compliance regarding tuberculosis among Tuberculosis Patients Attending Tuberculosis Center of Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital and Research Center. Belagavi | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
180 | Richa Deo, | Dr. Padmaja Walvekar, | Prevalence of Domestic Violence among Married Women of Reproductive Age Residing in Urban Slum | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
181 | Rita Lama Yonjan | Dr. Anita Dalal | Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Cervical Cancer And Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination Among Nursing Students – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
182 | Sandeep Kumar Rai | Dr. Ranjit Kangle | Pattern of Oral Mucosal Lesion Among Tobacco User Attending Dental OPD at VKIDS. KLE University, Belagavi, – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
183 | Sanjay Kumar Yadav | Dr. Zameera Naik | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Pain among Dentists in Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 |
184 | Seema Tigga | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Age of Menarche and Associated factors among School Girls in Belagavi. Karnataka | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
185 | Shivakumar P Ramagurwadi | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | Prevalance of Selected Risk Factors of Non Communicable Diseases among 1st to 5th std School Children In Belagavi, Karnataka-A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 |
186 | Sonu Kumar Rai, | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | To Assess the Effectiveness of Education to Prevent Backpain among Dentists in Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 |
187 | Swati Babu Mane | Dr. Ashwini N | Impact of Healath Education On Knowledge, Attitute and Practice regarding Anemia among School Dropout adolescent Girls in anUrban Slum of Belagavi Pre-Post study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
188 | Trilok Kumar Mandal | Dr. Yogesh Kumar S. | Prevelence of Tobacco Use among School Going Adolescent Males aged 13-15 years in Rural Area Of Belgaum-A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
189 | Dr. Umesh Hundekar | Dr. Sanjay Kambar | A Cross Sectional Community Based Study to Assess The Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Urban Population | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
190 | Veerabhdra P Guralapur | Dr. Asha Bellad, | Prevalance of Hypertension Among Police personnel In Belagavi City – ACross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
191 | Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh | Dr. Asha Bellad, | Knowledge Attitude Practice about Blood Donation Among College Students In Belagavi City – Karnataka-A Cross Sectional Study | January 2015 to March 2016 | |
192 | Yashaswi Prakash Kudachi | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Health Education on Knowledge of New Born Care in Expectant Mothers – A Pre and Post Study at Ashok Nagar, UHC, Belagavi City, Karnataka. | January 2015 to March 2016 |
193 | Roshan Poudel | Dr. Rajesh S. Power | To Study the Epidemiology Profile of the patients with burn injuries admitted to the Burns Unit of the KLEs Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC | January 2014 to November2016 | |
194 | Salabannavar Mahantesh | Dr. Ramesh Chavan | Blood Transfusion Transmitted Infection In Voluntary & Replacement Donors at KLE’s Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital Blood Bank | January 2014 to March 2017 | |
195 | Abdulkadir Ali Abdi, | Dr. Asha Bellad | Dr. Mubashir | Knowledge and Attitude regarding Hapatitis B Infection among Engineering Students in Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 |
196 | Alisha A Bhangle | Dr. Shobna Patted | Dr. Mubashir | Prevalence of Thyroid Disorder in Subfertile Men at KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belagavi | February 2016 to March 2017 |
197 | Anupam Kumar Nahak | Dr. Rajesh Powar | Dr. Mubashir | Assessment of Quqlity of Life in Burn Injury Survivors | February 2016 to March 2017 |
198 | Bagul Shriviraj Dhiraj , | Dr. Mubashir | Patient Satisfaction Assessment towards Services Provided at PHC’S among Patient Attending OPD in PHC’s of Belagvi Taluka – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 | |
199 | Basappa Savatagi | Dr. Smita Sonoli | Dr. Mubashir | A Study of Knowledge Awareness and Practice of Biomedical Waste Management among Health Care Personnel at PHC’s of Belagavi Taluk – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 |
200 | Darama Narayan Sharma | Dr. Rajendra Awate | Psychosocial Profile of HIV Positive Children in Institutions of Belagavi | February 2016 to March 2017 | |
201 | Himani Mahesh Joshi | Dr. Mubashir | Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disodrer in Primary School Children. | February 2016 to March 2017 | |
202 | Naval Kishor Ray | Dr. Rajendra Awate | Dr. Ashwini | A Cross Sectional Study on Pattern of Tobacco Consumption and effects on Health among Auto Rickshaw Drivers in Nehrunagar, Belagavi city | February 2016 to March 2017 |
203 | Prithutam Battarai | Dr. Padmaja | Dr. Ashwini | Assessment of Knowledge of Anganwadi Workers regarding the Services Provided by Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) | February 2016 to March 2017 |
204 | Saraswati Welling, | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Mubashir | Association between Body Mass Index and Oral Health Status among Adolescents of Belagavi city – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 |
205 | Shashank Shukla, | Dr. Ashwini | Effectiveness of life skill education on Secondary School Going Children in Belagavi | February 2016 to March 2017 | |
206 | Sidharth Biswal, | Dr. Chandra Metgud | Prevalance of Acute Respiratory Infection among Under-Five Children in Rural Area of Vantamuri Karnataka | February 2016 to March 2017 | |
207 | Sudheer Shivalingappa Mang | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Hazards of Tobacco use among Police Personnel in Belagavi city – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 |
208 | Vijay S. Hugar | Dr Mubashir | Evaluation of Primary Routine Immunization Coverage and Factors Influencing the Utilization of immunization Services in 5 PHC’s of Balagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2016 to March 2017 | |
209 | Vinayak R. Kurennavar | Dr. S.B. Patil | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge regarding on Common Eye Injuries and Its Prevention among Primary School Children. | February 2016 to March 2017 |
210 | Anup Singh | Dr. Zameera Naik | Dr. Ashwini | A study on prevalence of Hypertension and its Associated risk factors among the elderly people of Belagavi city, Karnataka: A community based cross sectional study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
211 | Baiatiplang Sohtun | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge attitude and Practice about prevention of Mosquito Borne Diseasesamong College Goint students – A Cross sectional study | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
212 | Basole Nitin | Dr. Sulakshana Baliga | Dr. Mubashir | Knowledge Attitude and Preventive practice Regarding DengueDisease among people in an Urban area of Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 |
213 | Dhagavkar Pooja | Dr. Anita Dalal | Dr. Mubashir | Knowledge Attitude and Behaviour about Safe Motherhood Practrice Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic At KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & Medical ResearchCentre, Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 |
214 | Fatima. R. A. Khazi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | To Assess the Effectiveness of Digital Education System Vs Conventional Teaching Programme on knowledge Regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Secondary School Girls – A Comarative Study | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
215 | Hafso Ahmed Awale, | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr. Ashwini | To Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Diabetes Among People Aged 20 to 50 years in An Urban Slum in Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
216 | Hemant Adhikari | Dr. Ashwini | Impact of yoga and pranayama on blood pressure and quality of life on non teaching staff in institutes under KLE University – A non Randomised Controlled Trail | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
217 | Justme R. Dkhar | Dr. Ashwini | Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Behaviour about Meternal Risk Factors in pregnant women in Urban Slum – A Cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
218 | K Yamini Priyanka | Dr. Sachin R. Patil | Dr. Mubashir | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Self Medication among Mothers for their Under Five Children in Ashok Nagar, Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 |
219 | Kabita Yadav | Dr. Yashita V Pujar | Dr. Ashwini | Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding Neonatal Jaundice among pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinic in Dr. Prabhakar Kore charitable Hospital, A cross sectional study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
220 | Kamble Mahantesh S. | Dr. Madhav Prabhu | Dr. Soumya | Physico – Chemical and Biological properties of ground water in rural setting of Belagavi Taluka | April 2017 to March 2018 |
221 | Kamble Susmita Ravindra | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Mubashir | To Determine Concerns of Individuals Treated for Cleft Lip and palate – A Cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
222 | Kayala V Jagadeesh | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of mothers about management of diarrhoea among under five children after implementation of IDCF program in rural Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
223 | Keshab Parajuli | Dr. Shivaswamy M. S | Dr. Ashwini | Assessment of Obesity overweight and its association with the junk food consumption in medical and allied Courses students – one year facility based cross sectional study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
224 | Lachyan Abhishek Shivanand | Dr. C. S Sanikop | Dr. Mubashir | A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Digital Edu System Vs Conventional Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Cardio Pulonary Resuscitation among College Students | April 2017 to March 2018 |
225 | Maldar Alisha Azad | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Veena Herekar | Prevalence of Attentiona Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Middle School Children – A Cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
226 | Maqdis Abdullahi Omar | Dr. Jayasheela Bagi | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge Attitude and Practice regarding Hepatitis C Infection among Dental Students Vishwanth Katti Institute of Dental Science in Belagavi City: A Cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
227 | Mukesh Karn, | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Veena Herekar | Prevalence ofSevere Acute Malnutrition (SAM) among Children admitted in Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre ward of KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Charitable Hospital, Belagavi – A Retrospective Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
228 | Nadia Abdulrahman | Dr. Asha Bellad | Dr. Ashwini | Prevalence of anemia among working mothers and non-working mothers in an urban area | April 2017 to March 2018 |
229 | Neelakanthayyaswamy I Hiremath | Dr. Ranjit Kangle | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Brucellosis among Farmers Rearing Cattle in and around Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 |
230 | Prakasha S, | Dr. Ramesh Chavan | Dr. Ashwini | Knowledge Attitude and Practice of risk factors for cardiovascular disease among primary school teachers, Belagavi city | April 2017 to March 2018 |
231 | Prem Prasad Baskota | Dr. Rajesh R. Kulkarni | Dr. Ashwini | revalence and Determinants of hypertension among Business class community residing in an urban area of Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 |
232 | Rajashri Virge | Dr. M. S. Ganachari | Dr. Mubashir | impact of Education on Home Medicine Cabinet, Storage and Disposal of Medicine in Residential Area of Belagavi – A Pre Post Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
233 | Roshni Sharma | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Shivanand C. Mastiholi | Evaluation of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhoo Illeness (IMNCI) among Staff Nurses and Medical Officers in Belagavi District, Karnatak | April 2017 to March 2018 |
234 | Saima Furqan | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Understanding the knowledge attitude and Practice of exclusive breastfeeding among lactating mothers – A cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
235 | Sankara. Lakshmikanth | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Veena Herekar | Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of health professionals towards Drug information center | April 2017 to March 2018 |
236 | Santosh I Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Shivanand C. Mastiholi | Challenges Faced by ASHA Workers in Effective Implementation of RCH programme in their Multiple Roles – A Cross Sectional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 |
237 | Suryawanshi Amruta Ashok | Dr. Ashwini | Impact of Health Education Through Audiovisual Aids on Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Wearing Helments among the Two – wheeler Riders in Technical Institute in Belagavi – An Interventional Study | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
238 | Vivek Minz | Dr. Ashwini | Prevalence of Thyroid Disorder in Pregnant Women & its out come at Primary Health Centre in Belagavi | April 2017 to March 2018 | |
239 | Afifa Nadaf | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Assessment of Economic Burden due to Tobacco Consumption among Residents of Ashok Nagar, Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
240 | Ajeet Koligudd | Dr. Ashwini N | Estimation of Prevalence of Protien Energy Malnutrition Among Anganawadi Childrens of Kudachi Village of Belagavi District | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
241 | Namrata Misale | Dr. R.B. Nerli | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Self-Pereception and Performance of Children of aged 6 to 10 Years with Primary Nocturnal Enuresis-A cross Sectional Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
242 | Arundhati Garud | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Active Muscle Training Versus Awareness Programme in Reduction of Occupational Neck Pain among Hair and Beauty Professionals of Belagavi City – A Randomized Control Trail | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
243 | Guruprasad K Purohit | Dr. M. S. Shivaswamy | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge, Attitude, Practice about open Defecation Free Campaign under Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan in Rural Population of Belagavi Taluka-A Community based cross sectional study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
244 | Gururaj Ajagol | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Counseling Cessation of Tobacco use among Tobacco Consumers in Resindents of Ashok nagar, Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
245 | Jagadeesh S. Matapati | Dr. Prasad M R, | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Age Group 20 to 80 year in Gokak Taluka – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
246 | Krupa Pawar | Dr. Ashwini N | Interventional Program Regarding Breast Self Examination Among Women In Rural Area of Belagavi | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
247 | Nagaraj Siddappa Sattigeri | Dr. Ashwini N | Assessment of health Status of Premetric Children in Government Social Welfare Hostels in Urban Belagavi | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
248 | Prakashgouda Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Knowledge and Management in Complication and Utilization of Partograph among Skilled Health care providers of Government Health Centers in Belagavi Taluka | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
249 | Raghavendra J Gadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | To Assess the Effectiveness of Digital Education System Vs Conventional Teaching Programme on knowledge & attitude Regarding Road Safety among 10th Standard of Six Schools in Belagavi City | February 2018 to March 2019 |
250 | Srushti Patel | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of Non Communicable Disease among Women Working in Industrial Areas, Belagavi | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
251 | Veeresh B. Biradar | Dr. R.B. Nerli | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Primary Nocturnal Enuresis among School Going Children aged 6 to 10 Years and Its Impact on Socio-Economical, Familial and Psychological Aspects | February 2018 to March 2019 |
M. Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics | |||||
252 | Bhagyashri B Mudagoudra | Dr. Ashwini N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Theory of Planned Behaviour Versus Conventional Method in Changing Beverage Behaviour among Urban Adolescents of Belagavi | February 2018 to March 2019 |
253 | Mayuri Hiremath | Dr.Harpreet Kour | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Nutritional Assessment and Anthopometric Index in Female Adolscents of Rural and Urban Areas of Belagavi – School Based Comparitive Study | February 2018 to March 2019 |
254 | Meghana Badgaiyan | Dr.Rekha Patil | Dietary Pattern and Health Consequences among Non Teaching Female Staff of Two Institute of KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER) | February 2018 to March 2019 | |
255 | Abdulahi Abdi Khalif | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr Nagaraj Patil | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding Hepatitis B Virus among Allied Health Students of JNMC – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
256 | Chungade Namita | Dr. Sulakshana Baliga | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge and Practice regarding Personal Hygiene among Food Handlers: – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
257 | Chungade Niharika | Dr. Arati Mahishale | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar & Dr. Anita Dalal | Prevelance of Musculoskeletal pain syndromes in Post-partam Women – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
258 | Fernandes Stella | Dr. Jaysheela Bagi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | A Comparative Study depression in working and non-working married women of Belagavi city | February 2019 to March 2020 |
259 | Gabrela Peter | Dr. Manisha Bhandankar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Outcome of Home Visits V/s Hospital Follow up in Essential Newborn Care Practice of preterm Neonates Discharged from NICU: Comparative Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
260 | Lata Hamal | Dr. Deepti Kadeangadi | Dr. Ashwini N | Awareness and Health Seeking Behavior about Newborn Danger Signs among Mothers attending Immunization Clinic At Urban Area. | February 2019 to March 2020 |
261 | Naique Yuga Bhatkar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding cervical cancer among women of north Karnataka – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
262 | Nida Khalik Bagban | Dr. N. M Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalance of Internet Addiction and its correlation with academic performance of Pre – University Students of selected College Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
263 | Nishchita H. N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding UTI among adolescent girls (16 – 18 yrs.) in Pre-University Government College, Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
264 | Pranesh Tiwari | Dr. S. B. Javali | A study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding Hypertension and Diebetes among Geriatric Population in Rural Area of Belagavi Taluk : A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
265 | Praveen Kambalimath | Dr. Sachin Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | A Study to Assess the effect of Awareness program on adverse drug reaction report and Pharmacovigilance among community Pharmacist in Belagavi City | February 2019 to March 2020 |
266 | Saba Attar | Dr. C. S. Sanikop | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | To assess the Impact of Teaching First Aid Measures on Knowledge and Practice among KSRTC mechanical department workers in Belagavi City | February 2019 to March 2020 |
267 | Santosh Mang | Dr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Dr. Ashwini N | A study to evaluate the Structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding first aid measures for snake bite among rural adolescents of Belagavi. | February 2019 to March 2020 |
268 | Seema Deo | Dr. Vijaya Dandannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge and attitude on menopause and management practices on menopausal symptoms among women of 40-55 yrs of age at Ashok Nagar. Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 |
269 | Vijay U. Kallimani | Dr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Dr. Ashwini N | Awareness and Utilization of Government Health Insurance Schemes in Rural Population Belagavi – A Community Based Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
270 | Suroopa H Belagali | Dr. C. S. Sanikop | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | A study to assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Vs. Lecture with Hands on Training Vs. Both Methods in Cardio-Pulmonary-Resuscitation (CPR) Skill Acquisition among KSRTC workers in Selected Depots of Belagavi City | February 2019 to March 2020 |
271 | Clavia Pereira | Dr. Ashwini N | Knowledge and Practice of personal hygiene and waterborne diseases among Youth Residing in Rural Area of Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
272 | Neha Khatun | Dr. Ashwini N | Assessment of Diabetes Risk factors among Youth in Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
273 | Anjulata Sahu | Dr. Renu Pattanshetty | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge, Attitude and perception of cervix cancer among female english medium School teachers in an urban community – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
274 | Patil Aishwarya V. | Dr. Ashwini N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Knowledge and attitude about Mental Health Literacy among Adolescents in Urban area of Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 |
275 | Shivani Haritay | Dr. A. S. Wantamutte | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | A Comparative Study on Depression, anxiety and stress among KLE Malaysian and Indian Medical Undergraduates. | February 2019 to March 2020 |
276 | Amardeep Sah | Dr. Ashwini N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar & Dr. Jyoti Hattiholi | Prevalance of tuberculosis in silicosis patient in Belagavi district – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
277 | Ajay Kumar Yadav | Dr. Shivswamy M.S. | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Food Habits, Eating Behaviour and Nutritional knowledge and Anthropmetry Measurement among under Graduate Students of Allied Health Science – A Facility Based Cross Sectional Study in JNMC, Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 |
278 | Archana Gupta | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini N | Mother’s Perception of Out of Pocket costs incurred from Childbirth at Public Health facility of Belagavi: A Qualitative Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
279 | Reena Khulal | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini N | Assessment of Economic Burden due to Alcohol Consumption among Residents of Slum area of Belagavi City | February 2019 to March 2020 |
280 | Amitraj Shah | Dr. Ashwini N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Perception regarding Household Economic Burden and Health Risks among Smokeless Tobacco Users: A Qualitative Study | February 2019 to March 2020 |
281 | Mayuri J Kulkarni | Dr. Ashwini N | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Understanding Treatment Compliance among Patients on DOTS under Revised National Tuberculosis Programme Belagavi City, Karnataka, India | February 2019 to March 2020 |
282 | Aditi Prasad Apte | Dr. Mubashir A | Dr. Anita Dalal | Effect of Maternal Nutrition Education on Neonatal Anthropometry: A Randomized Controlled Trial | February 2019 to March 2020 |
283 | Anuradha Ratnoji | Dr. B. S. Motimath | Dr. Mubashir A | Effect of Nutritional Education on Body Composition of Adolescent Athletes in Belagavi City – A Randomised Controlled Trail. | February 2019 to March 2020 |
284 | Chavan Vaishnovi Sunil | Dr. Mubashir A | Dr. B. S. Motimath | A Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Sportsperson regarding their Nutrition. | February 2019 to March 2020 |
285 | Deepali M Janamatti | Dr. Ashwini N | Assessment of dietary habits and factors affecting the nutritional habits of police officers, Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
286 | Dhanashree R Kotwal | Dr. Ashwini N | Study to Assess the Nutritional status of pregnant women in rural area of Belagavi, India | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
287 | Manasa M Hiremath | Dr. Ashwini N | Assessment of Food Habits, Eating Behaviour and Nutritional knowledge of Students studying in Government and Private Pre-University Colleges in Belagavi City – A Comparative Study | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
288 | More Urmila P | Dr. Mubashir A | Dr. S. B. Javali | Effectiveness of Standard Digital Weight Reduction Program Vs Conventional Weight Reduction Nutritional Educational Program among School Teachers: A Randomized Controlled Trial | February 2019 to March 2020 |
289 | Nagdev Simran Harish | Dr. Anita Dalal | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Effectiveness of Step by Step Nutritional Education by using Medical Nutrition Theraphy v/s Standard of Care on Neonatal Anthropometry in Gestational Dieabetes Mellitus – Randomized Control Trial | February 2019 to March 2020 |
290 | Oswal Deshna Gajendra | Dr. Rajesh S Powar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of a designed dietetic formulation on severely burned patients admitted in KLE’s Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 |
291 | Sudha Reddi | Dr. Ashwini N | To Study the Nutritional Status of Children Attending Anganwadi’s of Ashok Nagar Area in Belagavi | February 2019 to March 2020 | |
292 | Cardoz Stefny | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Effectiveness of health education using different teaching methods among female school teachers in Belagavi, a comparative study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
293 | Dr. Dronesh Chettri | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of chronic periodontitis among the residents of PHC in Belagavi and its Association with systemic diseases- a cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
294 | Prabhu Saloni Satish | Dr. Saroja A.O | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of social media on young bank employees covid-19 pandemic – a cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
295 | Sunila Kumar S Jadenur | Dr. Saroja A.O | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment among people aged more than 50 years in rural population of Belagavi Taluka – A Community based cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
296 | Kajal Santosh Naik | Dr. Arvind L. Tenagi | Dr. Ashwini N | Assessment of magnitude of anxiety fear and insomnia among healthcare workers in covid-19 wards – a cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
297 | Pooja Maladkar M | Dr. Rajendra. R. Bhandankar | Dr. Ashwini N | Financial and social burden of osteoporosis related hip fractures in men and women in the age group of 50 -95 years | February 2020 to March 2021 |
298 | Salman Khan | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Internet Gaming Disorder and its Impact on Behaviour Change among Engineering Institute of Belagavi City | February 2020 to March 2021 |
299 | Saroj Kumar Yadav | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Awareness About Cigarette and Tobacco Related Legislation among College Students of Belgaum city | February 2020 to March 2021 | |
300 | Shubhechchha Bhattarai | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Sameer Chate | Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Mental Health among Dental students Belagavi | February 2020 to March 2021 |
301 | Spurthi Subhas Magdum | Dr. Kamal Patil | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Understanding the experience of Government School Teacher in implementing Vidyagama Programme in Belagavi- A Qualitative Study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
302 | Vijaya C Jakkappanavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Risk Factors for accidental Falls in Children Aged 0-5 Years: A Community – Based Cross Sectional Study | February 2020 to March 2021 | |
303 | Ramesh Timilsina | Dr. Prasad M R, | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Risk Assessment of Varicose Vein among city Police | February 2020 to March 2021 |
304 | Shamshadbegum S G | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini N | Prevalence of physical and psychological health problems among healthcare workers during Covid-19 pandamic in Belagavi District Karnataka, India – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
305 | Shuvam Sharma | Dr. Sachin Patil | Dr. Ashwini N | A study on knowledge and practice of dispensing drug without prescription by pharmacists in Belagavi city | February 2020 to March 2021 |
306 | DESAI AKASH PRADEEP | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dental Out-of-pocket Expenditure among Residents of Belagavi City, Karnataka: A Household Survey | February 2020 to March 2021 |
307 | Dalvi Mansi Sanjay | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Namratha Patil | Effect of Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy and chemoradiotherapy on Nutritional status of Newly Registered Oral Cancer Patients – A Longitudinal study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
308 | Daneshwari Mathapati | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Nutritional Assess of the Elderly: A Comparative Study Between Residents of Old age Home v/s Those Living in the Community in North Karnataka | February 2020 to March 2021 |
309 | Fathimath Suhaila A | Dr. Kamal P. Patil | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar and Annapurna Kari | Effect of Nutritional Education on Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and dietary Practice among Pregnant Women in North Karnataka – pre and Post Study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
310 | Fernandes Gezelee Fiona | Dr Mubashir A | Dr. Annapurna K | Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Dietary Habits and Sleep patern in Nursing Students – a cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
311 | Gunde Akshada Rajendra | Dr. Anand Badavannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of orthodontic treatment during initial aligning phase on body mass index, pain perception and dietary habit – a prospective study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
312 | Madhuvanti R Kulkarni | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | A study to access the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding prevention of osteoporosis among working women at KAHER Institute of Belagavi a cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
313 | Mahat Saniya Firoz | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | A study to assess the dietary related factors of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) among college students-cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
314 | Majik Shefali Laxman | Dr. Soumya S | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar, | Antimicrobial activity of Tropical fruits on food –borne pathogens | February 2020 to March 2021 |
315 | Makhijani Preety Rameshlal | Dr. Kamal P. Patil | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevelence of overweight/obesity and it’s aqssociation with dietary habits and lifestyle among medical students of JNMC – a cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
316 | Matsagar Pornima Gajanan | Dr. Vijaya S. Dandannavar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Systemnetic review of breakfast consuption and it’s determinant in India | February 2020 to March 2021 |
317 | Monika Kodithkar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on dietary habits and physical activity of general population – A cross sectional study | February 2020 to March 2021 |
318 | Priyanka S Gotur | Dr. Harpreet Kaur | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | A cross sectional study to Assess Nutritional, Physical Fitness and Anthropometric parameters in Judo players of Belagavi District | February 2020 to March 2021 |
319 | Sayli Kore M | Dr. Vijaya S. Dandannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | A cross sectional study to Assess Nutritional Knowledge, attitude and Practice among Nursing undergraduates of KLE Institute of Nursing College Belagavi. | February 2020 to March 2021 |
320 | Seema Mallappa Karikall | Dr. Jayasheela G. Bagi | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Effect of Nutritional Education on Nutritional Knowledge and Attitude among Geriatric Population in Old Homes of Belagavi City | February 2020 to March 2021 |
321 | Shivani Pramod Sankpal | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Nutritional Education on Protein Nutritional Status among Geriatric Population In Old Homes of Belagavi City | February 2020 to March 2021 |
322 | Soujanya Devarmani | Dr. Harpreet Kaur | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | A study to find the Prevalence and Nutritional profile of Hypo-thyriodism in different trimesters of Pregnant Women – Cross Sectional Study in Belagavi | February 2020 to March 2021 |
323 | Varsha G Salunke | Dr. Santosh Gadadavar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Microbiological Profile of Indigenous Fermented food available in Belagavi | February 2020 to March 2021 |
Dissertation – Ongoing | |||||
324 | Akshata K Ritti | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Evaluation of National Tuberculosis Elimination Program for Identification of the challanges in addressing the issues of Tuberculosis in elderly population of Belagavi | February 2021 to March 2022 |
325 | Akshay Appaji Kolakar | Dr. N. S Mahantshetti | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Evaluating the impact of nutrition supplementation in linear growth among 12-18 months children of Belagavi city: Randomized control Trail | February 2021 to March 2022 |
326 | Archana Yadav | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Awareness and Implementation status of Tobacco Policy at Educational Institutions in India: A Cross-sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
327 | Baig Swaleha Zakirhussain | Dr. Aziz Arbar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | knowledge attitude and practice of parents towards childhood vaccination ,cross sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
328 | Sayali Bhelsekar | Dr. Renu Pattanshetty | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Exploring the post COVID 19 symptoms after the recovery in India – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
329 | Dr Deepa Durgadasimi | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Urinary tract infections among Pregnant women and it’s associated risk factors at tertiary care hospital of Belagavi : A hospital based prospective study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
330 | Divya O | Dr. Sandeep Sagare | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of COVID-19 preventive measures followed by health care workers of Belagavi Karnataka A cross sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
331 | Mausam Shrestha | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | knowledge attitude and practice regarding voluntary blood donation among public health professionals in Nepal; a cross sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
332 | Nuha Al Aghbari | Dr. Arif Maldar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Correlation between initial inflammatory markers and COVID19 outcomes-A retrospective study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
333 | Dr. Priyanka S R | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Oral health status among pregnant women by ANM’s using simplified oral Health assessment tool | February 2021 to March 2022 |
334 | Rajitha Cherukuri | Dr. Renu Pattanshetty | Dr. Annapurna Kari | February 2021 to March 2022 | |
335 | Rashmi Revansidda Palabhavi | Dr. Manisha Bhandankar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of neonatal health through smartphone app in transitioning from NICU to home- An experimental study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
336 | Sadiksha Poudel | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Arif Maldar Associate Professor General Medicine, JNMC, KAHER, Belagavi | Clinical Profile of Thyroid disorders among patients attending Tertiary Care Hospital: A Retrospective Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
337 | Satish Kabbur | Dr.Bhagyashree Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | effect of Covid 19 pandemic on tuberculosis patients due to hampered access of DOTS | February 2021 to March 2022 |
338 | Sini Aileen Vastrad | Dr. Mansi Gosavi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression during covid-19 pandemic home quarantine and isolation in Belgaum city: A cross sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
339 | Snehi Strestha | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Health profile of COVID-19 infected patients admitted in health facility of Belagavi- Retrospective Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
340 | Ummul Wara Uzma | Dr. Anand Badavannavar VKIDS | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Perception on cigarette smoking status among COVID -19 recovered patients – A cross sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
341 | Boyina Siva Babu | Dr. Arati Mahashale | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | Assessment of, ‘Physical Activity Cognitive Function & Quality of Life’ in Recovered COVID-19 Patients – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
342 | Brigeetha Thomas | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Epidemiological study of Diabetic Mellitus in Primary Health Center are of Belagavi; A Retrospective Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
343 | Kotagi Prathamesh Ajit | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Rajashree Koppad | Comparision of work efficiency in factory workers Pre and Post COVID lockdown – A cross Scetional Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
344 | Manisha Upadhyay | Dr. Arati Mahashale | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Association of premenstrual syndrome with BMI, cognitive behavior and eating patterns in college going girls- a cross sectional study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
345 | Mohamed Wasil P M | Dr. Amit Nilgar Reader VKIDS | Dr. Pooja Nilgar | Evaluation of Prezi, a zooming editor software as a tool to facilitate Oral hygiene education in Orthodontic patients | February 2021 to March 2022 |
346 | Paresh Sanjay Salokhe | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | A cross sectional study on reason of tobacco cultivation,A perspective from farmers and distributers. | February 2021 to March 2022 |
347 | Saikam Pavani | Dr. Snehal Dharmayat, | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Effectiveness of an Educational Intervention among Auxillary Nurse Midwifes on Knowledge & Practice of Antinatal-Exercises for Antinatal Mothers | February 2021 to March 2022 |
348 | Ashish Todkar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Impact of CO-VID 19 pandemic on Universal Immunisation Program in India – Analytical Cross-sectional Study | February 2021 to March 2022 |
349 | Roshan Thapa | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge attitude and practice of covid 19 patient on covid 19 in surkhet district Nepal. | February 2021 to March 2022 |
350 | Anushree M Nadiger | Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dietary behaviour and nutritional profile of oral cancer patients in KCTRI Dharwad and KLE Cancer Hospital Belagavi | February 2021 to March 2022 |
351 | Bhate Shamlee Manohar | Dr. Smita Sonoli Professor Biochemistry | Mrs Shukrani Shinde | Knowledge, attitude and practices about awareness of use of functional food among hypertensive adults | February 2021 to March 2022 |
352 | Bibi Haseeba M Shaikhsurab | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Mrs Kashamma Uppin | Prevalence of high abdominal fat in adolescents | February 2021 to March 2022 |
353 | Gunjan Khotani | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Assessment of Awareness on myths and facts about nutrition among common people | February 2021 to March 2022 |
354 | Laxmi Alias Rahi Venkatesh Kamat Maad | Dr. Smita Sonoli | Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice regarding use of Functional Food among type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – A Questionnaire based Cross Sectional Study. | February 2021 to March 2022 |
355 | Mangala B | Dr. Harpreet Kour | Ms. Bhagyashri B M | A study to determine age at menarche and it’s relation with nutritional and sociodemographic status | February 2021 to March 2022 |
356 | Rohan Raju Kambale | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Mrs Kashamma Uppin | Effect of nutrition education of millets among adults. | February 2021 to March 2022 |
357 | Shweta Shet | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Mrs Shukrani Shinde | Knowledge, attitude and preventive practice of osteoporosis among menopausal women. | February 2021 to March 2022 |
356 | Akash | Dr. Sandeep Patil | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Prevalence of Stress, Depression and Anxienety among Police Personal A cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
357 | Birajdar Arti Shivaji | Dr. Ganesh B.R | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Percived Stress in Medical Students: A Cross Sectional Study to Determine Personality Traits and Coping Strategies | February 2022 to March 2023 |
358 | Birari Yashraj Abhijit | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevelence of Tuberculosis among Transgenders and Men who have Sex with Men in Belgaum | February 2022 to March 2023 |
359 | Josna Johnson | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Oral health status Among Godhihal Tribal Population in Belagavi District A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
360 | M Sudha | Dr. Anjana Bagewadi | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Tobacco Habits Among Godhihal Tribal Population in Belagavi District A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
361 | Muskan A Ghori | Dr. C. S. Sanikop | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Vs. Lecture with Hands on Training Vs. Both Methods in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Skill Acquisition among Police Officers | February 2022 to March 2023 |
362 | Pednekar Anushree Rajendra | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Vinayak Khoparde | Iodine Nutritional Status and Cognitive Performance among School Children of Belagavi, city Karnataka, A cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
363 | Preeti Lalasangi | Ashok Kamat | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Sanitation and Hygiene Practices as Risk Factors of Diarrhea among 6-13 months Children in Belagavi, Karnatak – A Community Based Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
364 | Ravi Kumar D K | Dr. Divya Khare, Assistant Professor, Dravyaguna | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Quality of Life of Tuberculosis Patients under DOTS regime – A Cross Sectional study. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
365 | Swathi V | Dr. Kumar Vinchurkar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Associated Factors Among Cancer Patients. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
366 | Desai Hemali Subhash | Rajesh Mane | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge of EMS Technique for Provideing Basic Care and Safe Transfer of RTA Victims in Traffic Police Personal of Belagavicity A pre and Post Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
367 | Dilip Kc | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Prevention of Nosocominal Infection among Nurse of KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belagavi | February 2022 to March 2023 | |
368 | Melkey Stephen Bunyan | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Tuberculosis Patients. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
369 | Nadeem Khan Nagad | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Qality of Life Among Oral Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatement at KLE Society’s Belgaum Cancer Hospital | February 2022 to March 2023 |
370 | Persara Lyne Gatphoh | Ashok Kamat | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | assessment of Knowledge regarding Risk Factors and Warning Signs of Stroke in hypertensive patients in Balagavi A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
371 | Poonam Kholiya | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of Mental Health Status among District Court Lawyers Belagavi district A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
372 | Shrutika Munnyal | Dr. Niranjana Mahathshetty | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Suresh Badamath | Compliance of Mothers in Implementation of Kangaroo Mother CareUsing Kanga Sling and Traditionaql Cloth Wrap A Mixed Method Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
373 | Suhana Kolakar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Behavioural Risk Factor Assessment of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension among Lawyers in Belagavi A Mixed Method Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
374 | Suresh Somaly Chavan | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Respiratory Tract Infections among tribal population in Belagavi | February 2022 to March 2023 |
375 | Usha Umesh Naik | Dr. Shivswamy M.S. | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Prevalence of Hypertension and Diebetes among practicing Advocates in Belagavi District | February 2022 to March 2023 |
376 | Aakangsha Jitendra Shirgaonkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Assessment of Knowledge and Practices Health Care Workers regarding Diet and Nutritional Status of Tuberculosis Patients | February 2022 to March 2023 |
377 | Aishwarya U Patil | Mr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Impact of social media influence on eating behavior in mid and late adolescent children A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
378 | Ajmal T P | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about DASH diet among Hypertensive patients attending tertiary care Hospital in Belagavi | February 2022 to March 2023 |
379 | Damala Percys | Dr. Jayasheela Bagi | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Assessment of nutritional status and associated behaviors in children under five in RBVK creche facility/ Anganwadis: A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
380 | Jamandlamudi Yoshitha | Dr. M S Karishetti (Khanpet) | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Mrs Kashamma | Assessment of Nutritional Status in Chronic Kidney Disease Stage V (CKD) Patients on Haemodialysis using Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS) | February 2022 to March 2023 |
381 | Keerti Jadhav A | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Impact of Nutrition Education on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards exclusive breastfeeding and Complementary feeding in mothers with children 6-30 months: A pre post study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
382 | Masurkar Purva Yashwant | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Ms. Bhagyashri B M | Depressive Symptoms and Diet Quality among Female Hostelite students of Kaher, Belagavi A cross Sectional study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
383 | Patil Anushri Amar | Dr Rajesh Powar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Mrs Kashamma | Effect of Masticatory performance on nutritional status in cleft lip palate children (6-12 Years) A Comparative Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
384 | Shifas Asharaf | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Dr. Anusha K | Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude & Behaviour towards eating Disorders among Adolscents between age 15 to 18 years: A Cross Sectional Study | February 2022 to March 2023 |
385 | Snehal Majukar | Dr. Harpreet Kour | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar Ms. Bhagyashri B M | A cross sectional study to Assess the nutritional Profile of Hypertensive Patients attending OPD at Tertiary Care Centre | February 2022 to March 2023 |
386 | Vishnu M G | Dr Rajesh Powar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar Mrs Kashamma | Nutritional Status of Children between 1-6 years with CleftLip Palate and the Knowledge about Nutrition among Mothers. | February 2022 to March 2023 |
387 | Aishwarya Bhovi | Dr. Rajan Patil | Air pollution trend in KLE campus Belagavi – Time series study | February 2023 to March 2024 | |
388 | D.G.Ashish | Dr. Suhas Kumar Shetty | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge Practice and Perceptions Regarding Dislexia Among School Teachers Of Belagavi | February 2023 to March 2024 |
389 | Darshan Patil | DR. SOUMYA S. Associate Professor, Microbiology |
Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Study Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Related To Brucellosis Among Small Scale Dairy Farmers in an rural area of Belagavi, Karnataka” | February 2023 to March 2024 |
390 | Samiksha S Ingawale | Dr. Ashok Kamat | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence Of Depression And It’s Influencing Factors Among Elderly Residing In Rural Belgavi, A Cross-Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
391 | Kalmeshwar Revagoud | Dr. Aziz Arbar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Impact of child to child programme on knowledge, attitude and practices regarding health hazards of tobacco consumption among government school children of urban belagavi-a facility based interventional study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
392 | Mailarappa Hooli | Dr. Shivaswamy M.S | Quality of life among post COVID positive patient Belagavi district | February 2023 to March 2024 | |
393 | Pranjal Juvekar | Dr. Vijaya Dandannavar | Impact of health education on knowledge and attitude regarding breast and cervical cancer | February 2023 to March 2024 | |
394 | Rajashree V Hosamani | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Exploring the challenges regarding HIV and Tb co-infected children care by family members in Belagavi, Karnataka -A Qualitative Study With In – Depth Interview | February 2023 to March 2024 |
395 | Ravindra Sarwade | Dr. Rajan Patil | Assessment of knowledge and indicators of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (wash) practices from rural and urban schools of Belagavi, Karnataka | February 2023 to March 2024 | |
396 | Sayali Shashikant Patil | Dr. Sandeep Patil | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of academic stress and associated socio-demographic variables among Pu students of Belgavi city, a descriptive cross-sectional study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
397 | Sneha Lahorkar | Dr. Suhas Kumar Shetty | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Barriers for mental health help seeking among young adults (19-25 yrs) in Belagavi – a cross sectional study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
398 | Zainab I Todewale | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on tuberculosis among school teachers in Belagavi -A Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
399 | Kamble Mrinal Sudhir | Dr. Abhilasha Sampagar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Impact of health education on knowledge and attitude regarding pediatric cancer among parents of children residing in rural areas of Belagavi taluka | February 2023 to March 2024 |
400 | Priyanka Patil | Dr. Prasad M R, | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Role of yoga in reducing heart rate while undergoing CT Coronary Angiogram among adult patients a hospital based interventional study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
401 | Sherin Juditta S | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of health education on knowledge attitude practices regarding oral potentially malignant disorders on national rural employment guarantee act workers | February 2023 to March 2024 |
402 | Zadbuke Shruti Suryakant | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of quality of sleep among Tb patients registered under NTEP in Belagavi district: a community based cross sectional study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
403 | Koppula Saritha | Dr. Arathi Mahishale | Assessment of risk factors associated with gestational diabetes mellitus among women of Belagavi district -A Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 | |
404 | Nidhi Mallapur | Dr. Sandeep Sagare | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of smartphone addiction and its impact on sleep quality among undergraduate AYUSH medical students in Belagavi district Karnataka- A Facility based cross sectional study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
405 | Pushpa Honakamble | Dr. Santosh Patil | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Antibiotic resistance pattern in community Acquired Pneumonia a Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
406 | Sarika Shirole | Dr. Arati Mahishale | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Social determinants leading to cancer death among adults in Belagavi district by verbal autopsy of family members: A Community Based Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
407 | Ahilam Ameerali Sayed | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Effectiveness of bovine colostrum on stunting among children aged 9 months to 3 years in urban slum areas of belagavi: A Randomized Clinical Trial | February 2023 to March 2024 |
408 | Ammen Aksar | Dr. Ashok Patil | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Effect of Emotional Eating Behaviour on Stress Levels among Medical Students – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
409 | Anagha Prakashan K | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Impact of Nutritional Education amongMothers on Nutritional status of Children – A Randomized Control Trail | February 2023 to March 2024 |
410 | Dhere Rutuja Ajit | Dr. Jayasheela G. Bagi | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Assessment of Nutritional Status among elderly people (60 Years and above) in care centres of Belagavi City – A cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
411 | Kader Nihal | Dr. Sandeep Sagare | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Knowledge Attitude and Practice towards reading Food Labels among students studying in Medical and AYUSH Colleges in and around Belgavi -A Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
412 | Kakade Samruddhi Sandeep | Dr Rajesh Powar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Assessment of Nutritional Status in Adolescents (10-19 Years Age0 with Surgically Corrected cleft lip and palate, Belgavi A Hospital Based Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
413 | Mohammed Rifad E | Dr. Basavaraj Mothimath | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Assessment of Nutrition Knowledge and Practices Among Badminton Players in Belagavi District – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
414 | Patil Hrigveda Jaysing | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Child Nutrition Among Primary School Teachers in Belagavi City: A Cross-Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
415 | Ponugupati Prasanna | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Assessment In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in KLE Patients – A Hospital Based Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
416 | Vaishnavi S Tiwari | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Household Food Insecurity among adult Tuberculosis Patients in Belagavi Karnataka | February 2023 to March 2024 |
417 | Yugali Sawant | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Assessment of Hemoglobin status and Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Dietary iron and its consumption in adolescent girl (12-19 Years)in Belagavi – A cross Sectional Study | February 2023 to March 2024 |
418 | Bhakti Patil | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Incidence of low birth weight babies and its social determinants among pregnant women in and around Belagavi city | February 2024 to March 2025 |
419 | G.Roselin | Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Social Demographic and Clinical Profile of Women Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in a Tertiary care Hospital North Karnataka – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
420 | Kharade Hemangini Vivek | Dr. Rajendra Nerli | Dr. Ashwini Narsannavar | Risk Factors of bladder cancer among patients visiting a tertiary care hospital of North Karnataka-Case control study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
421 | Likhita Gangadhar Kalavdikar | Dr. Padmashree Kudachi | Effect of Health Education on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Breast Self Examination among Female School Teachers in Belagavi City-A Facility based Pre-Post Intervention Study | February 2024 to March 2025 | |
422 | Mahesha M B | Dr. Rajan Patil | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Prevalence of Hypertension among Rural area of Belagavi District in Elderly Population | February 2024 to March 2025 |
423 | Morajkar Vinita Sitaram | Dr. Ashok Patil | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Evaluation of effect of sleep depriving factors on psychological health among security service personnel of a Health Science University- A Cross Sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
424 | Nikhita Basavanneppa Malasamudra | Dr. Ashwini Narsannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Socio-Demographic Determinants related to Neonatal Deaths using Verbal Autopsy in Belagavi, Karnataka – A community based cross-sectional study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
425 | Pallavi V Kalas | Dr. Manasi Gosavi | Effect of Health Education on the Knowledge and Awareness of Tuberculosis among High School Students in Honaga, Belagavi – A Facility Based Pre-Post Intervention Study | February 2024 to March 2025 | |
426 | Pavan Kumbar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narsannavar | Prevalence of Anemia and it’s Association with Socio-Demographic Factors among Adult Scheduled Tribal Population of Belagavi, Karnataka | February 2024 to March 2025 |
427 | Raveena Ulhas Naik | Dr. Rajesh Kulkarni | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Behavioural Risk Factor for Non-Communicable Diseases among High School Adolescents in Belagavi City – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
428 | Sanjana Ambiger | Dr.Anita Dalal | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of Knowledge ,Attitude Regarding Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccine among Allied Health Students of JN Medical College, Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
429 | Sawant Siddhi Ashok | Dr. Basavaraj S Motimath | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Perception, Beliefs and Barriers to cervical cancer screening among urban and rural women – A qualitative study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
430 | Sukanya Ashok Katageri | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of the risk factors associated with perinatal mortality using verbal autopsy in and around Belagavi city | February 2024 to March 2025 |
431 | Puja Dhungana | Dr. Gavishiddhayya Salimath | Prevalence and Factors Associated with Burnout Syndrome among Paramedics in Belagavi District of North Karnataka -A cross-sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 | |
432 | Nikitha Paschapur | Dr. Seema Kamaraddi | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge, Attitude and Perception towards Human Milk Bank and Breast Milk Donation among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Selected Primary Health Centres in Belagavi | February 2024 to March 2025 |
433 | Akshata Garag | Dr. Ashwini Narsannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among Young Population in Scheduled Tribe of Belagavi, Karnataka India: Cross Sectional study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
434 | Mendes Marita | Dr. Nabeel Ahmed Gadi | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Knowledge, Attitude and Willingness Regarding Organ Donation Among Final Year Undergraduate Students at KAHER and Engineering Students in Belagavi – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
435 | Rafiya Raibag | Dr. Jayasheela Bagi | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Psychological Difficulties in Children Aged 6 to 36 Months: A Cross Sectional Study in Belagavi City | February 2024 to March 2025 |
436 | Triveni Laxman Kuribagi | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Using SamrtVA – Analyze to Conduct Verbal Autopsy for all Cause of Death among Adults : A Feasibilty Study. | February 2024 to March 2025 |
437 | Pooja Kolekar | Dr. Rajan Patil | Dr. Annapurna Kari | Lead exposure risk in children and its health effects by using artificial intelligence and other data analytics | February 2024 to March 2025 |
438 | Dokka Shekinah Bhaskarrao | Dr. Shantala Herlekar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessing the Effect of Transcendental Meditation with Instrumental Music on Emotional Quotient and Comparing Gender Difference in KAHER Office Workers : An Interventional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
439 | Graceleen Kynter | Dr. Arif Maldar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Evaluation of Psychological Distress and its Associated Factors among Tuberculosis Patients who Received DOTS – A Cross Sectional Study | February 2024 to March 2025 |
440 | Anushree Bhat | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | A Study to Explore the Knowledge of Planned Weaning Method among Mothers Residing in Slum Area Of Belagavi : A Mixed method approach | February 2024 to March 2025 | |
441 | Shweta Dawal | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Beliefs and practices regarding food habits during pregnancy among women in urban areas of belagam- A qualitative study | February 2024 to March 2025 | |
442 | Saherish | Dr. Harpreet Kour | A Cross-Sectional Study To Assess Nutritional Status and Health Outcomes Among Traffic Police Personnel in Belagavi District ,North Karnataka | February 2024 to March 2025 | |
Dissertation – Ongoing | |||||
1 | Aishwarya Bhovi | Dr. Rajan Patil | Air pollution trend in KLE campus Belagavi,Karnataka | ||
2 | Amitkumar Araganji | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | |||
3 | D.G.Ashish | Dr. Suhas Kumar Shetty | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Knowledge, attitude, and perception about dyslexia among teachers in Belagavi | |
4 | Darshan Patil | DR. SOUMYA S. Associate Professor, Microbiology |
Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | To assess knowledge, attitude and practice relating to brucellosis among small-scale dairy farmers in a rural area of Belagavi, Karnataka. | |
5 | Samiksha SIngawale | Dr. Ashok Kamat | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Depression and it’s Influencing Factors among Elderly in rural community of Belgavi- a cross-sectional study | |
7 | Mailarappa Hooli | Dr. Shivaswamy M.S | Quality of Life Among Post Covid-19 Positive Patients In Belagavi District : A cross sectional study | ||
8 | Pranjal Juvekar | Dr. Vijaya Dandannavar | Impact of health education on knowledge,attitude and practice regarding Breast and Cervical Cancer among Anganwadi workers of Belagavi Taluka- Pre- Post study | ||
9 | Rajashree V Hosamani | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr.Mubashir Angolkar | Exploring the challenges regarding HIV- TB co – infected children care by family members. | |
10 | Ravindra Sarwade | Dr. Rajan Patil | Assessment of indicators on drinking water sanitation and hygiene (wash) practices from rural and urban schools of belagavi | ||
11 | Sayali Shashikant Patil | Dr. Sandeep Patil | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Academic Stress and Associated Sociodemographic Variables Among Pre-University Students in Belagavi City- A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study | |
12 | Sneha Lahorkar | Dr. Suhas Kumar Shetty | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Identifying barriers to mental health help seeking among young adults (19-25years)in Belagavi district, Karnataka -A cross sectional study | |
13 | Zainab I Todewale | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on tuberculosis among school teachers in belagavi- A cross sectional study | |
14 | Kamble Mrinal Sudhir | Dr. Abhilasha Sampagar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | impact of health education on KAP regarding pediatrics cancer among parents of children residing in rural areas of Belagavi taluka | |
15 | Priyanka Patil | Dr. Prasad M R, | Dr. Nagaraj Patil | Role of yoga in reducing heart rate and anxiety before undergoing CT coronary angiography in adult patients- a hospital based interventional study | |
16 | Sherin Juditta S | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Impact of Health Education on KAP regarding OPMDs on NREGA workers | |
17 | Zadbuke Shruti Suryakant | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Assessment of quality of sleep among tuberculosis patients in Belagavi District : A cross sectional study | |
18 | Koppula Saritha | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and its associated risk factors among women of Belagavi district | ||
19 | Nidhi Mallapur | Dr. Sandeep Sagare | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | To assess the prevalence of smartphone addiction and it’s impact on sleep quality among undergraduate AYUSH system of medical students in and around Belagavi A Cross sectional study | |
20 | Pushpa Honakamble | Dr. Santosh Patil | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Antibiotic resistance pattern in community acquired Pneumonia admitted in critical care unit in tertiary care centre at KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital Belagavi- a hospital based cross sectional study. | |
21 | Sarika Shirole | Dr. Arati Mahishale | A Study to understand determinants leading to cancer deaths among adult in belgavi district through verbal autopsy | ||
22 | Ahilam Ameerali Sayed | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Effectiveness of Bovine colostrum on stunting in children aged 9 months to 3 years in slum area of Belagavi : A Randomized Clinical Trial | |
1 | Ammen Aksar | Dr. Ashok Patil | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Effect of Emotional Eating Behaviour on Stress Levels among Medical Students – A Cross Sectional Study | |
2 | Anagha Prakashan K | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Impact of Nutritional Education amongMothers on Nutritional status of Children – A Randomized Control Trail | |
3 | Dhere Rutuja Ajit | Dr. Jayasheela G. Bagi | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Assessment of Nutritional Status among elderly people (60 Years and above) in care centres of Belagavi City – A cross Sectional Study | |
4 | Kader Nihal | Dr. Sandeep Sagare | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Knowledge Attitude and Practice towards reading Food Labels among students studying in Medical and AYUSH Colleges in and around Belgavi -A Cross Sectional Study | |
5 | Kakade Samruddhi Sandeep | Dr Rajesh Powar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Assessment of Nutritional Status in Adolescents (10-19 Years Age0 with Surgically Corrected cleft lip and palate, Belgavi A Hospital Based Study | |
6 | Mohammed Rifad E | Dr. Basavaraj Mothimath | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Assessment of Nutrition Knowledge and Practices Among Badminton Players in Belagavi District – A Cross Sectional Study | |
7 | Patil Hrigveda Jaysing | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Child Nutrition Among Primary School Teachers in Belagavi City: A Cross-Sectional Study | |
8 | Patil Kshitija Pramod | Dr. Harpreet Kour | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Evaluation of Nutritional among Elderly Population of Rural Area Belgaum : A Cross Sectional Study | |
9 | Ponugupati Prasanna | Dr. Sanjeev Tonni, | Dr. Kashamma Uppin | Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Assessment In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in KLE Patients – A Hospital Based Study | |
10 | Vaishnavi S Tiwari | Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Household Food Insecurity and its Association with Nutritional Status among adultTuberculosis Patients in Belagavi Karnataka | |
11 | Yugali Sawant | Dr. Mubashir Angolkar | Dr. Anusha Kulkarni | Assessment of Hemoglobin status and Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Dietary iron and its consumption in adolescent girl (12-19 Years)in Belagavi – A cross Sectional Study |